Ghost of a Rider
Satan's line of reasoning was crafty. Gen [3v1 Satan crafty statement says that God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
Did God say they could not eat of every tree at Gen 2v17 or just one tree?
At Gen [3v4] Satan crafts or schemes the first lie: You will not die.
Do you think if you keep repeating this stuff I'll accept it as an answer to the question?
I'll address the rest of your remarks but before we go any further, I need you to answer this one question about the serpent's craftiness:
If it was Satan's craftiness that deceived Adam and Eve, WHY WAS THE (wild animal) SERPENT"S CRAFTINESS MENTIONED?
Either answer the question or tell me you don't know. Just quit sidestepping it with this stuff about how and why Satan deceived them.