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Why is there anything at all?


Well-Known Member
It is accepted that Jesus existed, but the different conflicting beliefs about Jesus are a problem because of scripture without provenance , it would be the Pentateuch that is largely based on mythology and is the foundation of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Why do you only see problems, where others might see creative imagination, insight and wisdom?


Premium Member
Why do you only see problems, where others might see creative imagination, insight and wisdom?
Your ignoring the elephants in the room. What you have presented so far lacks imagination, insight and wisdom. It is the Conservative Christian worldview of an ancient tribal agenda,

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

What makes Christ real comes down logically to one thing, to me. If John the Baptist is Elijah in spirit and power, perhaps not flesh? and I think looking back we forgot all about St. John the Baptist. Born incorruptible and immortal like His cousin, Jesus, he remains in Heaven, glorified in the flesh and spirit immortal and incorruptible from birth not able to die and resurrect glorified and transfigured from the Powers of Baptism. So John only remains immortal and incorruptible and the least of those in the Kingdom of Heaven, because of all others were Baptized to become again, glorified transfiguration from immortal and incorruptibility from the Powers of death to life resurrected glorified and transfigured through the Powers of death of the flesh to life in the Baptism of John through the death and resurection from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being to become again. No one Baptized John to become again glorified and transfigured, so he remains in Heaven only as immortal and incorruptible, in logic.

Thanks for reading and also i am searching further as why John is said to be least in Heaven and also for verification, thanks.

Paece always,
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Well-Known Member
Your ignoring the elephants in the room. What you have presented so far lacks imagination, insight and wisdom. It is the Conservative Christian worldview of an ancient tribal agenda,

There you go again displaying your own tribal prejudices, and undisclosed religious agenda.

You dismiss all of Christianity (and Judaism and Islam)’s rich and diverse cultural, philosophical and theological heritage, because it doesn’t suit your agenda to go beyond the most superficial interpretation of scripture you refuse to even try to understand.
All you have done is confirm the fact that the ancient mythology of Creation in Genesis is unbelievably in conflict the very basic knowledge of science,
I gave you a chance to publish your formula demonstrating your scientific disproof of the a couple
representative statements. I didn't see it yet.

Unbelievably false.
Still looking for your proof God outside of time and space is not its origin.
Still looking for your science that a seer could not observe a prophetic vision of
God intilligently ordering our environment with purpose from existing material in six days.

Maybe you'll prove that cannot be the case?
Terrible intentional ignorance of basic high school science.
Nothing about quarks, mesons, anti-quarks, and subatomic particles was I tought in highschool.
This is all stuff I read (with fascination) long after high school.
My major in colleage was computer science. And that was enough to demonstrate that certain
program like procedures simply don't develop accidently with no intelligent forethought, look-ahead ability, and planning.
Even worse intentional ignorance of science clinging to ancient mythology without provenance.
No formula yet so far. Did you observe the unverse come about? Can you repeat it in a experiement?
Let's hear from some scientists. No need to remind me that some of these were no evangelical Christians or did not believe in a "personal" God.

Astronomer Robert Jastrow former director of Gaddard Center for Space Flight

“Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact.

At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.

Physicist Albert Einstien - "I want to know how God created this world . . . I want to know His thoughts."

"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit

is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."

Geneticist Francis Collins - "The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome. God can be found in the cathedral of the laboratory."

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku - "I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won't make sense anymore. To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules which were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance."

Chemist / microbioligist Louis Pasteur - "Little science takes you away from God but more of it takes you to Him"
"The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator."

Theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner Werner Heisenberg -
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."

Chemist and Nobel prize winner Derek Harold Richard Barton -
"God is Truth. There is no incompatibility between science and religion. Both are seeking the same truth. Science shows that God exists."

I basically agree with these statments. I don't think they were held back by high school level
science education.
Not impossible to believe, but given the inconsistent conflicts in ancient religions there is no objective way to determine if any one is true
How many schools of interpretation are there to Quantum Mechanics?
I think there are about seven or more I bet. You probably don't dismiss the whole
concept of Quantum physics because of different conflicting schools.

