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Why the west leaving the Christainity ?

obi one

is this a consequnce of modernity (technologie )
it's consequnce of secularism ( religion get away from the politics )
or it's the consequence that the Bible contian errors (edited by human )

as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!

and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions .

It depends on what you refer to as "western people", and how a question is asked. In the U.S., the only measurable uptick in Islam numbers is because of Muslim country immigrants, and jail conversions. The muslim immigrants fleeing poverty, disease, and violence of their muslim mother countries. 50% of U.S. population are considered Protestant, while 25% are considered Catholic, and 1.6% are considered athiest. Statistics on Religion in America Report -- Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life The jail conversions relates to both Islam and "Christianity". A conversion hopefully sounds good at a parole hearing.

As for"most of western people being atheist", I don't think so. You may get that figure for places such as Sweden, but then again, with a 50% tax rate, a lot of people will claim to be Athiest to get out of paying the 1% tax to the state church. Places like Sweden and Switzerland may claim to be highly athiest, but that is not the case, for they love the god mammon, and worship with reverence.

The well being of the state is more dependent on there being a separation between church and state, such as stated in the Constitution of the U.S. Currently Turkey does well for a muslim country because they have a church/state separation. Muslim countries in general, do very poorly, because they have a church/state integration. Few leave the Muslim religion because of fear of being killed by their loving brothers.

As for the freedom of "Christians" to make changes, that is indeed helped by the free flow of information helped by the Internet. Many may be turned off by the "Christian" dogmas, and doctrines of the paganistic ritualized churches, but they have the freedom to seek out the actual truth of a matter, without looking to some self declared Iman or clergy to force feed them the traditions of men. That is a good thing, not a bad thing, something that isn't tolerated in most Muslim nations.


Its only a Label
Friend Godobeyer,

Why the west leaving the Christainity ?
Because they are intelligent and not attached to issues like they have to believe in so and so or do so and so as the religion tells them so.
In fact they are experimenting the various paths available to mankind and not stuck and attached to one path alone as the only true path or the best path etc. which some religions claim.
Do you see that pattern arising??

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
As for"most of western people being atheist", I don't think so. You may get that figure for places such as Sweden, but then again, with a 50% tax rate, a lot of people will claim to be Athiest to get out of paying the 1% tax to the state church.

Actually, over 70% of Swedes are members of the Church of Sweden and thus pay Church tax, even the atheists. I'm not a Christian, but I'm still a member of the Church.


Agnostic Pantheist
is this a consequnce of modernity (technologie )
it's consequnce of secularism ( religion get away from the politics )
The last few centuries saw great social changes. secularization, progress, political changes. the west didn't wake up yesterday and decided to leave Christianity.

or it's the consequence that the Bible contian errors (edited by human )
Progress in the humanities, in archaeological work and theory, in technology (dating methods) all inevitably contribute to the development of Biblical research.

as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!

and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions .
What are these reports?
do you believe that people in the west are leaving one religion in order to join another?


I would say the greatest threats to religion are:

1) materialism
2) education
3) freedom from religion

Places with high rates of atheism tend to be highly materialistic, have greater access to education and have secular governments that allow individuals to choose what religion to believe or not believe.

what does that say about religion if education is a threat????

did you mispost???


is this a consequnce of modernity (technologie )


No this is a matter of freedom more so then education and knowledge

as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!

false, you like to exaggerate.

and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions

false, from a biased uneducated ignorant source.

or it's the consequence that the Bible contian errors (edited by human )

you mean the book many think , islam copied ??????

the west is not leaving chrsitianity, the west has opened itsarms to freedom of religion.

Unlike barbaric 3rd world countries that cannot play nice with different views of theology.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
It is simply a part of the cycle that Christianity is falling. Religions are formed, they thrive, and then they crumble and become myth. In two thousand years people will be looking at Christianity as most now look at the ancient religions of Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. Not only is the religion falling, but America is falling and quite fast. As with religion, all empires rise and, eventually fall.

The thing is, I do not really see Christianity falling here in America. Actually, it seems to be thriving in a quite dangerous fashion. Much of the fascism here is Christian based, such as the abortion laws and same sex laws. I think it is this connection of fascism and Christianity that will be the downfall of both the religion and the country.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
When you have freedom, people make different choices. There are way more Atheists in Europiean countries than in the United States, but we are headed that way as well.

Here at RF, the people here are not representative of our nation as a whole. About 20% of America is represented by 80% of our membership here IMHO.

that's cool 80% !!! , that's mean i am talking to the america here :D


.45 Cal
is this a consequnce of modernity (technologie )
it's consequnce of secularism ( religion get away from the politics )
or it's the consequence that the Bible contian errors (edited by human )

as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!

and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions .

