We arrived to this point because I asked a question to Ehav4ever.
@BilliardsBall offered to show Ehav4ever why Torah was superior to commentary on Torah (post #116).
@Ehav4Ever insisted Billiardsball must give the data
“in Hebrew” without an “English translation…” (post #117)
It is irrational to limit critical data to Hebrew in an english speaking forum so as to exclude readers from understanding data critical to one’s position. It is simply silly to demand that others respond in Hebrew in an english language forum or to reject information because it is not in a foreign language of choice.
I asked why the quotes from Torah had to be in Hebrew because the earliest Patriarchs such as Adam, Abraham, Moses, did not speak or write in the national Hebrew language (i.e. the language Ehav4ever is quoting and the language of the Masoretic).
Any original oral histories from Adam, Abraham and Moses (etc) would have originated in the language Adam, Abraham and Moses spoke and wrote, rather than Hebrew. When the oral stories progressed to the written stage, they would have been written in the language available to and used by the original writers.
If we are to assume the story of Babel is correct, then all written stories would have been written in the original language and then translated into the various subsequent languages. Unless Hebrew was the original language, then it is one of the languages the earlier stories would have been translated into.
Ehav4ever responded :
“They are not translations of any text but instead they are texts that were copied from older (ספרי תורה) in the possesion of (שבטים - שופטים - ונשאים) of Am Yisrael and because they were written on (גוויל) they can normally last several hundred years in the right conditions - just like the Dead Sea did. (post #122)
However, the claim that
“they are not translations” is simply a statement of tradition that is unsupportable by fact. We have no evidence that biblical Hebrew existed during the time periods when the earliest traditions first happened nor in the earliest stages when these traditions progressed from oral transmission to written texts originated.
And while Ehav4ever said the medium which books are written on (papyri, vellum, etc) can last for several hundred years, this is irrelevant since the dead sea scrolls demonstrate that the Masoretic version has major glosses in data in certain books and transmission is imperfect and the Masoretic is not the original text in many cases as the Masoretes (the creators of this bible) tell us.
There are multiple inaccuracies in much of what Ehav4ever has presented.
For example, insisting that one must offer data in Hebrew on an English speaking forum begs the question as to why one should pick a relatively modern Jewish Hebrew version produced in the middle ages versus an older Greek Jewish version produced in approx. 300 b.c.
I asked Ehav4ever :
“Can you explain why a translation made into Hebrew has advantage over a more ancient and more original translation made into greek." (The fact that the Jewish Greek version is older and a translation, it may provide insights not found in a later Hebrew translation.)
Ehave4ever replied : “Because the Greek LXX that is used by Christians is the product of Christians and not Torath Mosheh Jews.” (post #122)
This is a very strange claim since it assumes this version of the Old Testament was produced by Christians almost 300 years before Jesus was born.
It is another irrational claim.
I also asked regarding the O.P. and it’s fairness.
The O.P. is applied in a “one-sided” manner to Christian revelations and texts.
these criticisms can also be applied to Jewish revelations and texts regarding how those in power controlled and determined what information would be available and included and what would be suppressed and excluded.
My example was the Jewish rabbinic prohibition against any inquiry or discussion regarding texts and traditions and discussion regarding what happened before creation (Technically before the Beyt in the first line in Genesis).
A second question regarding the O.P. itself :
If one applies the principles of "inclusion" or "exclusion' to the Old Testament / Tanakh, that you are applying to the New Testament?
Rosends asked :
“And what is "national Hebrew" as opposed to proto-Hebraic, or Assyrian?”
Hi Rosends
I am simply using the term “National” Hebrew to describe the written language the Masoretes used when they created their version of the Bible that became the bible of orthodox Judaism as opposed to the various earlier versions of the Hebrew bible.
By earlier versions I mean versions of the text represented by eastern vs western schools, versions prior to matris lectiones and non-pointed versions; versions such as the supralinear punctuated versions, and versions before sopherim and Masoretes edited the text when they created the Masoretic version of the Tanakh.
As to your question regarding Hebrew versus the Assyrian language.
I do not speak Assyrian and cannot speak to all of the differences between languages, however the Assyrian Orem Frien says
“The ancient Assyrian language is related to Hebrew in a distant sense, much the same way as Russian and English are both Indo-European languages. However they are not close enough to have a normal conversation. “
He says that “
As an Assyrian I can recognize some modern Hebrew words, but I have never tried to have a conversation with an Israeli in Hebrew. “
He explains that the languages are close enough that “
we may still be able to communicate somewhat” but he says he will still need to communicate in another common language if they are not going to use a translator.
The point is that they are different languages despite similarities. In the same way, early Canaanite language (of which Hebrew is one) are related, but are considered different languages.
I assumed the claims regarding Hebrew being the original language is simply an attempt to find some point of superiority and the data becomes mixed and tainted when one tries to skew the data to support the claim that Hebrew was the language of Adam or of the early written Jewish traditions of Abraham, etc.
In any case, I hope it makes sense that the issue of whether Hebrew is the UR language of the earliest patriarchs such as Adam or Abraham.
I hope your own journey is wonderful