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Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?


Well-Known Member
Everyone here is trying to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones.

Everyone shares their thoughts and their beliefs.

they impose their thought into others while embracing their own beliefs.

What is right and what is wrong.

Is there a God or two or three? To which God we belong?

At some point its getting confusing.

Anyway my point is, lots of thoughts, lots of ideas, lots of religions, lots of beliefs ,it feels like its diverting our attention from the one reality . We want to see something but our attention is heading toward something else. We want to believe in something but some people are saying it's good and some people are saying it's bad. You get confuse along the way and in the end of the road you lose your way. It's just getting too confusing.

There is no "a one policy" or one "goal" to target and to focus on but lots of things going on and on every where it feels like a mess .

I mean why we enter a forum to debate and compare? To end up with one- the best conclusion right? But instead I'm getting more confused why?

For example, some asks who is God. The answer suppose to be one simple answer, but NO, every answer is different than the other. It's not suppose to be like this. Where is the conclusion? Where is the answer? No one can find an answer.

There is a God but if we just put our ideas and our thoughts from every religion, from ever region, from every single human being mind, the outcome will be a mess.

There is a God but God have some specific features we can't just add and subtract as we wish, can we?.

At the end, we change our religions from one to another like changing our outfit to the one that suits us and fit our mentality and our thinking, how come?

Why parents are strict? Because there are lines between right and wrong, we can't just change the "right" to be" wrong" and change the "wrong" to be" right". There must be some rules some borders and some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. There are some things we need to know and some things we need not to know.

Again what I'm saying that there is something wrong when everyone conflict about the right religion, thoughts, beliefs . it's just a mess, there must be a one right answer, it can't be that every religion in this world is right.

There are lots of possibilities of religions that is right, but there is one answer, one truth. At the end, only the religion that answered right will pass and the rest will fail, because there is only one answer is right and there is a defiantly an end to everything like the end of every human's life.

If you put your own ideas and your own thoughts it doesn’t make it the "TRUTH". We have to think that is why we have a brain, we can't just read and believe every line we go through. Because not everything is the truth only one truth is there.

So no more new thoughts or new stuff added to the list we had lots and it is confusing as it is. We want to focus and to see the straight line to the " good end".

Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?

Need a Simple answer??? Be who you must. It's a part of the plan.

Stop worrying about what everyone else wants you to be. Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way.

Ok. Let's start at the beginning. There are facts and there are beliefs, When one does not have all the facts, one creates beliefs to patch the gap. If beliefs did not exist, we would lock up just like my old computer.

Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. As it is clear to you, they do not really understand God or they would not value Beliefs and Faith so much. Further, for so many, it is human nature that everybody wants to rule the world. So many fight to shape others to their will.

So you ask. Why are there so many views? God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Larger view means more information. Lots of people have pieces of the real truth, however I have yet to discover any religion that really understands God.

So what is one to do? Personally, I like to stick with facts. Beliefs only point me in a direction by which I search for truth. In this time based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. I have spent years studying that which no one can alter which are God's actions. It is a journey anyone can choose for themselves if they really wish to discover the real truth. The best part is that it doesn't matter whether one chooses to do so or not. There are no threats , punishments ,just free choices so choose in life whatever you want. Be Free!!

Finally, I just have to say. When one truly starts to understand God then looks around at this world, it is not a mess. It is a MASTERPIECE!!!

So Relax, it will all be OK!


Everyone here is trying to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones.

Again what I'm saying that there is something wrong when everyone conflict about the right religion, thoughts, beliefs . it's just a mess, there must be a one right answer, it can't be that every religion in this world is right.

There are lots of possibilities of religions that is right, but there is one answer, one truth. At the end, only the religion that answered right will pass and the rest will fail, because there is only one answer is right and there is a defiantly an end to everything like the end of every human's life.

If you put your own ideas and your own thoughts it doesn’t make it the "TRUTH". We have to think that is why we have a brain, we can't just read and believe every line we go through. Because not everything is the truth only one truth is there.

So no more new thoughts or new stuff added to the list we had lots and it is confusing as it is. We want to focus and to see the straight line to the " good end".

Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?

It is also possible that every religion in the world is wrong.

There may be no God.

Or if there is one, or more, he/she/they may not have a religion.



Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Everyone here is trying to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones.

Everyone shares their thoughts and their beliefs.

they impose their thought into others while embracing their own beliefs.

What is right and what is wrong.

Is there a God or two or three? To which God we belong?

At some point its getting confusing.

Anyway my point is, lots of thoughts, lots of ideas, lots of religions, lots of beliefs ,it feels like its diverting our attention from the one reality . We want to see something but our attention is heading toward something else. We want to believe in something but some people are saying it's good and some people are saying it's bad. You get confuse along the way and in the end of the road you lose your way. It's just getting too confusing.

There is no "a one policy" or one "goal" to target and to focus on but lots of things going on and on every where it feels like a mess .

I mean why we enter a forum to debate and compare? To end up with one- the best conclusion right? But instead I'm getting more confused why?

