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Why So Much Trinity Bashing?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It's a fascinating subject, I agree. The cave art spans a good deal of time, most of it dating from 14,000 to 40,000 years ago. The oldest representational picture is a pig drawn in red ochre about 45,000 years ago, but if you expand the search to abstract drawings, the oldest known is that of a hashtag from about 73,000 years ago. Some of these drawing are not homo sapiens, but neanderthal.
There just was a program on PBS that covered this.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
I feel everyone has different beliefs and that's Perfectly Fine! :) Whatever You or I believe!!

1. Every Bible has a little different wording, What a tremendous effort all Bible translators have made, so we can all read God's Word in our own language.
2. We now have the ability at our fingertips to read hundreds of different translations.

What are your feelings about it?
Aren't we all trying to do the same thing? Expressing our Love and Deep Respect for our God. So we believe in different ways! isn't that okay for now? Don't you think that as we read Jesus' words we will let his words affect our thinking more and more? And we'll get to the best place in our thinking eventually?

Who can say anything about anybody?
I love Jesus words the most, this is my way, I love Jesus words, I could talk all day! :)
I start my day reading Jesus words and learn a little, and then the next day I read and learn a little more, and it doesn't take very long to finish reading the four Gospels. And then I read Jesus words all over again, until I can remember them.

My way is only one of many ways! This way I enjoy, Yes! you will find the way you enjoy! Everybody puts faith in their beliefs, they hold dear, in their heart and mind. :)

Could you share your comment here, could you share your comments on this thread with everyone? Your way, you find Truth?
Or something you feel Jesus would want us to remember?

--My Friend is Anyone and Everyone! Seeking Better Thinking.

Jesus gave us a new commandment - we can try doing it with everybody everywhere! John 13:34
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Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I feel everyone has different beliefs and that's Perfectly Fine! :) Whatever You believe!!

1. Every Bible has a little different wording, What a tremendous effort all Bible translators have made, so we can all read God's Word in our own language.
2. We now have the ability at our fingertips to read hundreds of different translations.

What are your feelings about it?
Aren't we all trying to do the same thing? Expressing our Love and Deep Respect for our God. So we believe in different ways! isn't that okay for now? Don't you think that as we read Jesus' words we will let his words affect our thinking more and more? And we'll get to the best place in our thinking eventually?

Who can say anything about anybody?
I love Jesus words the most, this is my way, I love Jesus words, I could talk all day! :)
I start my day reading Jesus words and learn a little, and then the next day I read and learn a little more, and it doesn't take very long to finish reading the four Gospels. And then I read Jesus words all over again, until I can remember them.

My way is only one of many ways! This way I enjoy, Yes! you will find the way you enjoy! Everybody puts faith in their beliefs, they hold dear, in their heart and mind. :)

Could you share your comment here, could you share your comments on this thread with everyone? Your way, you find Truth?
Or something you feel Jesus would want us to remember?

--My Friend is Anyone and Everyone! Seeking Better Thinking.

Jesus gave us a new commandment - we can try doing it with everybody everywhere! John 13:34
This is all great but it’s kind of way out from this threads question. Perhaps you need to start a new post, a new thread/topic, to discuss this question.


Veteran Member
BRIAN2, post me a verse where JESUS says that from his own mouth!!!

‘Son’ of the blessed one. Who is that ‘Blessed One’? What is a ‘Son’, to you in reference to the spiritual?

The "Blessed One" is the Living God.
Look at the verse below. Jesus is declaring with His own mouth that He is the Son of the living God.
Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven.…


Veteran Member
Oh Brian2, is this an unthought out attempt at getting back at me for outing you? It didn’t work - what I teach is what the Bible teaches so I am not EQUAL to the Bible like you say that because Jesus is LIKE GOD then he IS GOD!!

You tell me that passages have been changed by trinitarians.

Brian2, your defence get weaker every post you make. But then I know your belief is made up and there is not a sin for other person who supports you let slone scriptures to support on your ongoing question for nonsense.

Jesus IS called ‘YHWH’ AFTER he takes his seat in Heaven. ‘YHWH’ means: “He who is a constant; He who changes not, He who IS…!’, Jesus becomes IMMORTAL, which is, NOT SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Tell me I am wrong…
I learnt that from the scriptures…
Tell me the scriptures are wrong on that issue!!!!

Jesus is called YHWH after He takes His seat in heaven and He is shown to have been YHWH of creation.
Someone cannot just become YHWH.
Jesus was not known as YHWH while on earth but nevertheless was YHWH then as well as after His resurrection.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


Jesus is King & Mighty God Isa.9:6-7; Lk.1:32-33
The "Blessed One" is the Living God.
Look at the verse below. Jesus is declaring with His own mouth that He is the Son of the living God.
Matthew 16:16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” 17Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven.…
I agree,

‘Again the high priest questioned Him, “Are You the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”’ (Mark 14:61).

