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Why the law of Moses prohibits anal sex


Well-Known Member
Why didn't god simply eliminate STDs? Because he doesn't care.
God tells us what will help us and what will hurt us. We all choose how to live our lives.

Do you know its almost impossible for a married couple ,who never had multiple sex partners, to get an STD? The only exception would be them getting an STD from birth because someone else was sleeping around before them. You can whine all you want and blame it all on God. Most people do that. Or you can take responsibility for your own actions.


Well-Known Member
Our not yours. Just because you give yourself the look doesn't mean you belong. Though I agree you are one of the more imaginative totally not Christian-Christians around here.

I know who I am. Your method for establishing "Jewishness" has no basis in Torah. Not that you really care anyways.


Active Member
Yes, it is clear that our God brings judgment upon evil people. Thanks for making the point. The question is does God bring destruction upon innocent people.
Which goes to the point, are all children evil? even new-borns? If so, then I'm looking forward to a definition of "evil" that would apply to them.


Active Member
God tells us what will help us and what will hurt us. We all choose how to live our lives.
Isn't that nice.

Do you know its almost impossible for a married couple ,who never had multiple sex partners, to get an STD?
Ever hear of the herpes simplex virus, an STD? Obviously not.

You can whine all you want and blame it all on God. Most people do that. Or you can take responsibility for your own actions.
Despite your implication here, It's not an either-or situation. God is the creator of all diseases, and as such bears the responsibility for their existence, and knowing that humans are fallible creatures, is well aware that some will fall prey to his insidious mine field. Gotta wonder why a good and loving being would do such a thing. It's like leaving a baby unattended in a tub of water. Maybe it will drown, maybe not.
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Well-Known Member
I know who I am. Your method for establishing "Jewishness" has no basis in Torah. Not that you really care anyways.

No I don't really care about anything you could ever write. Why? Because you try to portray yourself as the one true Jew, knowing everything that can possible be to Judaism with the ultimate goal to undo the last 1900 years of Judaism.

Because obviously you know the truth. But its nothing special, there are entire Religions who claim the same and it has not changed our adherence at all.

The only worry I have is that some gullible naive people will read what you write and think that you are somehow an authority on anything relating to Judaism.

But then again you are perfect for the start into the three weeks.


Active Member
So why not care about all the diseases that ravage mankind? Nope, you can't claim a god cares about the sexuality of 100% of the population when he obviously lets so many other ailments, maladies, and suffering befall it. What kind of sane being would be so arbitrary? They wouldn't.

He did far more then simply allow children to be killed, he ordered it or did it himself.

Jeremiah 11:22-23
22 Therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: I am going to punish them. The young men shall die by the sword; their sons and daughters shall die by famine. 23 None shall be spared among them, for I will bring disaster upon the men of Anathoth, the year of their punishment.

Exodus 12:29
And so at midnight the Lord struck down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh sitting on his throne to the firstborn of the prisoner in the dungeon, as well as all the firstborn of the animals. 30 Pharaoh arose in the night, he and all his servants and all the Egyptians; and there was loud wailing throughout Egypt, for there was not a house without its dead.

I find it endearing when non-believers use the bible to incriminate God Himself. Okay, okay. Let's start with Exodus.

How many chances, warnings, and attempts did God make to appeal to Pharaoh prior to resorting to the verse you cited?

Jeremiah is a book about calling Israel to repentance, and ultimately how it fell due to its own stubbornness and heresy. How long did God suffer Israel's disobedience before He gave them over to the Babylonians?

A better example would have been the canaanites or the amalekites, to which God also provisioned for them the chance for repentance to which they responded with "heck no! Die!" And were thusly dispatched for it.

You do realize you're in that lot, right now, yes?


Well-Known Member
The death penalty was meant to deter humans from the action. You might argue that this is overkill but think about it. If God knew that anal sex would cause and spread as many diseases as it did, could the harsh penalty be form of preservation? Would it have been more "loving" to allow humans to commit an action that He knew would cause deadly diseases and spread these diseases to MANY OTHERS?
You do realize that sexually transmitted diseases can be spread through vaginal sex as well, non? Or are you just another Christian out to bash all gay men from their lifestyles? As a gay woman, anal sex is not really an option for us, but what you state here is so ludicrous, its laughable. HIV can be acquired through blood of any orifice or did you not know this?


Well-Known Member
The passage is obviously implying a male having INTERCOURSE with a male in the same way a male does with a female. Anal sex.
Are you not inferring here? Do you have the audacity to know the mind of God? Because Lyndon was right, it could mean exactly what he said. Where does the word anal appear in the text? How do we know it is not simply hugging or spooning? Unless you have a direct line to God you are implying and that is not necessarily the truth.


