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Why worship Satan?


Most Satanists don't worship Satan at all. They don't even believe in Satan. Satan merely represents an opposition to the moralist conception of God and the conformity of the faithful under corrupt religious institutions.

Yes, i agree well said.

I don't believe in good vs. evil, satan vs. god, i am just opposed to the morals of christianity and believe that today's generation suits the ideals of satanism much more.
I also have strong self belief, a concept of satanism to uphold one's self above others.


Well-Known Member
why worship satan? hmmm
well lets see, he stould up against god, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend
he holds far more power in this world than god
and has funky little horns
Yes, i agree well said.

I don't believe in good vs. evil, satan vs. god, i am just opposed to the morals of christianity and believe that today's generation suits the ideals of satanism much more.
I also have strong self belief, a concept of satanism to uphold one's self above others.

Frankly, I love the nine Satanic Sins (outside of their complete and utter lack of understanding of the concept of Solipsism).

That Stupidity is the first of the nine is admirable. I think stupidity is a sin. Herd Conformity and Counter Productive Pride are also serious problems (problems, regretfully, I've found just as prevalent in the Satanist world as in any other world).


zombieharlot said:
Would it be safe for me to assume that Neitzsche's basic philosophy and Satanism have a lot in common?

Nietzsche is an inspiration for many Left-hand pathists.

*hugs Zombieharlot, welcoming him back*


Well-Known Member
Strange that Satanists should be so existentialist (embracing Nietzsche and Freud) and not be marxist/socialist also. Marxism is the epitome of materialist sociology, reducing all of man's existence (interior and exterior) into a materialist paradigm, IMO. Or is there antipathy between marxism and satanism due to a relationship with naziism? (just curious)


Troublemane said:
Strange that Satanists should be so existentialist (embracing Nietzsche and Freud) and not be marxist/socialist also. Marxism is the epitome of materialist sociology, reducing all of man's existence (interior and exterior) into a materialist paradigm, IMO. Or is there antipathy between marxism and satanism due to a relationship with naziism? (just curious)

Satanism is realistic, Marxism is idealistic. I think you misunderstand Nietzsche. Satanism is about power and control. Think about Satanism representing the animal kingdom (it is a crude comparison but...). Nietzsche also believed that "not all men are created equal." Life is a struggle for power, not a paradise where everyone has the same control. The weak dominate the strong. "Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength -- life itself is will to power." If anything, Satanists would be Libertarians.
Satans a bit of a rotter, Jesus said he cripples people and that he's a liar.
So clue me in, what is there about Satan to like, let alone worship?
Do people worship him because they're scared of him or what?
jesus has always crippled people , just like his friends in the bible , their big bad ending, and their trail of murder, I say worship your self, and cator to your self, live it- love it , with no one telling you you owe them for something , I guess people who have roaches in their house take them off to heaven with them ? and Santa claus will pay them a visit every now and again , maby if we pray for little Jessica in the cancer hospiital she recover, some poeple are famaly orented, and herd mentalitist,
that is fine with me , and can go on .I personally wouldnt trust the bible or any one less qualified than my self, no deal . im keeping my self here ,and their after and lll wander through the halls, in the greatest of all worlds! I am home !


Left Hand Path
Satanism is realistic, Marxism is idealistic. I think you misunderstand Nietzsche. Satanism is about power and control. Think about Satanism representing the animal kingdom (it is a crude comparison but...). Nietzsche also believed that "not all men are created equal." Life is a struggle for power, not a paradise where everyone has the same control. The weak dominate the strong. "Above all, a living thing wants to discharge its strength -- life itself is will to power." If anything, Satanists would be Libertarians.