Let's see. There is Darwinism and there is NeoDarwinism and there is Punctuated Equillibrium and
other theories of evolution. I bet you don't throw up your hands and throw the whole theory out
because of conflicting opinions - which one is true ??
This, of course, is what you believe, but there is no objective way to justify these conflicting ancient beliefs

I do believe God is trying to communicate to us. And I do believe He did so so that maximum number of
people in all eras of history could grasp the basics.
I believe that the most important things about life God has made accessible to the most minds.

I mean if only Phd.s in chemistry were allowed to breath most of us would suffocate.
If water was only available to those with a doctorate in chemistry the rest of us would die of thirst
being unqualified and not sufficiently educated.

I do not mistake simplicity of the creation account for naivete you see?
It is also obvious to me that the writer of Exodus and Leviticus (as well as Genesis) was
very intelligent. And the description of the tabernacle measurements with all its furnishings and utensils
priestly services could have probably described a modern computer operating system.

I don't share your skepticism. I think God is wisely trying to communicate with people of all levels and of all eras of human history.
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Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

This quote attributed to Albert Einstein expresses his deep belief that by studying the laws of the universe through science, one can essentially "understand God's thoughts," implying that the intricate order and beauty of the cosmos reflect a higher intelligence beyond human comprehension, inspiring a sense of awe and humility in the face of such vastness. Search Labs | AI Overview

To me in logic, some understand the spirit as perhaps a power or a force, but truly, in logic and rationale and through the Faith of Abraham the Spirit is a Person in being and is the Advocate, and is left behind from the cross when He said, "It is Finished" by The Christ from the cross. We can see in logic and faith, The Holy Spirit Person in being shared from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of all mankind becoming transformed immortal and incorruptible and united in all mankind as one in being together through the Son and in all mankind becoming again glorified and transfigured through the delivered the intelligence of the Creator God to all for The Father.

Peace always,
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Premium Member
I gave you a chance to publish your formula demonstrating your scientific disproof of the a couple
representative statements. I didn't see it yet.
There is no formula there is hundreds of years of research and discoveries of many scientists, 95%of all scientists today and every major academic university of the world supports the sciences of evolution
Still looking for your proof God outside of time and space is not its origin.
There is no such thing as proof for the existence or nonexistence anywhere.
Still looking for your science that a seer could not observe a prophetic vision of
God intilligently ordering our environment with purpose from existing material in six days.
There is no such thing as mythical Creation of existing material in six days.
Maybe you'll prove that cannot be the case?
More classic lack of understanding of science and logic. Science does not prove anything. Locally you cannot prove the negtive.
Nothing about quarks, mesons, anti-quarks, and subatomic particles was I tought in highschool.
This is all stuff I read (with fascination) long after high school.
My major in colleage was computer science. And that was enough to demonstrate that certain
program like procedures simply don't develop accidently with no intelligent forethought, look-ahead ability, and planning.
Science does not consider anything in Nature accidental. All ranges of possible outcomes of cause and effect outcomes occur as a result of Natural Laws.

Computer Science is not science.
No formula yet so far. Did you observe the unverse come about? Can you repeat it in a experiement?
Let's hear from some scientists. No need to remind me that some of these were no evangelical Christians or did not believe in a "personal" God.
Rambling meaningless nonsense.
Astronomer Robert Jastrow former director of Gaddard Center for Space Flight

“Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover. That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact.

At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation. For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.

Physicist Albert Einstien - "I want to know how God created this world . . . I want to know His thoughts."
Misrepresenting Einstein. He did not support any form of Biblical Creation. He is a scientist that support a universe billions of years old.

Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein


Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein - Wikipedia
Albert Einstein stated "I believe in Spinoza's God". [2] He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.
Religious beliefs · ‎Personal God · ‎Pantheism and Spinoza's God · ‎Cosmic spirituality
"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit
is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."