For example, some asks who is God. The answer suppose to be one simple answer, but NO, every answer is different than the other. It's not suppose to be like this. Where is the conclusion? Where is the answer? No one can find an answer.

There is a God but if we just put our ideas and our thoughts from every religion, from ever region, from every single human being mind, the outcome will be a mess.

There is a God but God have some specific features we can't just add and subtract as we wish, can we?.

At the end, we change our religions from one to another like changing our outfit to the one that suits us and fit our mentality and our thinking, how come?

Why parents are strict? Because there are lines between right and wrong, we can't just change the "right" to be" wrong" and change the "wrong" to be" right". There must be some rules some borders and some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. There are some things we need to know and some things we need not to know.

Again what I'm saying that there is something wrong when everyone conflict about the right religion, thoughts, beliefs . it's just a mess, there must be a one right answer, it can't be that every religion in this world is right.

There are lots of possibilities of religions that is right, but there is one answer, one truth. At the end, only the religion that answered right will pass and the rest will fail, because there is only one answer is right and there is a defiantly an end to everything like the end of every human's life.

If you put your own ideas and your own thoughts it doesn’t make it the "TRUTH". We have to think that is why we have a brain, we can't just read and believe every line we go through. Because not everything is the truth only one truth is there.

So no more new thoughts or new stuff added to the list we had lots and it is confusing as it is. We want to focus and to see the straight line to the " good end".

Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?

You know, this confusion is the result of meddling, as mentioned in a Holy Book -- please read Revelation 12:9, also 1 John 5:19. This is the reason why!

It's been this way, almost since the start of humanity.....but it will end! -- 1 Corinthians 15:24-28


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
Everyone here is trying to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones.

Everyone shares their thoughts and their beliefs.

they impose their thought into others while embracing their own beliefs.

What is right and what is wrong.

Is there a God or two or three? To which God we belong?

At some point its getting confusing.

Anyway my point is, lots of thoughts, lots of ideas, lots of religions, lots of beliefs ,it feels like its diverting our attention from the one reality . We want to see something but our attention is heading toward something else. We want to believe in something but some people are saying it's good and some people are saying it's bad. You get confuse along the way and in the end of the road you lose your way. It's just getting too confusing.

There is no "a one policy" or one "goal" to target and to focus on but lots of things going on and on every where it feels like a mess .

I mean why we enter a forum to debate and compare? To end up with one- the best conclusion right? But instead I'm getting more confused why?

For example, some asks who is God. The answer suppose to be one simple answer, but NO, every answer is different than the other. It's not suppose to be like this. Where is the conclusion? Where is the answer? No one can find an answer.

There is a God but if we just put our ideas and our thoughts from every religion, from ever region, from every single human being mind, the outcome will be a mess.

There is a God but God have some specific features we can't just add and subtract as we wish, can we?.

At the end, we change our religions from one to another like changing our outfit to the one that suits us and fit our mentality and our thinking, how come?

Why parents are strict? Because there are lines between right and wrong, we can't just change the "right" to be" wrong" and change the "wrong" to be" right". There must be some rules some borders and some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. There are some things we need to know and some things we need not to know.

Again what I'm saying that there is something wrong when everyone conflict about the right religion, thoughts, beliefs . it's just a mess, there must be a one right answer, it can't be that every religion in this world is right.

There are lots of possibilities of religions that is right, but there is one answer, one truth. At the end, only the religion that answered right will pass and the rest will fail, because there is only one answer is right and there is a defiantly an end to everything like the end of every human's life.

If you put your own ideas and your own thoughts it doesn’t make it the "TRUTH". We have to think that is why we have a brain, we can't just read and believe every line we go through. Because not everything is the truth only one truth is there.

So no more new thoughts or new stuff added to the list we had lots and it is confusing as it is. We want to focus and to see the straight line to the " good end".

Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?

Hey, it's me again. You ask excellent questions! Maybe the answer lies, not so much in what a reigion teaches, and what its members believe (although that's important), but in how it acts....how its members treat each other, on a global scale. Check out John 13:34-35. And 1 John 3:10-16.

Looking forward to hearing from you, take care.
Religion is confusing because every single one of them is man made, and they all have an agenda.

It's just a statement I may say. And I don’t agree with your statement. Not every religion is a man made. Maybe " the content "book"" was "sent" by a man. But its impossible that an illiterate man can create a detailed-perfect religion. I'm here talking about my own religion but I'm not sure about the rest.

And some religions were true religions but was changed by a man, here you can say " the new version of that religion is a man made".

And some beliefs , was started by some philosophers or created for some famous people " you can call that a man made beliefs".

