Belief in the Divine is a placement of value on the universe.
Circumcision is a tangible, physical reminder of a covenantal relationship. the covenant values a relationship beyond friendship.
Prayer places a premium, or value, on connecting with our truest self.
Saints ascribe worth to individuals who more fully reflect the spiritual values that are inculcated.
Reincarnation places a value on the human soul, such that the soul is not destroyed, but further developed.
Rebirth -- see above.
Afterlife -- see above.
Spirit world places a value on the event-horizon of the human spirit.
Mediumship values the intuitive processes that connect us more deeply with the world around us.
Dietary laws -- see "circumcision."
Proselytism places a value on others, and on the deep community that may be formed through the inclusion of others, such that all individuals benefit from the connection.
Belief in divinely-inspired texts places a value on the stories, myths, lore, poetry, music, culture, and other creative processes as reflective of the community that produces and holds them.
Shatnez law -- see "circumcision" and "dietary law."
Mantras value thought-forms as highly-intuitive means to access our truest selves.
Celibacy values the relationships between clergy and community, and between clergy and God.
Marriage values the spiritual aspect of two people -- not only "living together," but becoming spiritually "one flesh." It values the deep relationship wherein both individuals benefit from each other, thus more fully reflecting the Divine.