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Why some people believe god doesn't exist?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
to believe that some god created this world or to believe that this world has just popped out, out of nowhere?

I believe that the universe is self-creating and self-sustaining through an eternal cycle of change.

No need for any creator entity. The thought of which strikes me as rather childish and the conclusions would be malevolent if such a thing were true.

Enai de a lukal

Well-Known Member
I mean of course we can't see something like god, but I don't get how this make people believe god can't exist.

I mean how logical it is to have such a belief system.

It's like this:

Hey!! I don't see any space creatures!! So I believe that we are the only existing creatures.
Needless to say, atheism is NOT like that. This is a strawman.

So here we are.We see a world.

How could we logically believe that it came out of nowhere, It wasn't created by no one and the world was like: TADAAAA!!! HERE I COME AND I'VE COME FROM NOWHERE. SUDDENLY I JUST POPPED OUT BOYS!!!
Another strawman. Nobody said it "came out of nowhere".

Tell me guys, how you hold such a funny belief?
I saw a funny maxim- "I think, therefore I am... an atheist". Pretty well sums it up.

More seriously, one reason to reject belief in God or gods is because the concept is incoherent (see this post) and unnecessary (see this post ).


Relentlessly Rational
I don't believe in any gods for the same reason I don't believe in unicorns, there's no objective evidence that shows gods are actually real. Produce some and I'll believe, but not until.


Relentlessly Rational
This shows how little you know about Islam.

You believe what you see on TV right?

They told you Muslims are Monsters?

Come on...

Muslims are not necessarily monsters, although you have to admit that there are a *LOT* of Muslims in the world that fit that definition, just as there are a lot of Christians that fit that definition. When people can use their religious beliefs to justify violence and discrimination against others, there's something wrong with their religious beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Muslims are not necessarily monsters, although you have to admit that there are a *LOT* of Muslims in the world that fit that definition, just as there are a lot of Christians that fit that definition. When people can use their religious beliefs to justify violence and discrimination against others, there's something wrong with their religious beliefs.

I would like to add that when one observes what happens in muslim-majority societies, in the "natural habitat" of muslims, so to speak, it is hard to form a positive impression.


Relentlessly Rational
I would like to add that when one observes what happens in muslim-majority societies, in the "natural habitat" of muslims, so to speak, it is hard to form a positive impression.

Even in non-muslim-majority societies, there are massive problems. Look at what's happening right now in England, France and Sweden. The fact that you can find some Muslims that are decent people, usually in first world nations where religion is effectively neutered anyhow, isn't a glowing recommendation for the faith.


Just me
Premium Member
I would like to add that when one observes what happens in muslim-majority societies, in the "natural habitat" of muslims, so to speak, it is hard to form a positive impression.
Unless one puts the binoculars away and enters that "habitat," one has an opinion informed by nothing more than their own remote observation.


Well-Known Member
Unless one puts the binoculars away and enters that "habitat," one has an opinion informed by nothing more than their own remote observation.

I don't buy this. The existence of some decent people in those societies does not cancel things like forced marriages, blasphemy laws, sectarian riots, endemic sexual oppression etc. If large segments of those populations support such things, the best one can say of their religion is that it is ineffective in suppressing them.
Muslims are not necessarily monsters, although you have to admit that there are a *LOT* of Muslims in the world that fit that definition, just as there are a lot of Christians that fit that definition. When people can use their religious beliefs to justify violence and discrimination against others, there's something wrong with their religious beliefs.

I don't agree.

At least not about the Islam and Muslims I know.

I haven't seen and read "When people can use their religious beliefs to justify violence and discrimination against others" in Islam.

Maybe it's the bad TV giving wrong information to blame.


Relentlessly Rational
I don't agree.

At least not about the Islam and Muslims I know.

I haven't seen and read "When people can use their religious beliefs to justify violence and discrimination against others" in Islam.

Maybe it's the bad TV giving wrong information to blame.

You don't pay attention to the media? Or you just choose to selectively ignore the stories in the media because they fall outside your personal experience? You choose to ignore the violence, the rapes, the pedophilia, the terrorism, all the things that people who hold your religious views do, in the name of your religion.

That seems to be a problem with you, these things actually exist whether you like it or not.


New Member
Well I think any theist should start with their definition of God. Given you identify as a Muslim I'll assume you believe in a God that is more specific than just whatever created existence.

I think it is ok to say I just don't know instead of applying a god of the gaps argument. The scientific method creates hypothesis and theories to explain the unknown but is always open to the idea of change if new evidence is discovered. There is no good evidence to support the idea that there is a deity that created us, watches us and cares what we do each day so there is no reason to believe it is true. It's the same reason you probably do not believe in fire breathing dragons, the Christian god, or that I have the ability to fly using my mind although you can not disprove either of those claims.

If it is as silly as you suggest to think that something could just pop into existence then why does this not also apply to your god? It just seems to be special pleading to say that it is impossible for something to come from nothing except for the god you believe in.
You don't pay attention to the media? Or you just choose to selectively ignore the stories in the media because they fall outside your personal experience? You choose to ignore the violence, the rapes, the pedophilia, the terrorism, all the things that people who hold your religious views do, in the name of your religion.

That seems to be a problem with you, these things actually exist whether you like it or not.

Come on man!!

I live in a country where most of the people are Muslims and I haven't seen or read any of these things you say.

Start the research about media.

They tell you lies that are so big that you can't help yourself not to believe it.

They make day to appear like a dark night.

Don't blind believe what you see on TV.

They are not the honest people they seem to be.

Watch the movie "cache"(Hidden) by Michael Haneke to get an understanding of media. It's a good start.


Hello everyone.

Why some people believe god doesn't exist?

I mean of course we can't see something like god, but I don't get how this make people believe god can't exist.

I mean how logical it is to have such a belief system.

It's like this:

Hey!! I don't see any space creatures!! So I believe that we are the only existing creatures.

So even if we agree that We haven't find any way to totally prove god existence, does it make God "impossible to exist"?

So here we are.

We see a world.

How could we logically believe that it came out of nowhere, It wasn't created by no one and the world was like: TADAAAA!!! HERE I COME AND I'VE COME FROM NOWHERE. SUDDENLY I JUST POPPED OUT BOYS!!!

Which belief is more logical?

to believe that some god created this world or to believe that this world has just popped out, out of nowhere?

Tell me guys, how you hold such a funny belief?

What do you think about science then?

You think science is dull?

Cause if the world can come out of nothing, So what's the point of scientific knowledge?

Cause you see, in our world things can come out of nothing.

So any imaginable science would be based on nothing then.
Your basic logic is flawed by what is called a "logical fallacy" there are many kinds of logical fallacies (look them up). Your favorite here is the logical fallacy know as a argument from ignorance.