But look closer at the paragraph in James containing verse 14. The paragraph reads:
"When tempted, no one should say, 'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
If I'm reading this correctly, evil and sin are two different things. And it seems to say in so many words that sin is merely the immoral act. That being the case, sin is not what caused Cain to kill Abel, desire was.
But even then we can't say that evil desire causes us to sin because people experience the desire to commit sin every day and yet don't act on it. If it was as simple as evil desire causing us to sin then everyone would be acting on all their evil desires every day. In reality though, some act on them and some don't. So the question is: What actually causes one to commit sin?
The word 'evil' in Scripture is Not always synonymous with wrong doing.
-Isaiah 45v7
Evil comes in the form of 'calamity' from God only for the wicked.
-Isaiah 26v10; 11vs3,4; Jeremiah 25vs30,31; Rev 19sv 11,15
Angels and humans are both free moral agents with the ability to choose.
Even imperfect people can choose to act on sin's leanings or not.
-Deut 30v19; 32v5
Besides wrong desire, Paul wrote [ Romans 2vs14,15; 1st Tim 4v2]
that 'conscience' enters into the picture.
A conscience can be trained to either 'excuse' or 'accuse' a person in their actions. Who would want the damaged conscience of a serial killer ?
So, Jimminy Cricket's advice to 'always let your conscience be your guide'
will only be good advice if the conscience is guided in the right direction.
God wants everybody to repent. [2nd Peter 3v9]
That means we can choose to act on thoughts or not.
It is the willful, premeditated, purposeful sinning that can lead to the unforgivable sin of Matthew 12v32; Hebrews 6vs4-6; 10vs26,27
* What actually causes one to commit sin ? [deliberate or not]
Adam, as our family head, passed down to us his imperfect DNA.
As every parent knows at a child's birth that its leanings will be toward imperfection. In other words, we can not stop accidental sinning no matter how hard we try. If we could stop sinning we would not die.
Since we can not resurrect oneself or another we need someone that can do that for us. Jesus, Not having human imperfection due to inherited Adamic sin,
and being faithful to death, is the one that can restore our life.
Jesus perfect life balanced the scales of justice for us.
What Adam lopsided [lost for us] Jesus balanced or evened out for us.
Some to life in heaven [Rev 20v6; 5vs9,10;14v4], and the majority to everlasting life on earth during Jesus messianic [1000-year] reign over earth.
Then, as Revelation [21vs4.5] says even death will be no more.
1st Cor [15v26] says: our last enemy 'death' will be brought to nothing.
Those resurrected on earth will have the opportunity to reach the same healthy human perfection of having a perfectly healthy, sound heart, mind and body as Adam originally had at his creation, along with the prospect of gaining everlasting life on a paradisaic earth.