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Will Hillary's email problem be her undoing?

Will Hillary's email issue eventually cost her bid for the Presidency?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Veteran Member
But the pics are missing a couple of important features.
She is alone, when she should be flanked by Bill and Obama.
Well maybe this will help


aged ecumenical anthropologist
The irony is that the director's decision not to prosecute actually may help Trump. If Hillary had been indicted, there would be tremendous pressure for her to drop out prior to the convention or that the delegates may have decided to abandon a sinking ship. If that had happened, Bernie's next in line, or possibly even Joe, both of which might get more votes than Hillary or Trump.

BTW, did any of you hear Trump's praise of Saddam Hussein, including praising Hussein's about not having to worry about reading an arrestee's rights under his dictatorial reign? Put that in the context of his praise of Kim Jong-Un and Putin, and I tend to think this may be more scary than Hillary's e-mail fiasco.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The irony is that the director's decision not to prosecute actually may help Trump. If Hillary had been indicted, there would be tremendous pressure for her to drop out prior to the convention or that the delegates may have decided to abandon a sinking ship. If that had happened, Bernie's next in line, or possibly even Joe, both of which might get more votes than Hillary or Trump.
Good point. It will be interesting to see what happens in the polls over the coming days.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It is all but impossible to avoid the lure of wishful thinking these days, isn't it?

There is so littlle basis for trusting even the politicians we do support that it is becoming difficult to understand why there are people who vote on their opponents.

Old Scratch

Active Member
Did anyone really believe that My servant would prosecution endure?
Not the sharpest tool in the shed she is, but in the wrong place her heart is.
My other entry in this race far more capable is, his choice of coiffure notwithstanding.


Premium Member
Comey's conduct makes it appear that Hillary's escaping prosecution was predetermined.
The investigation was just for show, eh?
I'm watching the testimony on CSPAN right now. (They're taking a little break.)

One of the guys did present this matter to her (Lynch,) since she announced on July 1 she would take whatever the recommendation was from the FBI, and the investigation was not complete with the recommendation coming in until nearly a week later -- all because she didn't want to appear there was an impropriety with her having a private conversation with the person being investiagated's husband -- that she effectively abdicated her responsibility to her job to make a decision to follow recommendations before she could have even seen what they were.

Very convenient for her.

They're starting again now.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The irony is that the director's decision not to prosecute actually may help Trump. If Hillary had been indicted, there would be tremendous pressure for her to drop out prior to the convention or that the delegates may have decided to abandon a sinking ship. If that had happened, Bernie's next in line, or possibly even Joe, both of which might get more votes than Hillary or Trump.

BTW, did any of you hear Trump's praise of Saddam Hussein, including praising Hussein's about not having to worry about reading an arrestee's rights under his dictatorial reign? Put that in the context of his praise of Kim Jong-Un and Putin, and I tend to think this may be more scary than Hillary's e-mail fiasco.
I am concerned because there are two viable scenarios that will allow Trump to win. One is that Sanders supporters launch a write in campaign and split the Democrat vote (and presidential elections are when Liberal voters tend to go vote), or we have such a very low voter turnout that those who support Trump will be most of them showing up to vote. If everyone were to vote, there is no possible way he could win because he appeals to very few who are outside of a specific white demograph. He epitomizes the very reason Conservative analysts were saying after 2012 that the Republican party has to improve its image and relations with women and minorities, especially with Hispanics.
If Trump wins, Republicans won't be worried about their image with minorities, it will be how do they regain control of their party, because they lost it to the media frenzies of the Tea Party and then again with Trump. We already had Boehner abandon ship, so a Trump victory may have very deep and unforeseen consequences. And that's just within the United States. Globally, it's going to be an embarrassing disaster. Trump is going to enter the political world, and try to bully people around who are capable of turning that against him. He can't say "I'll sue you" when a Saudi Prince, Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Rouhani, or Xi Jinping says or does something he doesn't like. Putin and Trump I can see butting their giant sized egos like two billy goats. Except Putin doesn't threaten to take money, he gets **** done. I don't see Putin doing anything so severe it would put at risk of war or an attack (as I'm sure Putin would realize it's going to be a four-year game and then back to business as usual), with Trump we don't know. We know Trump condones and supports violence at his rallies, and we know he has said some alarming things in regards to freedoms and total control. What's Trump going to do when he can't say I'll sue you, all of Congress tells him no, but he is head of the military? Anyone rarely formally declares war anymore, so what will he do exactly when a foreign leader or diplomat insults him because they want a chuckle out of his over-active defensiveness?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
In the news today....
Poll finds Trump & Hillary neck & (turkey) neck.
I've been looking at state predictions, rather than polls. It's a given that very few states do change from election-to-election, so we can pretty much give the candidates some of their counts now, such as California's 55 for Clinton and Texas' 33 for Trump. And early predictions of the electorate college are putting Clinton so far ahead of Trump that he is going to have to win every swing state to win the election.


