Thank you Mr. Santorum! I notice that your responses have little or nothing to do with the points made by atheists. Such as this one, where you were challenged to explain why atheists/agnostics have the lowest divorce rates.
I'm sure a lot of young people (like myself 35 years ago) who ran away from fundamentalist land, go through at least a temporary hedonistic stage, and want to enjoy everything that was forbidden to them in their formerly constricted lives. At some point you have to allow people to be themselves.
Some people are impulsive, hedonistic, and will be prone to all sorts of problems by doing a lot of things without thinking through the consequences of their actions. They will either grow out of that stage and settle down, and have a life where they can be healthy and have stable relationships...or they won't! And no amount of Jesus Juice is going to change that fact! As we have seen many, many times, it's the obsessive, uptight Santorums that do the most dramatic swan dives into disaster when they fall off their heavenly pedestal. It's been pointed out many times already, that the more secular states in the U.S. - like Vermont - have the lowest divorce rates, and teen pregnancy - STD rates as well. And the most God-fearing state - Mississippi - has the highest numbers in all the sin crimes, as well as having high murder rates. So why isn't all that worshipping Jesus fixing these problems in the religious states, since you want to make Vermont look more like Mississippi?