Geneticist Francis Collins - "The God of the Bible is also the God of the genome. God can be found in the cathedral of the laboratory."
Does believe in God, but does not support the Genesis Creation scenario.
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku - "I have concluded that we are in a world made by rules created by an intelligence. Believe me, everything that we call chance today won't make sense anymore. To me it is clear that we exist in a plan which is governed by rules which were created, shaped by a universal intelligence and not by chance."
Does believe in God, but does not support the Genesis Creation scenario.
Chemist / microbioligist Louis Pasteur - "Little science takes you away from God but more of it takes you to Him"
"The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator."
Old and moldy. Does not represent today's science.
Theoretical physicist and Nobel prize winner Werner Heisenberg -
"The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you."

Chemist and Nobel prize winner Derek Harold Richard Barton -
"God is Truth. There is no incompatibility between science and religion. Both are seeking the same truth. Science shows that God exists."
Does believe in God, but does not support the Genesis Creation scenario.
I believe in God, but like 95%+ of all the scientists of the world we do not accept the Genesis Creation account.
I basically agree with these statments. I don't think they were held back by high school level
science education.
No, but you misrepresented most of the scientists above and by far most DO NOT the Genesis account of Creation nor Noah's Flood.

Nearly all scientists (97%) say humans and other living things have evolved over time – 87% say evolution is due to natural processes, such as natural selection. The dominant position among scientists – that living things have evolved due to natural processes
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Premium Member
Physicist Albert Einstien - "I want to know how God created this world . . . I want to know His thoughts."
"Everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit
is manifest in the laws of the Universe - a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble."

Many Christians lie about the beliefs of Albert Einstein.

Religious and philosophical views of Albert Einstein​


Albert Einstein stated "I believe in Spinoza's God". [2] He did not believe in a personal God who concerns himself with fates and actions of human beings.
Religious beliefs · ‎Personal God · ‎Pantheism and Spinoza's God · ‎Cosmic spirituality.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Following the discovery by Edwin Hubble of a linear relation between the redshifts of the galaxies and their distance in 1929,[4] Einstein abandoned his static model of the universe and proposed expanding models such as the Friedmann–Einstein universe and the Einstein–de Sitter universe. In both cases, he set the cosmological constant to zero, declaring it "no longer necessary ... and theoretically unsatisfactory". Wikipedia Oct, 2024

"What do you mean by -0- entropy?", to me means logically and rationally and faithfully:
Thanks for the question and I make be speaking out of turn and apologies to all if the question was for another one to answer, but this is what I may see, thanks in advance to all.

Peace to all,

We know the best part about us all is in Christ so to present the best part of us we promote the Chist in us and all mankind, in logic and reationale and through faith.

To me in logic and faith, understanding eternity is where all scientists and all the finite disciplines continue to throw in the towel, saying, rationally and logically, "I do not see how How He does it".

To me, In logic and through faith, 121. God, by an Eternal Resolve of His Will, predestines certain men, on account of their foreseen sins, to eternal rejection. 122. The Human Will remains free under the influence of efficacious grace, which is not irresistible. 123. There is a grace which is truly sufficient and yet remains inefficacious (gratia vere et mere sufficiens).

In logic to me and rationale, and faithfully, is the answer to "Why is there anything at all"? To me in logic and rationale, the mind of God becomes from the freedom of choice from the Power of the Holy Spirit being through Creation for all what "We become as first transformed from created through immortality and incorruptibility in the Christ for all mankind. 78. The human and the divine activities predicated of Christ in Holy Writ and in the Fathers may not be divided between two persons or hypostases, the Man-Christ and the God-Logos, but must be attributed to the one Christ, the Logos become Flesh. It is the Divine Logos, who suffered in the flesh, was crucified, died, and rose again from created mortal and corrupt for the second becoming again from the glorified Power of the Holy Spirit Person's Intelligence Manifestation from through and for Creation and Transfiguration becoming the image of The Creator God for The Father, logically and rationally and through The Faith of Abraham.

In logic to me, and rationale, faithfully 131. Without special Divine Revelation no one can know with the certainty of faith, if he be in the state of grace. 98. The time of Jesus’ second coming is unknown to men. 99. The bodies of the just will be re-modeled and transfigured to the pattern of the risen Christ. 101. 116. For the performance of a morally good action Sanctifying Grace is not required. 117. In the state of fallen nature it is morally impossible for man without Supernatural Revelation, to know easily, with absolute certainty and without admixture of error, all religious and moral truths of the natural order.

