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Why worship Satan?

Satans a bit of a rotter, Jesus said he cripples people and that he's a liar.
So clue me in, what is there about Satan to like, let alone worship?
Do people worship him because they're scared of him or what?


Well-Known Member
the Church of Satan, the most organized Satanic group, reject this common association, as they do not actually believe in a being called "Satan," and use his name only as a symbolic allusion to certain materialistic and individualistic values. Adherents of the various forms of Satanism recognize Satan as either an archetype, a pre-cosmic force, an actual living entity, and/or some aspect of human nature.
I have considering being something like that, but my thinking was...

In the Bible, God killed many many people.

Satan killed only about 20.

So who would you worship?

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
The cosmic "bad guy" so many seem to fear and try to "save" themselves from in our societies is just an idea that appears to have been created by the Persian clergy as a tool to punish political enemies, and through time as religious ideas spread, the Hebrews adopted the idea as well (must have realized it was useful to them too). It doesn't seem much has changed over the years other than his (it's) name and his attributions. What is now called "satan" started as just an idea, I'd assume "god" started as just an idea too, look at how big he got! I'd say that without "satan", gods and the churches eclipse would have been much sooner, what's Judeo Christian belief systems without satan? not much. I firmly believe that if one is a believer in "god" based systems that utilize him, at least give least Satan his due, or at least a nod, maybe even throw a party to show your apreciation for helping your religion to exist for as long as it has, not all the time though, maybe once a year.

I'd say for the most part, you'll find few people that call themselves "satanists" that actually believe in a "satan" That doesn't mean it's not good clean fun to raise the devil and tread upon the cross once in a while.

There is an old saying that goes something like "Satans greatest trick is convincing people he isn't real" Id' say if a completely evil and unredeemable deity that seeks nothing but the destruction, pain and suffering of mankind does actually exist, he would find great pleasure in the fact that the "righteous" have been doing exactly that for years all by themselves because of a belief that he does in the name of god :clap


Rege Satanis

Hail Satan!


Well-Known Member
If you really want to understand it, you're going to have to look at it from a completely different perspective. You can't understand Satanism in the context of Christianity.

Most Satanists don't actually believe in Satan. For them it is an idea...a representation of a lifestyle, etc. Even Satanists who do believe Satan is real don't generally worship him. Worship is seen as submission and Satanists do not submit to Satan. Satanists would not submit to any deity. Naturally, theistic Satanists do deal with Satan in their spiritual and magickal pursuits, but it is done on even ground.

Personally, I'm a theistic Luciferian and I do deal with Lucifer on a regular basis, but I'm not one of his "subjects." We don't believe in that. My workings deal with Lucifer as a friend, comrade, sibling, etc. There is no soul-selling, begging, sacrificing or anything like that. It's simply prayer and meditation.

What puzzles me most about your question though is your references to Jesus. Quite frankly, why would a Satanist care what Christ's opinion is? Why would a Satanist care about what Christ says and does? Why would a Satanist put any value in that? I know Christians don't care about Satan's opinion. Why then should Satanists believe what Christ says?


Keeper of the Grove
Satanists are different from Luciferists. Satanists do not "worship" Satan. They don't even believe in Satan as a real entity. On the other hand Luciferists truly believe in the existence of an entity known by some as Satan.

People may worship Satan for many reasons. One such reason is that Satan gave us "knowledge and intellect". Without the fruit of knowledge, we would not be able to debate this subject at all. It is my humble belief that any God who would deny me this blessing/curse is an immoral one. Therefore, I must regard the Christian/Islamic/Judaeistic God as immoral, though I mean no offense in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Luciferists? Are you referring to Luciferians? I've never heard Luciferist before. If you mean Luciferains, you've still got it wrong. Some Luciferians are atheistic and some are theistic. Luciferians don't deal with Satan...most believe that Satan and Lucifer aren't the same.

As far as the Church of Satan goes, it was founded in 1966 and I really don't think you're going to find any serious Satanist who believes LaVey's lies or cares that he did lie. He was working in his own self-interest and I think you'll find most Satansists are okay with that. I really am not sure what you're getting at with the organization comment.


Keeper of the Grove
Luciferists? Are you referring to Luciferians? I've never heard Luciferist before. If you mean Luciferains, you've still got it wrong. Some Luciferians are atheistic and some are theistic. Luciferians don't deal with Satan...most believe that Satan and Lucifer aren't the same.

