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Why not Bible study in schools?


New Member
totally not, have u seen how much devestation religion has caused our world would be better off without it!!


Active Member
To have students, this means to me that they are willing to learn. Yes, Bible should be tought in school if the majority wants to learn, and its an elective that credits history.

Its the same to me as language. Why some areas teach some languages in public schools, but not ALL languages.

TheJedi said:
because inevitably, someone is going to whine about it, and possibly sue. "oh my god, you're teaching the bible, against the law, against the law, my son isn't a christian, blah blah blah,". People in this day and age take offense at everything, it will only be accepted at all christian schools.
BINGO... and what do people do now? Want some cheese to go along with that whine? Whine whine whine. Let local areas decide for themselves. "My kids dont need to be taught this evil crap, teach them other obsolete refrences pertaining to history and so called 'propper-communication-skills' " LOL.. its sad and funny, where a laughing frown when you need one?

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Well, religious education was compulsory for me up until the age of 14. I had two teachers over that period. One was an Anglican vicar and the other was a Jewish woman. We were taught about the Bible (by the Jewish teacher) and the Koran as well as learning about Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and even the Sikhs and Jains. You can't even put this down to my going to a mixed school ethnically - it was overwhelmingly (if mostly nominally) Christian. I applaud such religious education programs including Bible studies, study of the Koran, whatever. Proselytism never came into it and I hope that my children receive a similar education. It will be up to me and my wife, and our priest, to bring them up in our faith - school can never do this, particularly in our case given the laughable fallacies I was taught about Orthodoxy - and I will, of course, teach them how we view things, but learning about other religions including their scriptures, if any, can only help them learn tolerance. If I, as a Christian, do not feel threatened if someone teaches my son about the Koran, Heart Sutra or Bhagavad Ghita, why should non-Christians feel threatened if their children study the Bible? I'm afraid that I have never understood this attitude.



Following Christ
TheJedi said:
because inevitably, someone is going to whine about it, and possibly sue. "oh my god, you're teaching the bible, against the law, against the law, my son isn't a christian, blah blah blah,". People in this day and age take offense at everything, it will only be accepted at all christian schools.
Sadly this is true. It's a shame so many people are so scared of the Bible or any aspect of religion being mentioned in schools. It seems that some of these people are naive and think you can raise children in a 'religion-free' vaccuum.:bonk:
nonda said:
...it promotes good behavor and how we should treat one another...
This is very true, and we can easily trace the decline in student behaviour and the general level of civility in our society to the efforts to remove God from the classroom.:( If my wife & I ever have kids, we will do what is necessary to get them into private school.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
IacobPersul said:
If I, as a Christian, do not feel threatened if someone teaches my son about the Koran, Heart Sutra or Bhagavad Ghita, why should non-Christians feel threatened if their children study the Bible? I'm afraid that I have never understood this attitude.
You confuse fear with distrust. The day that you're willing to have the Bible taught as part of a course in comparative mythology I will be willing to applaud the suggestion, so long as the school does not sacrifice more important topics to allow for such an elective.


Angel slayer
Deut. 32.8 said:
You confuse fear with distrust. The day that you're willing to have the Bible taught as part of a course in comparative mythology I will be willing to applaud the suggestion, so long as the school does not sacrifice more important topics to allow for such an elective.
Does this mean you see all religions as mythology?

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
CaptainXeroid said:
This is very true, and we can easily trace the decline in student behaviour and the general level of civility in our society to the efforts to remove God from the classroom.
Easily? :biglaugh: What nonsense. Please suggest those sociological studies that purport to show this relationship.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
orichalcum said:
Does this mean you see all religions as mythology?
It means that I see all religious myths as mythology. Some religiouns have, for the most part, avoided such primitive stories - e.g., deism and pantheism.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
nonda said:
I remember when I was in grade school, we had Bible study every Tuesday. For an hour we would read stories about important people in the bible. Animated boards to tell stories. I enjoyed very much.

Why do people want to get rid of bible teachings, it promotes good behavor and how we should treat one another. Just don't understand!

I believe that they still do at private Christian schools. Perhaps you should check them out. But public schools should remain secular because not only kids from Christian families, but kids from Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist, Jewish, etc., families attend public schools as well. Besides there is a perfect place for teaching Bible stories, two actually, at church and at home.


Following Christ
Deut. 32.8 said:
...Please suggest those sociological studies that purport to show this relationship.
If you don't notice it, then you aren't paying attention:biglaugh:. As rude and arrogant as you are to so many people on these forums, I don't owe you squat.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
CaptainXeroid said:
..., I don't owe you squat.
No, you do not. Nor do you owe anybody else here the courtesy of substantiating your baseless claim, but that makes your comment no less preposterous and baseless.

Pussyfoot Mouse

Super Mom
FeathersinHair said:
Hehee, I'm not arguing with you! I completely agree, but was putting it in different terms. (Sorry if it was a bit confusing!)
(Tee hee) Sorry Feathers, it's just me, it was late when I read this. :bonk:

IOW...I agree with Feathers! :D


Following Christ
Deut. 32.8 said:
...but that makes your comment no less preposterous and baseless.
The only thing that makes it so is that it is inconsistant with what you already "know" to be true. I'm not sure what your major malfunction is. You act like anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.:jiggy: You really need to get a life and a hobby out in the real world. You might find it refreshing. I stand by my observation unless you'd care to submit some kind of evidence to the contrary.


Virus of the Mind
Religion has no place in the schools of a free mutli-cultural soceity . Unless it is to teach respect of those multi-cultures , and one can not do that by teaching ONE religion .

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
CaptainXeroid said:
You act like anyone who disagrees with you is stupid.
I don't think you're stupid. I think you made a thoughtless and baseless claim that you are wholly incapable of substantiating. I think you are responding with childish personal attacks because you are capable of no other response. Again, you wrote ...
we can easily trace the decline in student behaviour and the general level of civility in our society to the efforts to remove God from the classroom.
Please do so.


Well-Known Member
nonda said:
I remember when I was in grade school, we had Bible study every Tuesday. For an hour we would read stories about important people in the bible. Animated boards to tell stories. I enjoyed very much.

Why do people want to get rid of bible teachings, it promotes good behavor and how we should treat one another. Just don't understand!
I remember studying the Christian Bible in school.....I think it is a great idea to study the Bibles......but of all religions. The only trouble would be finding a teacher who was unbiased enough to do it in a way that allowed children to decide for themselves.


Jensa said:
If you're going to teach the Bible in a public school, you damn well better teach a wide variety of other religions as well or none at all. Preferrably none, since teaching it is endorsing it, and the state isn't supposed to endorse any one religion.
We do learn about other religions in school, their just calling it culture.