To me by definition and finite understanding and in logic and faith, Entropy applies universally to inanimate objects, meaning that left alone, all physical systems naturally tend to move towards a state of greater disorder or randomness, regardless of whether they are living or non-living, always increasing in entropy over time. "Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated system left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time. As a result, isolated systems evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium, where the entropy is highest. A consequence of the second law of thermodynamics is that certain processes are irreversible." Wikipedia, 2024. Logically we can see, through the second laws, time and change will be fulfilled and static in unchanging yet remain dynamic through in logic and faith by the Power of the Holy Spirit Person through Filfilled Love eternal.

To me in logic and faith, understanding eternity is where all scientists and all the finite disciplines continue to throw in the towel, saying, rationally and logically, "I do not see how How He does it."

To me in logic and rationale, the Becoming "Not Left alone" is The Fulfillment of Creation, fulfilling time becoming the end of Church Time in future, sometime after, AD Anno Domini (Latin for the beginning of Church time) on earth and the manifested Power of the Holy Spirit will become in union for all being shared as one to fulfill the Creation World Order of the Universe becoming dynamically Fulfilled through His Eternal passion, and static in unfailing forever with no more chance to fail and remain with only Love, in His Most Love eternally, in logic, rationale and faith.

In logic and faith, the more we learn and understand the finite disciplines of Earth, the more Creation Order becomes unable to be comprehended in the finite minds of men. And using only the discipline of Logic we can become to know the fulfilled order of the world today and how fulfilled World Order will apply to eternity fulfilled Creation. To me on logic, only in the becoming of the union of all mankind as one in being logically and faithfully can we become to mental joy and mental love and have the eternally fulfilled Love of His Creation through His Passion, in logic and through the Faith of Abraham and rationally. We become well for all, shared as one, together.

In rational logic and through faith, God exist as three separate persons in being and equal in power, and together as one God in being to deliver created life, from the Father transformed life from the Son and transfigured life from the Holy Spirit becoming the image of the One God in being for The Father, life eternal.

In logic what becomes of the New Universe is at the end of Church Time, AD Anno Domini, creation Order will be fulfilled and the chance for failure will not be a part of Creation to fail. In logic and through rationality, fulfilled creation Will not have the chance to become back to the failed state and becoming irreversable in the logic and ratonale and faithfully.

To me in logic and reationale, Time will become fulfilled as static, and unchanging and not able to regress of forward to a failed condition yet the dynamics of Eternal Fulfilled Creation Universal Order Fulfilled Love will remain dynamic.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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Premium Member
There you go again displaying your own tribal prejudices, and undisclosed religious agenda.

You dismiss all of Christianity (and Judaism and Islam)’s rich and diverse cultural, philosophical and theological heritage, because it doesn’t suit your agenda to go beyond the most superficial interpretation of scripture you refuse to even try to understand.
'Here you go again?!?!?!' ignores the bias of your own beliefs concerning our dialogue This was not a meaningful rant based on my posts concerning the ancient religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. They are our ancient traditions of the past and I accept rich and diverse cultural, philosophical and theological heritage,, but for the contemporary world they are dangerous to humanity waging violent tribal wars, and involved with ethnic and religious cleansing based an ancient standards of the Pentateuch; My religion the Baha'i Faith experiences wide spread persecution and religious cleansing in Islamic countries It is a fact that Judaism, Christianity and Islam DO NOT accept the rich and diverse cultural, philosophical and theological heritage of the other religions including atheism. In fact being an atheist or Baha'i in many Islamic countries is punishable be death.

Science is uniform worldwide in all major academic institutions, and not divided into tribes,

By far most Muslims and half or more Christians reject the sciences of evolution, and have a biased false perspective of history based on ancient Pentateuch beliefs' It is a fortunate trend in Reform Judaism there is a dominant acceptance of the sciences of evolution, and academic history.