I agree with you, Wat_i.need, nearly all things in the world have a beginning and an end. But 'creation of the universe' presents us with a unique problem. If universe is eternal then why it is so, and if it arose at some point of time then what did it arise from and why. And when it ends, what will it end into - a whimper or a bang? This is the Mother of All Problems, the Holy Grail. This cannot be compared to any other problem in the world. We do not have the answer to this riddle and we are not going to have the answer any time soon. All guessing is futile at this point of time. Till we solve this problem, we cannot really say that everything in the world has a beginning and an end. The problem involves finding the relationship between existence and non-existence. :)

Well IT IS a problem if you don't have an answer. But we already have it. I'm not here to discuses my religion and what we have inside our holy book. But we have what is " the beginning was like and what the ending will be like". If you are interested I can show you the verses anytime. I hope you are interested, because it amazed me the first time I learned about it.

Again, it's good to know but there are some things you better not to know because its more than what "a human" can bear. However, what you would know (if you ever was interested or had the chance to learn about) is not little either, it's amazing itself.

You can consider it as a problem , but believe me every problem have a solution.

I hear youre venting and fustration. We have a lot of seekers and a lot of people trying to place a foundation for various beliefs floating in the wind. There are many Truths and it cannot be singled to god/s. That is the truth of those who believe in god/s not truth for everyone.

Many of us are not confused. Human beings hold a clogomarate of beliefs and morals and we either follow them or try to fit or dismiss them if our said belief system says otherwise.

I know you arent telling us what to believe but more of asking "why the confusion?". Its the religions (however defined) that do not see truth as a rainbow of different experiences and conclusions of many people. Its a tug of war because of imposing belief systems. It harms the individuals heart to where they have morals but they are supressed.

If we, all people, get over our confusion and the majority accept that not Everyone believes in god, we move a step forward. Until then, we will be confused. Not because humanity doesnt know themselves but the fight between each other to accept others for who they are not what they want them to be.

If we free ourselves "of what we had created to believe in, using whatever methods", maybe we can see the real thing. Faith and beliefs we find it in our soul and in our heart. If you see that not accepting the existence of God is the best solution for you , then I wonder, do you feel peaceful inside or empty? No imposing though, I'm curious about your feeling, how do you really feel. I want to know how other people from different religions feels inside.

I don't want to convince most of the people here to join my team...quite the opposite lol

People have some beliefs they are happy about, that’s why they want to share it with other people, it sometime maybe considered imposing. However, not every single person have good intentions.

Yes, that was just a heads up.

Don't worry about the confusion. I registered here just to have fun, fool around, make friends and improve my English. The normal social stuff. I ended up discussing religion and beliefs, and becoming a moderator. Who would have guess a silly guy like me would do that? For some reason members here seem to intentionally want to create confusion. Gotta love them.

My point, exactly.

I like your spirit .You are a cheerful person and that is a good thing.

Ahh. I see.

It seems to me that you've had a much different experience on this forum than I. If the questions you ask is "which one is right?", then you will get a million different answers with varying degrees of truth and value. They definitely would be full of contradictions. I can imagine that would be frustrating, if you just want the "right one." =/

I guess my approach has been different, as it's been based more on open curiosity and introspection than anything else. This has been very enlightening for me, and has helped me learn more about myself, and to be more intellectually honest with my beliefs and values. Introspection is a great thing, and one shouldn't be afraid of their true thoughts and feelings about things. It's easy to slip into denial and discontent when you ignore them; at least, this has been my own personal experience.

If you don't mind me asking, How would you define your walk as a Muslim? When I was a Christian, there were answers to the questions I had and disciplines that kept me on the straight and narrow (mostly), but there were things that just did not sit well with me... Are there things about Islam that don't sit well with you, or are you 100% happy with it? =)

The great thing about Islam, everything is direct , you worship the one only God, if you seek help you ask God directly, if you made a mistake you ask for forgiveness directly, if you wish for something you ask God directly, whether it was later or sooner , you will see it with your own eyes and you will feel it happening BUT , you just need one thing to have all those things happening, just "faith" in the one who created you , and the rest comes by itself and you will learn it one by one later.

And there is also, the holy Quran, you wouldn’t know until you read it, understand it and believe in it content, when you read it you feel what someone call "the feeling of peaceful and reliefs " literally.

There are a lot of great things I lost count of.

I, at a one period of time, I was doubting my religion, I was born Muslim, and both my parents are Muslims, however when I reached twenty I just started to doubt everything, is my religion is the right one, am I going in the right direction, is there really a one God? and am I worshiping the right God, it just happened at some point of your life, I was feeling empty and I was sad at the time, I was searching, reading, and reading, but then when I reached my limit, because I was still confused, all I did asked whoever is there " if there is really a god in this universe , please guide me" . Then I just started to feel peaceful and started to learn lots of things about my religion and the other ones and so . Still till this day I feel that I'm saved, from darkness to light. You can't wait people or listen to what other people implies, you can reach your own hand and you will find the answer. At least that is what I did.

But some people ruined the image of Islam. The people with brain would know that not every person in this world is the same everyone is different and unique in their own way. If there are bad people, there are good people too.

Now can i ask you the same thing? Now you are free do you think you reached your where you want?

