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Why worship Satan?


Active Member
Ðanisty said:
Because I have a very low opinion of God.

Oh, so you do believe in God? I'm sorry, i have'nt read your other posts, so im not really sure how your belief system goes (if you'd redirect me somewhere where i can read something about your faith before asking so many questions it would be great).

thnx again


Through the Looking Glass
champion said:
Oh, so you do believe in God? I'm sorry, i have'nt read your other posts, so im not really sure how your belief system goes (if you'd redirect me somewhere where i can read something about your faith before asking so many questions it would be great).

thnx again

"God" can be understood as a symbol (it is a word after all). So one could have a low opinion of the symbol "God" and it have no relationship at all to their "belief" in my objectified concept that I may signify with "God" (or "Allah" or "Brahman" or "Tao" or whatever I choose to call it).


Active Member
doppleganger said:
"God" can be understood as a symbol (it is a word after all). So one could have a low opinion of the symbol "God" and it have no relationship at all to their "belief" in my objectified concept that I may signify with "God" (or "Allah" or "Brahman" or "Tao" or whatever I choose to call it).

Thank you for YOUR input

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
Personally I've never really thought of the Biblical God as a real being. I do believe in God, but He is rather different from Yaweh.
Having read the Bible, I definitely see Satan as being the lesser of the two evils (with Yaweh being the greater).
Still, it is difficult for me to think of Satan as a non-evil being. Also, I perciece Satan to be an angel/devil of some kind, which makes him far inferior in power to a god.
After reading Dansity's posts, it almost seems like we are talking about two completely different beings that share the same name.


Well-Known Member
JamesThePersian said:
So how does your theology work? Is Lucifer a god in your beliefs or a created being? Is he the creator or is that someone else? I'm just interested in seeing how far, if at all, your beliefs are related to Christianity. Obviously I understand that you don't see Lucifer as evil. Do you then see him as some sort of Prometheus-like figure? Or is your belief perhaps closer to the Gnostic one in which the material universe was created by an evil god and there is another good god in opposition to him (and before some neo-Gnostic jumps on me, i realise that this was just one strand of thought in a whole range of Gnostic beliefs)?
My personal beliefs run close enough to Christianity to make some LHPers uncomfortable. I wouldn't say that my personal beliefs are the most common take on Luciferianism though. Lucifer is a created being...he's an angel. That doesn't bother me. It actually makes me very comfortable. I'm a created being too so we have something in common. You would probably find that any Luciferian you spoke to would agree that Lucifer is a very Promethean figure. A lot of Luciferians consider themselves to be Gnostic Luciferians so you're line of thinking is right on with that too. I don't personally write off the possibility of there being many gods and I'm very comfortable with the idea that in some way, everyone's religion is correct. For me, it works to run under the concept that the Christian god (or should I say the Jewish one since most of my opinions on God come from the OT?) is the creator.

JamesThePersian said:
That letter is called eth and is pronounced like the 'th' in they (thorn is the name of the character pronounced like 'th' in think). Both letters were used in Anglo-Saxon and are still used in Icelandic. Just something I thort might interest you.
Thanks for the information. Any opportunity to learn something new is good in my opinion. My reasons for using the eth instead of the D are aesthetics and branding. I want people to recognize it. Us Luciferians love our pride...lol.

champion said:
Oh, so you do believe in God? I'm sorry, i have'nt read your other posts, so im not really sure how your belief system goes (if you'd redirect me somewhere where i can read something about your faith before asking so many questions it would be great).
Luciferianism isn't exactly an organized religion. There isn't one source I can send you to that will explain my beliefs. Just ask your questions. I don't mind. Actually, if you guys want, we can start a thread for asking me questions...lol. Then I'll have one source I can send people to. ;)

Yes, I believe in God. I'm a Theistic Luciferian.

Real Sorceror said:
Still, it is difficult for me to think of Satan as a non-evil being. Also, I perciece Satan to be an angel/devil of some kind, which makes him far inferior in power to a god.
In raw power? Probably. Raw power doesn't account for everything though.

Real Sorceror said:
After reading Dansity's posts, it almost seems like we are talking about two completely different beings that share the same name.
I'd say we're talking about two different perspectives of the same being. Everyone you meet forms a different opinion on you. Ask person A what kind person Real Sorceror is and you probably won't get the same answer is if you ask person B. That doesn't make you two different people.