You comparasion with the animal kingdom is a great example. Man is nothing but another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicous animal of all.-Anton LaVey. I am actually in physcology right now and we learned of Sigmun Freud and all them. Honestly...I do believe that it is all Satanic, people just give it different names. I mean seriously physcology is common sense, they just gave complex names to things that everyone knows or at least thinks about. Not all men are created equal though, everyone should know that...if you do believe that all men then what is wrong with you? Being Satanic is knowing and valuing the natural traits of animal and cosmic characteristics. Rather than worshipping an unreal entity that holds no physical form. Satanism or at least from what I believe (other satanic people may disagree) is the understanding and comprehension that there is only life and what we know. But that does not mean if you can picture something in your head that it doesn't exist, because it appears to you mentally. Just because other people can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Which I guess is a contradiction but still...do you know what I mean?
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Theistic Satanist
It is a bit narrow minded to think that we humans are the only things that exists or has ever existed. It's very egocentric to think that this whole universe revolves around only us. That there is only us, in the here and now. Don't you think all "this" is one hell of an accident then? Can you point to any other accident of this magnitude? I am a Satanist who respects LaVey but it is undeniable that there are forces at work that are much greater than human.


Left Hand Path
It is a bit narrow minded to think that we humans are the only things that exists or has ever existed. It's very egocentric to think that this whole universe revolves around only us. That there is only us, in the here and now. Don't you think all "this" is one hell of an accident then? Can you point to any other accident of this magnitude? I am a Satanist who respects LaVey but it is undeniable that there are forces at work that are much greater than human.

Hmm...do you know what you were critisizing?

One, I never said humans are the only things to exist...

Two, all beings are egocentric, it is what the 'wants' in life revolve around.

There is only us that we know of, yet it is proven that bacteria can flourish in the vaccum of space.

And no, it is not an accident, for things happen, things come in and out of existence, simple.

You treat life like a puzzle that needs to be solved, when we just are. You give a greater meaning to nothing than what it really is. All of these lables and pronouns and metaphors are really nothing but the voice of perception, which really means nothing. We simply just are.

What forces are undeniable? If it were undeniable I wouldn't deny the force of the supernatural. But it is reasonable to not follow a faith...
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Theistic Satanist
Interesting, but....

Firstly, I wasn't commenting on your post.

Second, egocentricity, while revolving around "wants", involves attaining those wants at any cost with disregard for other possibilities.

Thirdly, it isn't about what we know of, it's the fact that being Satanically aethist (LaVeyan) discounts the possibility of what "might be".

Fourth, one cannot simply state that things just come in and out of existence because one cannot point to any such thing whatsoever. What's one example of this? Where? And at what complexity?

Fifth, not once did I insinuate that life is something that needs to be solved. I give no greater meaning to anything than the other. My argument, simply, is that we cannot logically discount the possibility of something, some force, that is greater than us. It's far more than just perception or far less, if you will.

And lastly, it is a FACT that things exist that science itself hasn't even beeen able to prove or disprove completely. Therefore, cannot be humanly created or duplicated, thus undeniable. We're not necessarily talking about anything supernatural, just beyond our level of comprehension. Whether that's "out of this world" or not, we don't know yet and maybe never will. And yes, it is 100% percent reasonable to NOT follow a faith. Faith is nothing more than empty hope. But I'm not talking about any faith whatsoever. I'm simply stating that as an intelligent, reasonable human being, one cannot logically discount the "possibility" of things beyond our understanding. And from what the CoS tells us, LaVeyan Satanists, therefore Atheist Satanists, absolutely do not acknowledge even the possibility of such. That, to me, seems narrow minded.


Left Hand Path
Interesting, but....

Firstly, I wasn't commenting on your post.

My bad :D

Second, egocentricity, while revolving around "wants", involves attaining those wants at any cost with disregard for other possibilities.

Well of course, but that is not always the case. That is where emotions come into play.

Thirdly, it isn't about what we know of, it's the fact that being Satanically aethist (LaVeyan) discounts the possibility of what "might be".

No, I do not doubt what 'might be' I chose not to believe in it. I would say that the mind is capable of greater things than simple theism, the universe is unknown and all things in live are childeren of nature, Satan. Of course this goes into account that I do not believe in any dieties, I do not doubt the existence of what 'might be' for what do we know of the universe, besides the fact that stars destroy giving birth to more stars and nebulas? We look at the universe, what else could be out there? A diety floating in hyper space? Is it rational to believe in such dieties? I think not...