Not really. The god of Americans is becoming sex more and more. When you hear people complain about Christianity, the strict sexual laws are usually at the top of the list. Often times, that's all the list is comprised of
Last edited:


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Actually, over 70% of Swedes are members of the Church of Sweden and thus pay Church tax, even the atheists. I'm not a Christian, but I'm still a member of the Church.

your claim make me feel that the christianity in the west become like "habit" , not something "saint" , it's like heritage or culture ....etc ?


Oldest Heretic
It would seem that it is liberals who tend to leave the churches.
Conservatives are in two distinct flavours, Christian or atheist.

Those leaving those Christian groups are very unlikely to find Islam attractive.

Islam tends to appeal and attract those at the uneducated unsuccessful downtrodden end of western society. Especially those who have lost the ability to chose and think for themselves.


Well-Known Member
your claim make me feel that the christianity in the west become like "habit" , not something "saint" , it's like heritage or culture ....etc ?

Sweden doesn't speak for all of "west". Many countries in the west are very very religious.

In Sweden, it has become culture for most people, but the main reason that most people are members of the Church of Sweden is that you automatically became a member if your parents were members. Nowadays, you only become a member when you're baptized, which most babies still are. Mostly because of culture.

I'm not bothering to leave the Church. It's a small amount of tax and it partly goes towards keeping our culture alive. The church here is really liberal too, so I'm ok with supporting it.

work in progress

Well-Known Member
I would say the greatest threats to religion are:

1) materialism
2) education
3) freedom from religion

Places with high rates of atheism tend to be highly materialistic, have greater access to education and have secular governments that allow individuals to choose what religion to believe or not believe.
That first one is likely because so many atheists are people who are just not that introspective by nature, and are uninterested in deeper, philosophical questions...such as what purpose our lives have? A lot of everyday atheists are just materialists who just live a day to day hedonistic existence. This is especially true of younger self-described atheists, who read something by Nietzsche or Ayn Rand that justifies the basic self-centered attitude that a teenager or 20 something will have. Some grow out of that stage if they get married and start thinking about how to raise their own children, some may never grow out of it!


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
No this is a matter of freedom more so then education and knowledge
i say that because the christianity did not encourage the education in the past .
the event of the globle earth ...when the christainity deny that the earth is globe .

false, you like to exaggerate.
I told you what i notice , i am not very sure or exaggerate , any way your atheist and know more then me :p

false, from a biased uneducated ignorant source.
this is credibale western source :
100,000 Islam converts living in UK: White women most keen to embrace Muslim faith | Mail Online

you mean the book many think , islam copied ??????
i don't understand your point .

the west is not leaving chrsitianity, the west has opened itsarms to freedom of religion.
i have good proverb for this
"All the roads lead to Roma ":D

Unlike barbaric 3rd world countries that cannot play nice with different views of theology.
this had no sense .
i have other proverb for this :
"sometimes the **** comes out from the mouth instead from ..."

work in progress

Well-Known Member
is this a consequnce of modernity (technologie )
it's consequnce of secularism ( religion get away from the politics )
or it's the consequence that the Bible contian errors (edited by human )

as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!

and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions .
In the West, no one has to be a Christian if they really don't want to be there. The only exception would be more recent immigrants who have family connection tied to the Catholic Church, and feel obligated to stay with it even if they don't believe a word of it!

But, I could say the same thing about Muslims in the West! I know at least one Muslim who is an agnostic or an atheist, but feels that he has to keep his thoughts on the subject secret from his family and others from his community who came here from India. It's not that he is afraid of some kind of honor-killing; it's the fact that he has to stay a Muslim to continue being part of his community, and voicing heretical views would turn him into an outcast. So he has to continue as a practicing Muslim who is secretly an atheist, and questions every supernatural claim that exists in his religion and elsewhere.


Premium Member
as i see here in this forum most of the western people are atheists !!!
I would think most US is religious or spiritual but they don't seem as vocal in public for some reason.
and some western reports said :
many of the christain convert to Islam or to other religions .
Many christians just change denominations but depending on what they learn they are either moving toward more orthodoxy like catholic, jw, or islam or choosing paths with more liberal dogmas.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Big factor.

Apostasy is not a crime in western societies.

But it is in Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Qatar, Yemen and Mauritania. Among other theocratic countries.

it's considerate crime , in the west is considerate cheating or freedom ...etc
that's different juging .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
It would seem that it is liberals who tend to leave the churches.
Conservatives are in two distinct flavours, Christian or atheist.

Those leaving those Christian groups are very unlikely to find Islam attractive.

Islam tends to appeal and attract those at the uneducated unsuccessful downtrodden end of western society. Especially those who have lost the ability to chose and think for themselves.

there is another report from NBC news

NBC NEWS: 20000 Americans Convert To ISLAM Each Year ! - YouTube