Christine, the evidence has been provided, it is all around you and passed by every minute if every day, you at any time can choose to consider the evidence of our spiritual reality.
If one waits for material senses to have a miraculous display for proof, than one will join the many that will always wait for such a sign.
The Bible put it in easy to understand language;
“The Pharisees came and began to argue with [Jesus], seeking from him a sign from heaven to test him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, ‘Why does this generation seek a sign? Truly, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.’ And he left them, got into the boat again, and went to the other side.”
Mark 8:11–13
The miracle is the change of heart, a heart that longs not for this life, unless and until all can share in the joys this life has to offere, if but one person on this planet suffers, all should not rest until that person finds peace.
Regards Tony