Current trends among Christians in this country represent very dangerous beliefs in creating a dominant Christian Theocracy, and most definitely DO NOT accept the rich and diverse cultural, philosophical and theological heritage of other religions.,
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Premium Member
Apparently. But then how and why was the universe born with -0- entropy, or near perfect order?
Classic ignorance of Physics, Quantum Mechanics and contemporary Cosmology, A little information misused can perpetuate ignorance. It is best to get a more real perspective of theoretical considerations of entropy when applied to what we observe concerning the origins of our universe.

Science DOES NOT consider the universe born with -0- entropy.

The following summary may help: zero entropy theory origin of the universe explained - Google Search

The "zero entropy theory" in the context of the universe's origin suggests that at the very beginning of the Big Bang, the universe had extremely low entropy, meaning a highly ordered state, which is why it could expand and form complex structures like stars and galaxies; this low entropy state is a key aspect of the Big Bang model, as the universe has been steadily increasing in entropy ever since its inception, moving towards a state of maximum disorder (the "heat death" of the universe) as it expands and cools down.

Key points about the zero entropy theory and the Big Bang:

  • Low entropy at the beginning:
    Unlike everyday experiences where disorder tends to increase, the early universe is theorized to have started with a very low entropy state, meaning all particles were extremely evenly distributed and organized.

  • The "why" question:
    A major unanswered question in cosmology is why the universe began in such a low entropy state, as the laws of thermodynamics typically dictate that entropy should always increase.

  • Explanation of the arrow of time:
    This low initial entropy is what allows us to perceive a direction of time, as processes naturally move towards higher entropy states.

  • Gradual increase in entropy:
    As the universe expands and structures form like galaxies and stars, the overall entropy gradually increases due to processes like star death and energy dissipation.
Possible explanations for the low initial entropy:

  • Quantum fluctuations:
    Some theories suggest that quantum fluctuations in the very early universe could have produced the initial low entropy state.
    Inflationary epoch:
    The inflationary period in the early universe could have smoothed out any initial irregularities, resulting in a low entropy state.

    More references may follow. . . .

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Premium Member
Following the discovery by Edwin Hubble of a linear relation between the redshifts of the galaxies and their distance in 1929,[4] Einstein abandoned his static model of the universe and proposed expanding models such as the Friedmann–Einstein universe and the Einstein–de Sitter universe. In both cases, he set the cosmological constant to zero, declaring it "no longer necessary ... and theoretically unsatisfactory". Wikipedia Oct, 2024

"What do you mean by -0- entropy?", to me means logically and rationally and faithfully:
Thanks for the question and I make be speaking out of turn and apologies to all if the question was for another one to answer, but this is what I may see, thanks in advance to all.

Peace to all,

We know the best part about us all is in Christ so to present the best part of us we promote the Chist in us and all mankind, in logic and reationale and through faith.

To me in logic and faith, understanding eternity is where all scientists and all the finite disciplines continue to throw in the towel, saying, rationally and logically, "I do not see how How He does it".

To me, In logic and through faith, 121. God, by an Eternal Resolve of His Will, predestines certain men, on account of their foreseen sins, to eternal rejection. 122. The Human Will remains free under the influence of efficacious grace, which is not irresistible. 123. There is a grace which is truly sufficient and yet remains inefficacious (gratia vere et mere sufficiens).

In logic to me and rationale, and faithfully, is the answer to "Why is there anything at all"? To me in logic and rationale, the mind of God becomes from the freedom of choice from the Power of the Holy Spirit being through Creation for all what "We become as first transformed from created through immortality and incorruptibility in the Christ for all mankind. 78. The human and the divine activities predicated of Christ in Holy Writ and in the Fathers may not be divided between two persons or hypostases, the Man-Christ and the God-Logos, but must be attributed to the one Christ, the Logos become Flesh. It is the Divine Logos, who suffered in the flesh, was crucified, died, and rose again from created mortal and corrupt for the second becoming again from the glorified Power of the Holy Spirit Person's Intelligence Manifestation from through and for Creation and Transfiguration becoming the image of The Creator God for The Father, logically and rationally and through The Faith of Abraham.