I agree with you further,

23 out of 50 Bibles say (Blessed)
1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ -King James Bible

1 Peter 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
You rang?
uh oh --
I don't have the time right now to call a university with a real good course in anthropology, but -- with the cave art -- I would like to know what was analyzed re: the dates, and how it was analyzed.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
And a god of war. According to BAR, he was a deity in the southern Arabian Peninsula that probably was brought up to eretz Israel by Jewish traders.
What's BAR? I'd like to know that before I comment.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
True, but it has absolutely NOTHING to do with their ethnicity.
Never said it did. I was commenting on the basis of having a Ph.D. in front of their name. Does not always mean that he knows what others in the field may know. So just because a person is perhaps very smart or highly educated does not mean he looks at things properly, but more importantly, that he knows the particular scope of the subject in all aspects.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
There are multiple methods of dating. They usually cross-check with several types.

Luminescence dating methods​

Chlorine-36 dating method​

Fission track dating method​

Radiocarbon dating method​

Uranium–thorium dating method​

Rubidium–strontium dating method​

Potassium–argon dating method​

Samarium–neodymium dating method​

Uranium–lead dating method​

among several others. With rocks it's also used together with stratigraphic principles, to establish time scales.
Thank you for that. Rocks are not the question. The dates of the art is what is in question in my mind at least.


Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
No wounder why Elohim is used mostly as plural in the OT to give importance on multiple dieties.
The word elohim or 'elohiym (ʼĕlôhîym) is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deities" or various other words in Biblical Hebrew. In Hebrew, the ending -im normally indicates a masculine plural.
Or, it (“-im”) can also indicate a superlative aspect, as when the Philistines honored their god Dagon, at Judges 16:23.
(He was no multiple god, to them. They just thought he was the best, so the word Elohim was used.)


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Or, it (“-im”) can also indicate a superlative aspect, as when the Philistines honored their god Dagon, at Judges 16:23.
(He was no multiple god, to them. They just thought he was the best, so the word Elohim was used.)
When I think about it, the gods of the non-Israelites, I am always in wonderful appreciation of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in contrast to other gods especially those of nearby cultures.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
When I think about it, the gods of the non-Israelites, I am always in wonderful appreciation of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in contrast to other gods especially those of nearby cultures.
But these ‘Gods’ were not real!!! It was MEN, HUMANS, pulling the strings… CLAIMING that the laws, the demands, the acts associated with the world events, the directives of the priests… were from this ‘God’ or that God.

The God of the Jews PROVED Himself against such ‘other Gods’ time and time again.

All religious groups claim a deity as their God and Gods in order to make sense (to them) of what and why things happen in the world. It’s quite easy in a naive society to make outlandish INCONSISTENT claims with reasoning that anything that goes wrong from a ‘Command’ from a ‘God’ is because the affected person of persons didn’t do what the ‘God’ told them to do.

We have already read that the Egyptians ‘wizards’ imitated, with dark arts, some of the acts of Moses… how easy would it be to trick the nation in any way on instructions from their ‘God’ (likely Pharoah, himself in the background!!)
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Witness for Jehovah
Premium Member
But these ‘Gods’ were not real!!! It was MEN, HUMANS, pulling the strings… CLAIMING that the laws, the demands, the acts associated with the world events, the directives of the priests… were from this ‘God’ or that God.
It was more than just men. It was (and is) the “angels that sinned.” (2 Peter 2:4) Along with their leader of course, Satan the Devil. They are “misleading the entire inhabited earth.” — Revelation 12:9-12.

At Matthew 7:21-23, a prophecy where Jesus stated “many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy…,expel demons…, and perform many powerful works in your name,’ ” and Jesus says, “get away from me,” please consider…. where were these “many” getting their power? Obviously not from Jesus or his Father.

The God of the Jews PROVED Himself against such ‘other Gods’ time and time again.

For sure!

We have already read that the Egyptians ‘wizards’ imitated, with dark arts, some of the acts of Moses… how easy would it be to trick the nation in any way on instructions from their ‘God’ (likely Pharoah, himself in the background!!)
Yes, good example…. And from where were those wizards getting their power?!


Veteran Member
At Matthew 7:21-23, a prophecy where Jesus stated “many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy…,expel demons…, and perform many powerful works in your name,’ ” and Jesus says, “get away from me,” please consider…. where were these “many” getting their power? Obviously not from Jesus or his Father.

I would say that those many sound like Christians who have gifts from God and use them but neglect the more important things like loving their neighbour.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
uh oh --
I don't have the time right now to call a university with a real good course in anthropology, but -- with the cave art -- I would like to know what was analyzed re: the dates, and how it was analyzed.

There have been numerous such finds, and they date back as far as around 40,000 b.p. Analysis involves different methodologies, thus experts in various fields have studied them.