Veteran Member
I only heard one brief report on this.
But isn't it more accurate to say that Assange exposed the Iranian scientist? Didn't he let the Iranian government know this?
I didn't read anywhere in the Rev's article that Assainge had released the information. From the article
The scientist shows up in Clinton's emails back in 2010, just nine days before he returned to Iran.

So the question is when was he arrested by Iran and when was he sentenced and when was he executed..


yawn <ignore> yawn
I didn't read anywhere in the Rev's article that Assainge had released the information.
The report I heard was that Assange leaked her email, that is how the Iranians learned the information that resulted in the execution.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
OMG. The Islamic state theocracy in Iran just tortured and executed an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for "treason" Staturday just hours ago. Shahram Amiri, for giving "vital information to the enemy". How did they know this? From the emails that Hillary kept on one of her several unsecured private servers and were hacked because she was sending back and forth classified and secret emails on her private email server without even running anti-virus on this home server and using a private email account besides to send and receive such emails in violation of US State Department rules just so she could easily delete such emails if any were to make her look bad. China, Russia, Israel, Germany, North Korea and many other countries and hackers got to this State Department information multiple times because Hillary Clinton is a computer illiterate and a selfhish control freak who wanted to cover up her own actions if and when needed.

The execution emerged on Saturday, when Amiri's mother said the body had been handed over with rope marks around his neck.

She is responsible for this, along with the likely executions of many others working with the US against Islamic terrorism and other threats who no doubt are already dead including CIA agents.

By all accounts this news should finish her and she needs to step out of the race as this is unfathomably a gross scandle of monumentous proportions in United States history. I do not know how the American people are going to react to this breaking news, or if the old left wing "main stream" news even reports this correctly at all, but I pray the people see clearly this woman is unfit to be a manager of a corporate business in charge of business strategy and proprietary secrets much less a President of the United States. She is guilty of gross malfeasance and is psychologically incapable and unfit for any office at all much less in charge of our national security. If one cannot see that, such low information idiots are unworthy to even vote but they will and God help us.



aged ecumenical anthropologist
Now, here's from the Washington Post on that:

...An Iranian exile group said Sunday that Amiri’s execution was intended as an intimidation tactic. In a statement, the National Council of Resistance of Iran called it “a desperate attempt by the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to intimidate and terrorize the regime’s nuclear experts and scientists and to prevent them from leaving the country...
-- https://www.washingtonpost.com/worl...2cdf62-5ca3-11e6-8e45-477372e89d78_story.html


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Here's from Politico:

The Iranian government has executed a nuclear scientist who was believed to have cooperated with U.S. intelligence but who returned to Iran after claiming he had been abducted and tortured by the CIA.

The tale of Shahram Amiri was one of the stranger sagas to emerge from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, testing her diplomatic skills in highly sensitive circumstances. His death comes just over a year after Iran and the U.S. struck a deal aimed at reining in Iran's nuclear program, an agreement Clinton was instrumental in launching.

State-controlled Iranian media on Sunday confirmed Amiri's execution, quoting an Iranian judiciary spokesman as saying that Amiri "provided the enemy with vital information of the country." His family told the BBC his body had rope marks, indicating he had been hanged, apparently in the past week...

Amiri appeared in a third video, posted June 29, 2010, in which he said he'd escaped U.S. custody and had reached Virginia. Two weeks later, Amiri walked into the Pakistani Embassy in Washington, D.C., which houses an Iranian interests section, and said he wanted to return to Iran.

Clinton confirmed at that point, during a news conference, that Amiri had been present in the U.S., saying he arrived “of his own free will and he is free to go. These are decisions that are his alone to make.”...
-- http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/iran-executes-nuclear-scientist-who-spied-for-us-226763