God knows what is going on my friend!... Right now there may be a period of transition as we all attempt to learn some good things from each other but I trust we are beginning to realize we are all on this blue planet and our job is to accept one another and work to build the foundations of a future that will truly be blessed for our children!

A good optimistic thinking. It's good to accept each other, but you know my friend, this life is not working like that, there are some good people approaching you, but also, some bad, selfish ones too. Even if you want the good things for them, they want every bad things for you. Let's be just a little careful.

Our job to search for happiness but we need some truth to based on our foundations for ourselves and for our children, don't you think?

I wonder if you only looking forward for the nearest future or the far one? Kids, money, job all those things are things we desire and keep close, but when we die we die alone. At least if we know the truth we will be relived.

Yes, lots of thoughts and lots of beliefs, but only one stands out--that God is Truth, whatever that Truth be. It's correct by definition.

God is truth and you need body, eyes, foresight, soul, brain, heart and faith, to know for sure that there is a God.
Lot of 'if statements' here. I would agree that if it were truly known that a Creator made this universe, with some conditions for how to worship the Creator within the universe, then it would be plausible there is (or are) right answer(s). I'd still have a few questions regarding our actual relationship as it relates to this Creator, that I think would pertain to worship, but as the hypothetical isn't necessarily getting at this, then that seems like another discussion, for another time.

This is where I would say the relationship to Creator would matter. It is plausible that everyone that exists has a different relationship with the Creator and thus different conditions for worship are set forth which would mean one right answer for all would be impossible for collective understanding, common aims.

The alternative to this, in a black/white sort of way would assume all have exact same relationship to the Creator, and therefore one answer does cover all existing beings. Yet, would that be known through one understanding? Aka one theology? Methinks not, because that would be necessarily using symbolism that is superimposed onto reality of God, and then filtered through plausibly diverging opinions on methods for understanding the symbolism. Possibly mistaking understanding of the theology (and diverging opinions) for an understanding of reality and divinity.

Kinda, sorta. The questions strike me as interesting, but also as exploring tangents that I'm not sure relate to the fundamental question of why does religion confuse more than guide? If the questions do pertain, I think they exemplify plausible reasons why the confusion could exist. They are using symbols to convey meaning about perceived reality, and then seeking answers via symbols that we all could plausibly agree on. When the actual answers to the questions may not come via intellectual relations and notions that rely on a medium for portending knowledge.

I do see the intellectual medium being (yet) another way to open the door to reality, but if seen as only way the door could be opened, then it would be ripe for 'kill the buddha' type methodology. Use it, for as long as it works. Obliterate it when it is seen as getting in the way of of getting closer to / being at one, with divine nature.

It depends on you, if you want a simple method or a complicated one. Directly, one God , everyone worship God as it requires and everyone happy.

But to go through a medium to get closer to God, it's more complicated this way. You talk to let's say "a stone" , the stone talk to God " if it really works this way" then God replies to the stone , then the stone replies to the person " if it really happens" apparently there is no reply and nothing going to happen and if it happens that because God is merciful on who believe in God and in who doesn't believe.

Regards to " if there is a creator, and what the relationship between you and the creator" that needs a lot of talk. However I must say, that you have only one option and one choice, this whole universe is only for you, every and each part of the universe that working in its own, doing their specific job only for the human life to exist, Now think what is the relationship between you and your God? at least you are that an important "being" of this world.

And yeah I'm confused that why there is a confusion created while the answer is simple?. And I mean by simple, "we can go by our faith and our feelings", but why getting other things involved in between, that why is confusing.

Stop worrying about what everyone else wants you to be. Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way.

True, I was my whole life thinking what people might think, what people might say but lately learned that I'm living my own life, no one is going to pass for me and no one going is to fail for me, this is my life.

Need a Simple answer??? Be who you must. It's a part of the plan.

Stop worrying about what everyone else wants you to be. Listen to the advice of others but walk your own path. Life's lessons are best learned that way.

Ok. Let's start at the beginning. There are facts and there are beliefs, When one does not have all the facts, one creates beliefs to patch the gap. If beliefs did not exist, we would lock up just like my old computer.

Religion is mankind's attempt to understand God. As it is clear to you, they do not really understand God or they would not value Beliefs and Faith so much. Further, for so many, it is human nature that everybody wants to rule the world. So many fight to shape others to their will.

So you ask. Why are there so many views? God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Larger view means more information. Lots of people have pieces of the real truth, however I have yet to discover any religion that really understands God.

So what is one to do? Personally, I like to stick with facts. Beliefs only point me in a direction by which I search for truth. In this time based causal universe, God's actions can be seen. I have spent years studying that which no one can alter which are God's actions. It is a journey anyone can choose for themselves if they really wish to discover the real truth. The best part is that it doesn't matter whether one chooses to do so or not. There are no threats , punishments ,just free choices so choose in life whatever you want. Be Free!!

Finally, I just have to say. When one truly starts to understand God then looks around at this world, it is not a mess. It is a MASTERPIECE!!!