In logic to me, and rationale, faithfully 131. Without special Divine Revelation no one can know with the certainty of faith, if he be in the state of grace. 98. The time of Jesus’ second coming is unknown to men. 99. The bodies of the just will be re-modeled and transfigured to the pattern of the risen Christ. 101. 116. For the performance of a morally good action Sanctifying Grace is not required. 117. In the state of fallen nature it is morally impossible for man without Supernatural Revelation, to know easily, with absolute certainty and without admixture of error, all religious and moral truths of the natural order.

To me by definition and finite understanding and in logic and faith, Entropy applies universally to inanimate objects, meaning that left alone, all physical systems naturally tend to move towards a state of greater disorder or randomness, regardless of whether they are living or non-living, always increasing in entropy over time. "Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of an isolated system left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time. As a result, isolated systems evolve toward thermodynamic equilibrium, where the entropy is highest. A consequence of the second law of thermodynamics is that certain processes are irreversible." Wikipedia, 2024. Logically we can see, through the second laws, time and change will be fulfilled and static in unchanging yet remain dynamic through in logic and faith by the Power of the Holy Spirit Person through Filfilled Love eternal.

To me in logic and faith, understanding eternity is where all scientists and all the finite disciplines continue to throw in the towel, saying, rationally and logically, "I do not see how How He does it."

To me in logic and rationale, the Becoming "Not Left alone" is The Fulfillment of Creation, fulfilling time becoming the end of Church Time in future, sometime after, AD Anno Domini (Latin for the beginning of Church time) on earth and the manifested Power of the Holy Spirit will become in union for all being shared as one to fulfill the Creation World Order of the Universe becoming dynamically Fulfilled through His Eternal passion, and static in unfailing forever with no more chance to fail and remain with only Love, in His Most Love eternally, in logic, rationale and faith.

In logic and faith, the more we learn and understand the finite disciplines of Earth, the more Creation Order becomes unable to be comprehended in the finite minds of men. And using only the discipline of Logic we can become to know the fulfilled order of the world today and how fulfilled World Order will apply to eternity fulfilled Creation. To me on logic, only in the becoming of the union of all mankind as one in being logically and faithfully can we become to mental joy and mental love and have the eternally fulfilled Love of His Creation through His Passion, in logic and through the Faith of Abraham and rationally. We become well for all, shared as one, together.

In rational logic and through faith, God exist as three separate persons in being and equal in power, and together as one God in being to deliver created life, from the Father transformed life from the Son and transfigured life from the Holy Spirit becoming the image of the One God in being for The Father, life eternal.

In logic what becomes of the New Universe is at the end of Church Time, AD Anno Domini, creation Order will be fulfilled and the chance for failure will not be a part of Creation to fail. In logic and through rationality, fulfilled creation Will not have the chance to become back to the failed state and becoming irreversable in the logic and ratonale and faithfully.

To me in logic and reationale, Time will become fulfilled as static, and unchanging and not able to regress of forward to a failed condition yet the dynamics of Eternal Fulfilled Creation Universal Order Fulfilled Love will remain dynamic.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
See post #113 for a more rational real explanation of the current scientific view of the theoretical consideration of entropy without the selective biased misleading references and the rambling religious fluff and muff.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

To me in logic finite disciplines cannot understand the Old Creation Order and the same way cannot understand the New World Order.

The universe was created before the angels fall which created choice and fallibility existed in the spirit. The spirits required flesh for atonement, and the word became flesh to fulfill failed creation.

Peace always,
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Well-Known Member
Classic ignorance of Physics, Quantum Mechanics and contemporary Cosmology, A little information misused can perpetuate ignorance. It is best to get a more real perspective of theoretical considerations of entropy when applied to what we observe concerning the origins of our universe.

Science DOES NOT consider the universe born with -0- entropy.

The following summary may help: zero entropy theory origin of the universe explained - Google Search

The "zero entropy theory" in the context of the universe's origin suggests that at the very beginning of the Big Bang, the universe had extremely low entropy, meaning a highly ordered state, which is why it could expand and form complex structures like stars and galaxies; this low entropy state is a key aspect of the Big Bang model, as the universe has been steadily increasing in entropy ever since its inception, moving towards a state of maximum disorder (the "heat death" of the universe) as it expands and cools down.

