I very strongly believe in preserving life, not to the extreme of pacifism, if someone tries to kill me I will kill them if possible. I have no reason to end my own life in the service of any cause, because it is the only one I have. Religion however, at least most religions I've heard of, present an afterlife, or some form of continuation after death. That is the draw of religion, it offers and explanation of that which we do not understand, and death ranks #1 on that list. That is why I am terrified of religion. 99.9% of religious people, maybe even more, would never dream of harming me, because they do not think killing me would benefit them in any real way. Killing me would result in a stain on their soul against god, thus either damning them to hell, or whatever negative consequences their religion offers. However, that one guy, one person who either misinterprets his religious teachings, or truly believes them correctly (What mortal is to say they have the right interpretation?) decides that my very existence is blasphemous to their deity. They strap a bomb to their chest. They kill me and half a city block. Now I'm dead, my only life snuffed out. Done.