Moved on
JamesThePersian said:
That letter is called eth and is pronounced like the 'th' in they (thorn is the name of the character pronounced like 'th' in think). Both letters were used in Anglo-Saxon and are still used in Icelandic. Just something I thort might interest you.
Haha, I still use eth and thorn when I write. It's just a bit faster and looks so much cooler. I mostly just use th online and on schoolwork.

Real Sorceror

Pirate Hunter
Thanks for the response Dansity, you seem like an excellent sort of person.
Becuase of my Christian upbringing, I've had the "Satan is evil" idea hammered into my head all my life, so I tend to be initially uncomfortable around certian people. I mistakenly flamed the first Satanist I met on the net, and I mistakenly ticked off a necrommancer. In both cases, I was just acting on preconcieved ideas about "those sorts of people". The odd thing is, I quite believing in the Bible some time ago, yet I still hold onto the "Satan is evil" idea.:shrug:
Old habits die hard I suppose.


The Devil's Advocate
Mick in England said:
Satans a bit of a rotter, Jesus said he cripples people and that he's a liar.
Where did Jesus say that?

Mick in England said:
So clue me in, what is there about Satan to like, let alone worship?
Do people worship him because they're scared of him or what??
I'm not a Satanist but to be honest I've always had a soft-spot for him. I mean he dared to stand up to the Almighty, to declare his own destiny instead of having one preordained for him. Whatever else you think of him, ya gotta admit that takes some balls. :D


The Devil's Advocate
Ðanisty said:
I'd say we're talking about two different perspectives of the same being. Everyone you meet forms a different opinion on you. Ask person A what kind person Real Sorceror is and you probably won't get the same answer is if you ask person B. That doesn't make you two different people.
Have you ever read William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell?

For Blake the Devil represents passion/energy, compared to angels which represent order/structure. I think he felt you needed both but he definately valued passion/energy more than order/structure. Interestingly at one point Blake declares that Christ is Satan. And by that he obviously didn't mean that Christ is evil. He meant that Christ "saves" us by bringing passion back into a world that had become overly structured. lifeless.

I wouldn't call Blake a Satanist. (In fact, he ended up abandoning the God/Christ/Devil thing altogether in favor of his own mythology.) Passion is not identical with self-rule, but I think there is a connection there, no?

Dr. Nosophoros

Active Member
Speaking as a "satanist" I would say that I myself use the symbology and attributions given by the society I live in just as a means of provocation and evocation- but mindless provocation/offence is not what I seek- personal thought beyond the prescribed parametres (whether one agrees with me or not) is what I truly seek. Whether one agrees with me or not doesn't matter to me but I only ask that one observe and think without pause or poison.

It doesn't matter where you live, or what your society supposedly demands of you or the molds they have presented for you, but please think - A mind is a terrible thing to waste (especially on someonelses mantra of normacly) for it dissolves into conformity and stasis- Within those parameteres, forward thinking and creativity is stifled.


Almighty Tallest
I don't recall Lucifer actually being brought up in the bible or his rebellion (viewing Satan and Lucifer as seperate because it's assumed they're the same person not shown). Though I view Satan and Lucifer in the same light as Danisty from what I take from this thread. I would have to ask why would someone join the Church of Satan? Because it is to my understanding that the core of this belief of Satanism is fascist (please refrain from confusing fascism with racism).


Well-Known Member
How do you mean it's fascist? I'm sorry, but I really don't see what you're getting at unless you are specifically talking about the Church as opposed to Satanism in general.


Almighty Tallest
I'm specifically talking about the Church of Satan. After reading the first couple of chapters of the Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor LaVey, it sounded exactly like fascism. Which I found intresting, being used in a religion instead of a politics.


Almighty Tallest
Maybe, though admintantly I've not yet read the whole thing, though a few people I know who've read it had contimplated becoming Satanist. But they still refer to themselves as just being Atheist.


Because_I_am said:
I have considering being something like that, but my thinking was...

In the Bible, God killed many many people.

Satan killed only about 20.

So who would you worship?
Wow this comment was awesome!

Also, many people don't believe in Jesus or that what Jesus taught was crazy!


why worship anything or anybody , men are walking in space at this moment and others are still bowing down to a deity


Almighty Tallest
We might be able to walk on the moon but we're still very limited and very fragile creatures. I don't claim to worship anything because worship is a ritual created by humans. But I'm certainly not going to say there isn't a higher power because humans can do this or that.


lamplighter said:
We might be able to walk on the moon but we're still very limited and very fragile creatures. I don't claim to worship anything because worship is a ritual created by humans. But I'm certainly not going to say there isn't a higher power because humans can do this or that.[/

why not?]