Well-Known Member
Are you aware that fecal matter contamination actually causes numerous diseases?
So does exposure to blood, spinal fluid, urine and a host of other bodily secretions and fluids. Fecal matter, when contained with the upper and lower GI is sterile, however it can carry diseases if the person has one.


Well-Known Member
No…there is plenty of scientific evidence proving fecal matter as the cause of numerous diseases. This is also the reason why Hebrew law was the first law structure to address the dangers of fecal exposure. As well as exposure to blood.
Again, the fecal matter can contain such things as E coli and a few other things. But one must get this matter into contact with broken skin or in an orifice. Additionally, the body has numerous ways to combat this, unless the person is immunocompromised. Women who have sex vaginally have been known to bleed, such as with rough sex, with some irritations, when they have menstruation, and sometimes with breakthrough, among other reasons. That can spread disease as well.


Active Member
Isn't that nice.

(media removed)

Wait, so let me get this straight. Because bad stuff exists and thus happens to people, that means God is bad, or non-existent? Because, why let something bad happen to people you love? Is that the point?

How can anyone ever defeat such a solid argument? Hmm. Well, there's always John 11. Let me copy some of it for you.

Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the town of Mary and her sister Martha. 2 It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with fragrant oil and wiped His feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. 3 Therefore the sisters sent to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.”

4 When Jesus heard that, He said, “This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”

5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was.

So He hears the man is sick, but instead of going immediately, He waits, having said more or less, since he isn't dead yet, I'm not going yet.


14 Then Jesus said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that you may believe. Nevertheless let us go to him.”

There, He says something strange again, like verse 4. Good thing He wasn't there to heal Lazarus, so now you may believe.

32 Then, when Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, saying to Him, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.”

33 Therefore, when Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her weeping, He groaned in the spirit and was troubled.
37 And some of them said, “Could not this Man, who opened the eyes of the blind, also have kept this man from dying?”

Ever been here before? I have...

40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.42 And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me.” 43 Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” 44 And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with graveclothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him, and let him go.”

Now, of course in every day life, Jesus isn't around to heal all our ailments. But the reason the blind man was where he was when Christ passed through, was for the purpose that Christ could heal him and the world could witness it. The purpose of John 11 and my selective quoting from it is to demonstrate a, possibly, foreign concept for you. Without anguish, woes, and, well, evil... how can you ever know the goodness of God? It actually exists for His glory, whether that makes sense to you or not.

Ever hear of the herpes simplex virus, an STD? Obviously not.

Yeah, I have it. It wasn't sexually transmitted to me, though, but it can be sexually transmitted, yes. So can the common cold, not often considered an STD.

It does mean I don't get to perform cunnilingus on my wife if I have one, or kiss my kids goodnight. The woes of being a grown up, eh?

Despite your implication here, It's not an either-or situation. God is the creator of all diseases, and as such bears the responsibility for their existence, and knowing that humans are fallible creatures is well aware that some will fall prey to his insidious mine field. Gotta wonder why a good and loving being would do such a thing. It's like leaving a baby unattended in a tub of water. Maybe it will drown, maybe not.

I used to think like this. I was wrong. Let me ask you this: it is said that God cannot sin, it's not in His nature, He's not capable of it being pure and holy. So then, did God create sin? I anxiously await your answer!


Well-Known Member
Drinking clear spring water from the source does not spread diseases. Which is what I said originally.
Well, where does the spring water come from? Animals are EVERYWHERE and includes in springs. Microbes exist in spring water. There is no source on earth that is free of disease. And certainly not in water.


Active Member
I find it endearing when non-believers use the bible to incriminate God Himself.
We don't have to believe in the Bible to find inconsistencies in it, and stop trying to curry favor with me. That you don't like the fact that your Bible is a two-edge sword, and people like myself are able to use the other edge is too bad, but bemoaning the fact won't make it go away. Want to use the Bible to show what a great guy he is? Then don't be surprised that others will use it to show what a not-so-great guy he is.

Okay, okay. Let's start with Exodus.

How many chances, warnings, and attempts did God make to appeal to Pharaoh prior to resorting to the verse you cited?

Jeremiah is a book about calling Israel to repentance, and ultimately how it fell due to its own stubbornness and heresy. How long did God suffer Israel's disobedience before He gave them over to the Babylonians?

A better example would have been the canaanites or the amalekites, to which God also provisioned for them the chance for repentance to which they responded with "heck no! Die!" And were thusly dispatched for it.

You do realize you're in that lot, right now, yes?
I do realize the ridiculous lengths you are willing to go to save god's character. The fact remains, he, your god, did, in fact, have innocent children killed. No way around it, catch22; your god isn't one of the nice guys.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Well, where does the spring water come from? Animals are EVERYWHERE and includes in springs. Microbes exist in spring water. There is no source on earth that is free of disease. And certainly not in water.
I dunno, you probably won't find much alive in a magma-vein. You know, that isn't a Waterbear or such.