Fourth, one cannot simply state that things just come in and out of existence because one cannot point to any such thing whatsoever. What's one example of this? Where? And at what complexity?

Sure, a new born baby that dies as soon as it is born. A star being sucked into a black hole. A man getting shot on the street. All of these things lived and died...simple.

Fifth, not once did I insinuate that life is something that needs to be solved. I give no greater meaning to anything than the other. My argument, simply, is that we cannot logically discount the possibility of something, some force, that is greater than us. It's far more than just perception or far less, if you will.

Of course, well with that being said, to believe in a greater force is believing in a creator. Haha...something along the lines of 'still shrouded in myster, until you rise above perception, a viel of ignorance is in motion, continuing throughout multiple generations.' Maybe you recognize that (Dimmu Borgir) :D, but that sounds like your trying to give a lable to something that just is, i.e. solve a puzzle.

And lastly, it is a FACT that things exist that science itself hasn't even beeen able to prove or disprove completely. Therefore, cannot be humanly created or duplicated, thus undeniable. We're not necessarily talking about anything supernatural, just beyond our level of comprehension. Whether that's "out of this world" or not, we don't know yet and maybe never will. And yes, it is 100% percent reasonable to NOT follow a faith. Faith is nothing more than empty hope. But I'm not talking about any faith whatsoever. I'm simply stating that as an intelligent, reasonable human being, one cannot logically discount the "possibility" of things beyond our understanding. And from what the CoS tells us, LaVeyan Satanists, therefore Atheist Satanists, absolutely do not acknowledge even the possibility of such. That, to me, seems narrow minded.

Hmm...I do acknowledge such things. I just discount them because they are irrational, and hold no prove of such existence. Believe me, I have gone over this numerous times. What makes you think there is such dieties? Realize we are born from stars. If Set created us, who created him? Do you see how this can keep going? The closest to divine is the blackness of space.

The universal mind is capable of much more than praising such inane dieties...if you invoke the power of magic you would know that manipulation and deciet is a greater factor in the role of 'Devil's Advocate'. Anything to make one believe is what they will succumb to.

Where would you creators and such be if the mind had not created it or given lable to it?


Theistic Satanist
I think you're missing my point. We're not necessarily talking about any deities, per se, like some guy in the sky in a robe. What I'm saying is that a force that is beyond our understanding may very well exist, in fact, is likely to exist. There's nothing irrational about submitting to the "possibility" of supernaturalistic forces or events. The FBI hires psychics on difficult to solve murder cases. This has been documented numerous times. Therefore, there are only two distinct scenarios. One, the person claiming to be psychic actually commited the crime and hid the body where he/she finds it, or, he/she is actually psychic and has tapped into a power or force that many, if not most of us, have not. Is it important to tap into these forces? Maybe, maybe not. But if we have been granted the ability to think about these things which actually may help advace us, should we just ignore it on the assumption that we just "are", period? Remember, whatever someone believes to be their truth, is, in essence, their "faith", their path. Some theists speak concretely of a deity or presence, be they Abrahamic or Satanic. How can they? they don't "know" for sure. Some atheists speak of the non-existence of a god or deity. How can they? Do they "know" for sure? All I'm saying here is that, in my view, because I admit to the very likely possibility of the existence of a force or forces, I cannot and do not feel reasonable at the act of discounting something because it has not been proven, per se. We would have to call a whole lot of people in the world wackos if everything everyone said called for absolute proof. You may very well be right, there may not be any deities or anything else whatsoever. The key here is that you "may be" right. This is not an attempt to solve any life puzzle at all. It is simply taking comfort in who and what I am and, all the while, admitting that there very well may be "things" out there (not in hyperspace but beyond perceptual human realm). That doesn't mean I or you ever have to bow down or side with it/them. In my view, to be theistic, is to be open to the possibility of supernatural existence rather than worshipping or bowing down to it. The Nazarene may very well exist too, who knows? But one thing is for sure, that is a tyrannical egomaniac that I want nothing to do with!