So Relax, it will all be OK!

I totally agree with you. And good to find someone who understands God, and who understands the real situation. People get distracted by things, but the reality is in front of their eyes in this "masterpiece universe". Thank you, that was really a simple answer.

It is also possible that every religion in the world is wrong.

There may be no God.

Or if there is one, or more, he/she/they may not have a religion.


That is what is called "distraction Or confusion". Search for answers, I hope you find a religion that makes you feel so peaceful.

....A religion other than the Truth.

I wonder.

You know, this confusion is the result of meddling, as mentioned in a Holy Book -- please read Revelation 12:9, also 1 John 5:19. This is the reason why!

It's been this way, almost since the start of humanity.....but it will end! -- 1 Corinthians 15:24-28

I get what you mean, it likely to be the reason, but people create confusion in order to search for some answers, or to provide some information, or it could be intentioned( who knows).

Hey, it's me again. You ask excellent questions! Maybe the answer lies, not so much in what a reigion teaches, and what its members believe (although that's important), but in how it acts....how its members treat each other, on a global scale. Check out John 13:34-35. And 1 John 3:10-16.

Looking forward to hearing from you, take care.

I agree with you, not what your surrounding( people or society) thoughts and rules, what matter. The outcome and what you learn is what really matter . It is also important to love each other and to have some faith and beliefs, that you base your actions on at the same time. Hopefully The right belief. So, faith and your feelings are important too.

Loving people, understanding them, helping them, are good traits. And It's good to have peace between you and the people around you, it's also good to feel it between you and your inner self, and between you and your God. Also, I want to point that, I like your thinking to live happy and to love each people. I hope you keep that thinking.

You know that Christianity and Islam have lots of similarities only few differences? and do you know what they are?

Thank you, take care.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
If you see that not accepting the existence of God is the best solution for you , then I wonder, do you feel peaceful inside or empty? No imposing though, I'm curious about your feeling, how do you really feel. I want to know how other people from different religions feels inside.

Its not "accepting" god. The confusion some believers dont is if there is no god, there is nothing to accept or reject. I dont believe any deities exist; so, from that perspective I cant answer.

I do feel peace inside knowing that I have family in spirit and living who actually care about me and my spiritual well being. I find peace in the origin of my ancestors-who I came from and where I came from with its history. I feel peace knowing I am in a community of individuals who share like troubles because of the color of our skin. I find peace in the earth I live on. I find it the more I live With the earth rather than taking things from it. I find peace in offeringa to the spirits and family as well as the actions I do in the name of my family.

God or a creator doesnt give me this type of peace. I dont know of any other creator and deity but the abrahamoc god and based on all three sacred text, I have no reason to get to know him.

However, it would be making up a god to make me feel good. I dont have to do that with family. I Know they exist.

That gives me comfort and peace.
Its not "accepting" god. The confusion some believers dont is if there is no god, there is nothing to accept or reject. I dont believe any deities exist; so, from that perspective I cant answer.

I do feel peace inside knowing that I have family in spirit and living who actually care about me and my spiritual well being. I find peace in the origin of my ancestors-who I came from and where I came from with its history. I feel peace knowing I am in a community of individuals who share like troubles because of the color of our skin. I find peace in the earth I live on. I find it the more I live With the earth rather than taking things from it. I find peace in offeringa to the spirits and family as well as the actions I do in the name of my family.

God or a creator doesnt give me this type of peace. I dont know of any other creator and deity but the abrahamoc god and based on all three sacred text, I have no reason to get to know him.

However, it would be making up a god to make me feel good. I dont have to do that with family. I Know they exist.

That gives me comfort and peace.

It's good enough if you feel peaceful inside.

But if you want to talk about family, they don't last forever, I tell you this from experience. I thought so myself, till I die I wanted them to live, to live a life longer than me, last year my father died from cancer, he died before I die and I'm still alive, my family broke apart, and I left with my mother from a villa to a small house. Family, is only one sort of happiness.

I had all that going on, still I believe in God, and actually I feel soo peaceful inside, I thank God. I know why everything happened when I think about it deeply, and you might think of it as a sad story, it's not all sad, only the part of losing my dad was sad, and it is how life is, no one is going to last forever everyone is going to die, yeah I sometime remember my dad and I miss him.

However, i knew , that every sad part and every pain will end and the happy part is coming soon or later, I just knew, I wasn’t even sad about what I lost, a villa or whatever, that is how I believe in God.

The thing about the "color of skin". my religions says that no different between arabic and not arabic prople, and between white or black person, but except in piety.( believing in god and doing good deeds and to move away from evil deeds , Obedience to Allah ....)

Be always happy.


I wonder if you only looking forward for the nearest future or the far one? Kids, money, job all those things are things we desire and keep close, but when we die we die alone. At least if we know the truth we will be relived.

I'm looking for both "Wat_i.need"... both the nearest future and the far one. Both the solutions for daily life and for the eternal life to come.