ReligiousTolerance.org gave me that information long ago. They said basically the same thing I did.

Perhaps it was false information.


Well-Known Member
I searched their site and didn't find anything on Luciferianism so they may have taken it down. I've heard what you've said before from others and it is definitely misinformation. I've been trying to track down the source and it seems they may have already taken care of it. I don't know. What I can say is that religioustolerance.com has a link to the Joy of Satan website which is basically an illegitimate Satanic organization based on absolutely nothing other than what one woman makes up. She's been getting money out of people in this organization for her own personal gain for quite some time. They have also been accused of outragous antisemetism. I am aware though that some people don't have a problem with that.


Well-Known Member
I think the point was that it's just a personal choice. If you didn't believe that Jesus died for your sins or that he was the son of God, etc., you would probably not worship him either.


Moved on
Well, personally, if I believed in the whole Abrahamic deal, I'd probably be a Luciferian. After all, wasn't it Lucifer who helped us and set an example for us to be independant and strong? :cool:

Also, I just need this answered. Ðanisty, is that a capital Eth or a fancy D at the start of your name? The way I pronounce it in my head always comes out funny.


Active Member
Ðanisty said:
If you really want to understand it, you're going to have to look at it from a completely different perspective. You can't understand Satanism in the context of Christianity.

Most Satanists don't actually believe in Satan. For them it is an idea...a representation of a lifestyle, etc. Even Satanists who do believe Satan is real don't generally worship him. Worship is seen as submission and Satanists do not submit to Satan. Satanists would not submit to any deity. Naturally, theistic Satanists do deal with Satan in their spiritual and magickal pursuits, but it is done on even ground.

Personally, I'm a theistic Luciferian and I do deal with Lucifer on a regular basis, but I'm not one of his "subjects." We don't believe in that. My workings deal with Lucifer as a friend, comrade, sibling, etc. There is no soul-selling, begging, sacrificing or anything like that. It's simply prayer and meditation.

What puzzles me most about your question though is your references to Jesus. Quite frankly, why would a Satanist care what Christ's opinion is? Why would a Satanist care about what Christ says and does? Why would a Satanist put any value in that? I know Christians don't care about Satan's opinion. Why then should Satanists believe what Christ says?

How do you do this exactly?


Well-Known Member
champion said:
How do you do this exactly?
The same way any religious person deals with their deity. I pray and meditate and try to incorporate Luciferian thought into my life.


Active Member
Ðanisty said:
The same way any religious person deals with their deity. I pray and meditate and try to incorporate Luciferian thought into my life.

Oh, i apologize. I thought when you said deal, you meant meet maybe. I got confused because i would never say i deal with God on a daily basis.

And if you don't mind, i'de like to ask another question. Why have you (and many others) decided to incorporate Lucifer (Satan) into your life and not God (I understand you might not believe in God, but try to bear with me)

thnx alot


Well-Known Member
champion said:
Oh, i apologize. I thought when you said deal, you meant meet maybe. I got confused because i would never say i deal with God on a daily basis.

And if you don't mind, i'de like to ask another question. Why have you (and many others) decided to incorporate Lucifer (Satan) into your life and not God (I understand you might not believe in God, but try to bear with me)

thnx alot
Because I have a very low opinion of God.


Flaming Queer
Thanks for your time in this thread, Danisty!

from reading your well thought-out posts around the forum, i had pretty much pieced together your thoughts on how a relationship with Satan goes, but it's been a pleasure to read this and see it all put together.

thanks! :hug:

James the Persian

Dreptcredincios Crestin
Ðanisty said:
Because I have a very low opinion of God.

So how does your theology work? Is Lucifer a god in your beliefs or a created being? Is he the creator or is that someone else? I'm just interested in seeing how far, if at all, your beliefs are related to Christianity. Obviously I understand that you don't see Lucifer as evil. Do you then see him as some sort of Prometheus-like figure? Or is your belief perhaps closer to the Gnostic one in which the material universe was created by an evil god and there is another good god in opposition to him (and before some neo-Gnostic jumps on me, i realise that this was just one strand of thought in a whole range of Gnostic beliefs)?


That letter is called eth and is pronounced like the 'th' in they (thorn is the name of the character pronounced like 'th' in think). Both letters were used in Anglo-Saxon and are still used in Icelandic. Just something I thort might interest you.