because humans want to have an excuse for doing the wrong.... they want someone who has the fault...
There is no need for logical explanations that millions more are tortured and murdered in the name of a monotheistic god than in the name of Satan or that most crimes said to be satanics never take place or where in the end done by believers of monotheistic faith....
If you are a shaphard you need sheep, But Sheep only follow you when there is something they are feared of... And who has the fault for all bad things in the same moment That something for monotheistic paths is Satan and anyone else who disturb the relationship between the Shephard and his sheep, if they come to near, that can be everyone who has another faith, another religion, who looks not like "Normal sheep", Who has the bad manner to think themselve...
It has nothing to do with Satan or Lucifer or ...., how ever you want to name the counterpart. The shepard needs the wolf or bear or something else to fear and as whipping boy (? Is that the right term? German Sündenbock) for all bad...