The people that mean us harm in the long run only harm themselves ...

So the opportunity is there for you and me to grow with the opportunities you and I have in this life and that can prepare us for the next.

Also when I leave this life I'm not alone... My forebears have already passed on and in the twinkle of an eye I'll join them but more than that our souls will be free from the cage of the limitations of this life.
....and Truth is God, but that doesn't mean God is a conscious entity. For us, there's no difference if God exists or doesn't.

But there is a difference if you exist or not. If you get what i mean.

I'm looking for both "Wat_i.need"... both the nearest future and the far one. Both the solutions for daily life and for the eternal life to come.

The people that mean us harm in the long run only harm themselves ...

So the opportunity is there for you and me to grow with the opportunities you and I have in this life and that can prepare us for the next.

Also when I leave this life I'm not alone... My forebears have already passed on and in the twinkle of an eye I'll join them but more than that our souls will be free from the cage of the limitations of this life.

All are wisdoms.

Our forebears, will be their but we will be rewarded and punished for what we did alone.

Thank you, I learned a lot.


But there is a difference if you exist or not. If you get what i mean.

Not really. If we didn't exist we wouldn't be having this conversation. But it is set up so we can't tell if God exists or not--the only way we can exercise our free will without divine influence on our moral choices.


Be your own guru
Well IT IS a problem if you don't have an answer. But we already have it. I'm not here to discuses my religion and what we have inside our holy book. But we have what is " the beginning was like and what the ending will be like". If you are interested I can show you the verses anytime. I hope you are interested, because it amazed me the first time I learned about it.

Again, it's good to know but there are some things you better not to know because its more than what "a human" can bear. However, what you would know (if you ever was interested or had the chance to learn about) is not little either, it's amazing itself.

You can consider it as a problem , but believe me every problem have a solution.want to share it with other people, it sometime maybe considered imposing. However, not every single person have good intentions.
Sure, why not, I am interested. But be warned, it is a public forum and there are people who like to shred theories to smithereens. I am going through the topic to see if you have already explained that somewhere.

I see you are talking about soul and God (Allah, Quran and Mohammad), ideas that I have already rejected ages ago. I am absolutely peaceful in my heart with that belief. If you sell something you are worried about sales, you must be worried about how souls and God sell. I do not sell atheism, it is for people to come to realize that and many are doing so.

I have read Quran, should not have wasted my time. A book that has survived on coercion. Dissent meant death in Mohammad's time, dissent means death even now (remember the Bangladesh bloggers). They used to sell women as slaves in the 7th Century, they are doing the same in 21st Century. Very consistent. Monotheism is the worst malady that hit humans. It is this that has created all problems in the world. Let me check in the news how many have been killed today because of it.

Sure, how could they miss and this is only the beginning of the day here. They need at least one indident each day. Sapristi:
4 Passengers, Crew Still On Hijacked EgyptAir Plane In Cyprus
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Everyone here is trying to convince you that their beliefs are the right ones.

Everyone shares their thoughts and their beliefs.

they impose their thought into others while embracing their own beliefs.

What is right and what is wrong.

Is there a God or two or three? To which God we belong?

At some point its getting confusing.

Anyway my point is, lots of thoughts, lots of ideas, lots of religions, lots of beliefs ,it feels like its diverting our attention from the one reality . We want to see something but our attention is heading toward something else. We want to believe in something but some people are saying it's good and some people are saying it's bad. You get confuse along the way and in the end of the road you lose your way. It's just getting too confusing.

There is no "a one policy" or one "goal" to target and to focus on but lots of things going on and on every where it feels like a mess .

I mean why we enter a forum to debate and compare? To end up with one- the best conclusion right? But instead I'm getting more confused why?

For example, some asks who is God. The answer suppose to be one simple answer, but NO, every answer is different than the other. It's not suppose to be like this. Where is the conclusion? Where is the answer? No one can find an answer.

There is a God but if we just put our ideas and our thoughts from every religion, from ever region, from every single human being mind, the outcome will be a mess.

There is a God but God have some specific features we can't just add and subtract as we wish, can we?.

At the end, we change our religions from one to another like changing our outfit to the one that suits us and fit our mentality and our thinking, how come?

Why parents are strict? Because there are lines between right and wrong, we can't just change the "right" to be" wrong" and change the "wrong" to be" right". There must be some rules some borders and some lines that shouldn’t be crossed. There are some things we need to know and some things we need not to know.

Again what I'm saying that there is something wrong when everyone conflict about the right religion, thoughts, beliefs . it's just a mess, there must be a one right answer, it can't be that every religion in this world is right.

There are lots of possibilities of religions that is right, but there is one answer, one truth. At the end, only the religion that answered right will pass and the rest will fail, because there is only one answer is right and there is a defiantly an end to everything like the end of every human's life.

If you put your own ideas and your own thoughts it doesn’t make it the "TRUTH". We have to think that is why we have a brain, we can't just read and believe every line we go through. Because not everything is the truth only one truth is there.

