ONLY God could have possibly Authored the Book of Genesis and got all the scientific details correct. No man of 3k years ago could have correctly told us the Big Bang was on the 3rd Day. (Gen. 2:4) That Adam, the first human was made long BEFORE our Solar system was made, (Gen. 2:4-7)... that every living creature, except humans, was created and brought forth from the water on Day 5, some 3.7 Billion years ago, in man's time. Only God knew and correctly showed that we live in a Multiverse. Gen. 1:6-8 and Gen. 2:4
Then, God gives us the Formula for passing Adam's superior intelligence to early man. When you mix the sons of god (Prehistoric man whose ERVs came from the common ancestor of Apes) and the descendants of Adam, today's modern humans are the offspring. That is HOW human civilization was spread to the whole Earth.
Genesis 6:4
This event happened on the FIRST Heaven/Earth and it also happened on our present Earth when Noah's grandsons found - like Cain - that they had NO other humans to marry. They married and produced today's humans with the prehistoric people who were here when Noah arrived. This reveals that we will find life throughout the Universe where we find liquid water.
To be specific about ERVs, they show that prehistoric man did evolve from the common ancestor of Apes.....
BUT....Humans did NOT.
Humans were made billions of years BEFORE prehistoric man proving that we did Not evolve from any Ape. Humans are the descendants of Adam. Only Adam's descendants and God have the highest form of intelligence. Gen. 3;22
The Theory of Evolution is opposite of God's Truth and reveals that mankind will dream up anything in order to avoid facing God's Truth that ever man is appointed once to die and after that the Judgment. God is real and evolution is nothing more than Adaptation. Godless men have twisted scientific facts and are currently teaching their religious foolishness to our children. They don't believe God now, but soon, their knees will bow. That's God's Truth about ERVs. Refute it at your own peril for God is not mocked.