Left Hand Path
I think you're missing my point. We're not necessarily talking about any deities, per se, like some guy in the sky in a robe. What I'm saying is that a force that is beyond our understanding may very well exist, in fact, is likely to exist. There's nothing irrational about submitting to the "possibility" of supernaturalistic forces or events.

Where is the inductive or deductive reasoning?

The FBI hires psychics on difficult to solve murder cases. This has been documented numerous times. Therefore, there are only two distinct scenarios. One, the person claiming to be psychic actually commited the crime and hid the body where he/she finds it, or, he/she is actually psychic and has tapped into a power or force that many, if not most of us, have not. Is it important to tap into these forces?

Or maybe he/she is better at putting the peices together. It is nothing special, a 'psychic' taps into mental power, something a big dumb FBI agent is obviously not capable of.:D

Maybe, maybe not. But if we have been granted the ability to think about these things which actually may help advace us, should we just ignore it on the assumption that we just "are", period?

It is not an assumption. We just are...sure spirituality may help us advance, but you don't need to hold supernatural faith to be spiritual. Since spirituality is of love in the first place. Some of the strongest spiritual people are Athiest :D

Remember, whatever someone believes to be their truth, is, in essence, their "faith", their path. Some theists speak concretely of a deity or presence, be they Abrahamic or Satanic. How can they? they don't "know" for sure.

Because they believe that they are right, hence they force down perceptions upon others. It is simply a matter of being dominant and being 'better'. What is worse than not knowing, to live or disappear?

Some atheists speak of the non-existence of a god or deity. How can they? Do they "know" for sure? All I'm saying here is that, in my view, because I admit to the very likely possibility of the existence of a force or forces, I cannot and do not feel reasonable at the act of discounting something because it has not been proven, per se. We would have to call a whole lot of people in the world wackos if everything everyone said called for absolute proof.

Well you said 'force' which is different from a diety. Therefore, sure dark energy exists :D but it isn't a God. What force is there that you speak of? Expanding universe? Humans aren't the only beings with the capability to hold thought processes and contemplation.

You may very well be right, there may not be any deities or anything else whatsoever. The key here is that you "may be" right. This is not an attempt to solve any life puzzle at all. It is simply taking comfort in who and what I am and, all the while, admitting that there very well may be "things" out there (not in hyperspace but beyond perceptual human realm). That doesn't mean I or you ever have to bow down or side with it/them. In my view, to be theistic, is to be open to the possibility of supernatural existence rather than worshipping or bowing down to it. The Nazarene may very well exist too, who knows? But one thing is for sure, that is a tyrannical egomaniac that I want nothing to do with!

In attempt to bring supernatural dieties into the physical realm by means of an enigmatic force is acting as if it is a puzzle peice to be solved. Realize there is no right or wrong, for we simply just are...if I am not right and you are not right then who is right? No one, that is why I cannot bring myself to a Theist level.

"You have labled me to give voice to your perceptions, when I am the infinite, the all mighty, the blackness of space and your mind. What you chose to call the great abstinence is irrelevent to existence. I simply am."-Sirktas :D

Oh, and Dimmu does kick arse :drool:

Gladius Deus Ex

Enlightened One
I feel the need to reply to clear some things up. As you can see my title is "Theistic" Satanist but I don't know whether my views are the same as other Satanists or not. I don't think it really matters. The question in this thread is, "Why worship Satan?" and my response is, I don't. This might confuse some because I believe in the existence of Satan but I can acknowledge his existence without actually worshiping him.

It basically works much like this. Satan brought us knowledge and freedom. This, I respect, and much like Satan, I strive to be completely free. In that, I am my own God, and bow to no one. If Satan brought us freedom, why would I return that Freedom and in turn bow before him? After throwing everything away in order to give us freedom, why would he want us to instead bow before him?

I don't believe he does. In this light I guess it doesn't really matter if I'm right or wrong. If it turns out Satan doesn't exist it doesn't change any of my core beliefs, who I am, or the way I live. In the end I'll still be the same cynical person who questions everything, doesn't follow others, strives to make the most out of my life without adhering to someone else's rules/lifestyle, and most of all living as a free individual.

Being a Satanist is about living life as a God.