So no more new thoughts or new stuff added to the list we had lots and it is confusing as it is. We want to focus and to see the straight line to the " good end".

Why it's confusing us more than guiding us?

The consistency of confusion regarding religion makes it even more clear to me that all religions are human created stories based on culture and agenda. I'm not confused in the slightest that people's fictions about god are nothing more than personal projections based on fear, hope, and limited imagination.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I'm looking for both "Wat_i.need"... both the nearest future and the far one. Both the solutions for daily life and for the eternal life to come.

The people that mean us harm in the long run only harm themselves ...

So the opportunity is there for you and me to grow with the opportunities you and I have in this life and that can prepare us for the next.

Also when I leave this life I'm not alone... My forebears have already passed on and in the twinkle of an eye I'll join them but more than that our souls will be free from the cage of the limitations of this life.

Im sorry for your loss. I know our family (everyone) lives after their physical passing. Their role is go help ans take care of us. I know this from literal experience. My grandmother passed two years ago and she is still with me. My father has liver disease so I pray to our family and spirits to keep him safe as he continues through life.

Our flesh doesnt live forever. Our spirit does on earth. Its good you find peace in your god. Never let go of that.

Neo Deist

Th.D. & D.Div. h.c.
It's just a statement I may say. And I don’t agree with your statement. Not every religion is a man made. Maybe " the content "book"" was "sent" by a man. But its impossible that an illiterate man can create a detailed-perfect religion. I'm here talking about my own religion but I'm not sure about the rest.

And some religions were true religions but was changed by a man, here you can say " the new version of that religion is a man made".

And some beliefs , was started by some philosophers or created for some famous people " you can call that a man made beliefs".

Yes, every single religion on earth is man made. They did not happen over night...it took centuries for them to develop in every culture, on every continent, and in every era. Man came up with the superstitions, dogma and mythology. Man wrote all the "holy texts" involved with whatever religion. Man came up with the costumes, rites, rituals and customs. Unless you have video proof of some supernatural being coming down out of the heavens and interacting with mankind, then the only verifiable answer is that man did it all. Do you have such proof?


Great Old One
The great thing about Islam, everything is direct , you worship the one only God, if you seek help you ask God directly, if you made a mistake you ask for forgiveness directly, if you wish for something you ask God directly, whether it was later or sooner , you will see it with your own eyes and you will feel it happening BUT , you just need one thing to have all those things happening, just "faith" in the one who created you , and the rest comes by itself and you will learn it one by one later.

And there is also, the holy Quran, you wouldn’t know until you read it, understand it and believe in it content, when you read it you feel what someone call "the feeling of peaceful and reliefs " literally.

There are a lot of great things I lost count of.

I, at a one period of time, I was doubting my religion, I was born Muslim, and both my parents are Muslims, however when I reached twenty I just started to doubt everything, is my religion is the right one, am I going in the right direction, is there really a one God? and am I worshiping the right God, it just happened at some point of your life, I was feeling empty and I was sad at the time, I was searching, reading, and reading, but then when I reached my limit, because I was still confused, all I did asked whoever is there " if there is really a god in this universe , please guide me" . Then I just started to feel peaceful and started to learn lots of things about my religion and the other ones and so . Still till this day I feel that I'm saved, from darkness to light. You can't wait people or listen to what other people implies, you can reach your own hand and you will find the answer. At least that is what I did.

But some people ruined the image of Islam. The people with brain would know that not every person in this world is the same everyone is different and unique in their own way. If there are bad people, there are good people too.

Now can i ask you the same thing? Now you are free do you think you reached your where you want?

Thank you for sharing that. =) I'd like to read the Quran some day. I'm going to wait, however, as I'm not very fond of Islam at this moment... I'd like to read it when those negative feelings subside, though that might take some time (I've known people who have suffered due to extremism, and I'd like to set that aside when I read the Quran, as I understand extremism doesn't represent Muslims and their beliefs).

Ultimately, I'm glad to know it's given you peace of mind, and that it's helped you find your way. =) I feel there are many paths that lead towards the right direction, but some are more right for us than others. For me, Christianity wasn't the right path...

I'll try to keep it short; I've been a Christian most my life, and a pretty serious one at that... I grew up in a Christian home, became part of my local community, involved myself in the volunteer projects (which I still love doing), etc etc. Eventually, though, there were some things in the Bible that just didn't sit well with me. Over the years more and more of those things just bothered me... So, I just decided to take a break from god and shove Christianity into the back of my mind. For years I just let it sit there and ignored it. =/ I tried to adopt an agnostic view, though that wasn't a happy way for me to be.

So, just recently I decided to bring all of it up and confront it. I gave Christianity a try again, but very quickly I realized that it just isn't my cup of tea anymore. I know there are denominations that reflect my personal views more, but there are things about Christianity that are irreconcilable to me. =/

After that, I decided to cut ties with Christianity, and to look and learn about other religions. This is a daunting task, though, as I'm extremely ignorant of other religions. There is a LOT to learn out there (I guess that's one reason you won't see me post much, as I lurk and read more than I write and respond, heh). It's good, though; knowledge is power.