Key points about the zero entropy theory and the Big Bang:

  • Low entropy at the beginning:
    Unlike everyday experiences where disorder tends to increase, the early universe is theorized to have started with a very low entropy state, meaning all particles were extremely evenly distributed and organized.

  • The "why" question:
    A major unanswered question in cosmology is why the universe began in such a low entropy state, as the laws of thermodynamics typically dictate that entropy should always increase.

  • Explanation of the arrow of time:
    This low initial entropy is what allows us to perceive a direction of time, as processes naturally move towards higher entropy states.

  • Gradual increase in entropy:
    As the universe expands and structures form like galaxies and stars, the overall entropy gradually increases due to processes like star death and energy dissipation.
Possible explanations for the low initial entropy:

  • Quantum fluctuations:
    Some theories suggest that quantum fluctuations in the very early universe could have produced the initial low entropy state.
    Inflationary epoch:
    The inflationary period in the early universe could have smoothed out any initial irregularities, resulting in a low entropy state.

    More references may follow. . . .
My theory starts before the BB, and can explain the near 0 Entropy state; singularity.

We live in space-time, where space and time are tethered like two people in a three legged race. Photons, for example, have wavelength and frequency, tethered, which are tethered aspects of wavelength/space-time/frequency. This places a limit called the speed of light.

Picture if space-time, lost its tether and became independent space and independent time. Like the three legged race, if you remove the tether, the limitations due to the tether disappear, and many more options become possible. If you could move in space, apart from time, you could omnipresent. We cannot be omnipresent in space-time, since space and time are connected and this three legged race is limited by the speed of light. But untethered, the two athletes have many more options. In this case only one athlete runs the race. Separated space and time is a far more complex state, with theoretically, infinite entropy, if we include brief tethers; virtual particles.

Entropy is not energy, allowing entropy to exist even without energy. Independent space and time would be more like wavelength without frequency and frequency without wavelength, but not tethered. Entropy times temperature, is energy, so if it was absolute zero and no energy in the universe, entropy can still exist within separated space and time. Entropy is a state variable meaning any given state of matter has given amount of entropy; constant. Entropy is like a finger print or average memory of each state.

To form a universe from nothing; zero energy and zero matter, and just the entropy, within independent space and time, all we need to do is strongly tether some of independent space and with some of the independent time to form space-time. This will cause a zone of very low entropy with diminished capacity; three legged race begins. While the decrease of entropy, within independent space and time, will release energy, if we have any temperature. Since temperature is connected to kinetic energy, if the forming tethered; singularity, moved at all; Boom! with all that energy appearing.

Logically, you do not want to go to zero entropy, but rather have the singularity, needed for space-time, having a small amount of entropy so there some uncertainty/complexity implicit of movement/vibration in space-time, instead of dead stopped. This gets the energy out.

With space-time a subset of independent space and time and immersed within it, independent space and time, is the source of the 2nd law exerting on space-time. Like a sugar cube in warm water, space-time dissolves and increase complexity as it dissolves. If independent space and time also contained entropy states, then space-time, via the 2nd law would have universal goals and milestones, since time is different in independent space and time; it is not limited to a time line like space-time.

This analysis also applies to human consciousness. We can think both physical facts and imaginary ideas. Even though we live in space-time and are composed of matter within space-time, consciousness via imagination a fiction, partially exists in a state similarly to independent space and time; untethered. This is due to being immersed and consciousness becoming more than the limits of space-time. We can add to space-time, innovation, that would not appear by natural means; iPhone. In the case of the universe; universal consciousness also can add to the natural goals of entropy; life.

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

In logic we throw in the towel on finite disciplines and become to understand the intelligence of creation becoming the mind of God in humans.

Peace always,

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Ok, I think I have this together now, people, ready? Ok.

To me in logic, What manifests is the intelligence from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being from created to transformed to again transfigured, I think.

Peace always,