I then stumbled across Zoroastrianism (the world's oldest monotheism, as far as most historians can agree)... and, well, it just clicked with me. The more I learned, the more I fell in love with it. It was a strange experience for me, as I really wasn't expecting to find a religion that fit me so well... I thought it would be more difficult than that. Still, I prefer caution over blindly diving in, so I've not been allowing myself to give in entirely to it (I'm still new to the religion). =) The lack of dogmas has been liberating, and I love that the religion is geared towards improving ourselves and those around us. Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds are the three primal elements of the faith (there is more to it than that, but fundamentally, those are the three pillars everything is built around).

I won't say more on it than that, as I don't want to come across as proselytizing. XD You can post in the Zoroastrianism DIR if you have any questions that are specific to the Good Religion (the original name for Zoroastrianism). =)
....and Truth is God, but that doesn't mean God is a conscious entity. For us, there's no difference if God exists or doesn't.

I know that we can't prove that there is a God because we don’t have physical evidence.

The absent doesn’t deny the present.

  1. You feel the wind but you can't see it.

  2. Devil exist but we can't see it.

  3. Look up to the sky, you can see as far as clouds, small stars, sun, moon but you can't see beyond that.

  4. There is a soul inside you and you can't see it.
When you can't see it or talk to it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It is there but beyond what you can see or hear.

Did you ever did something wrong and was punished by God immediately? Like you stole and the God cut your hand immediately? NO, Because you have a free will with religion or without, you have it. God gave you the chance to decide or else there wouldn’t be bad people and good people but instead we will be all good people.

Your existence matter of course, AND so God's existence. You wasn’t created to live a meaningless life while going through the hardship and the troubles of " life", but because there is something waiting for you at the end of the road, you will be rewarded for your patience.

Sure, why not, I am interested. But be warned, it is a public forum and there are people who like to shred theories to smithereens. I am going through the topic to see if you have already explained that somewhere.

I see you are talking about soul and God (Allah, Quran and Mohammad), ideas that I have already rejected ages ago. I am absolutely peaceful in my heart with that belief. If you sell something you are worried about sales, you must be worried about how souls and God sell. I do not sell atheism, it is for people to come to realize that and many are doing so.

I have read Quran, should not have wasted my time. A book that has survived on coercion. Dissent meant death in Mohammad's time, dissent means death even now (remember the Bangladesh bloggers). They used to sell women as slaves in the 7th Century, they are doing the same in 21st Century. Very consistent. Monotheism is the worst malady that hit humans. It is this that has created all problems in the world. Let me check in the news how many have been killed today because of it.

Sure, how could they miss and this is only the beginning of the day here. They need at least one indident each day. Sapristi:
4 Passengers, Crew Still On Hijacked EgyptAir Plane In Cyprus

I won't start a debate if I was scared. I'm not selling anything, you asked, and I had an answer.

Why are you blaming everything on Islam?. it’s the work of individuals, not the religion. If that so everyone in Muslims country, every Muslim will be killers.

Do you think it's fair to blame Islam and Muslims for every civil and international war? It is not fair, the people who is involved in such activities claims there are Muslim but they are not, it’s a planned strategy to give bad impression of Islam by people who hate Islam. And why you think people want you to think bad of Islam?.

Or are you telling me that, there are no accidents or cases in your country? Are you saying that, in your country, the cops on vacation all the time?

I'm sitting in my house, I have friends, I have fun from time to time, I also, practice my religion, but I'm the same as you, everyone the same, they open the TV and see all of that shocking news. But I know for sure that this is not the doing of Muslims but of people trying to trap Muslims and trying to make them look bad( someone have grudges, doing all sort of things to make Islam look bad).

Quran says that if someone kills a one person, he kills all the people in the world. Which means killing is wrong. Do you still think Muslims will go around killing people? Do we have nothing more to do but kill people, start wars, and make nuclear bombs?

I wonder where it gone wrong. But we started of a different topic and ended up with another topic. You don’t have to read the verses and I'm not going to force that on you.

The consistency of confusion regarding religion makes it even more clear to me that all religions are human created stories based on culture and agenda. I'm not confused in the slightest that people's fictions about god are nothing more than personal projections based on fear, hope, and limited imagination.

I guess so most of the religions were made based on that maybe. They want something to support them and to keep them going. It is an excuse in some cultures. But is it really a bad thing? Religion is not the bad thing, but the people who practice it wrongly, for specific goals(to confuse people, to make money, to rule the world, to get credit), they are.

I agree that man-made religions or beliefs are wrong thing to do, because it leads people to the wrong direction, they waste time doing something, when they supposed to do something else . That why I'm saying there is a one truth behind the all false ones.

No, it is just fact.


Why you think so? Do you have some facts you want to share? i feel like you hide something inside you, just be who you are, the ones who judge you is the wrong one.