Feathered eyeball connoisseur
Not so. There is a solution to practically any problem. Taking your example. There are number of potential solutions available. Some we could now with current technology others later with theoretical technology. What we would require is coordinated effort, globally. Here are some theoretical solutions to neutralising or mitigating the damage your killer asteroid threat could do to this world.As an extreme example, if a planet-killing asteroid or something has essentially been in the works since the Big Bang and will destroy the earth in the near future, all science can do at this point is know it will happen before it happens.
1. Embed a thermonuclear warhead or number of them in the body of the asteroid, in order to detonate it and blow the asteroid apart, this obviously requires a space craft and a team of engineers or robots, or both, to carry out the work, this is an option we could potentially do now.
2. Fire sustained laser beams upon a specific area of the target from space vehicles or other platforms, so that the resulutant emission of heat from the targeted side of the asteroid acts as a thruster to move the asteroid into a different orbit, avoiding collision with Earth.
3. Construct a large RAIL or GAUSS mass accelerator in high orbit, or a battery of them, to fire large mass rounds at ridiculous speeds into the incoming asteroid to alter its velocity and move it out of a collision course.
4. Attach extremely powerful nuclear (exploiting controlled nuclear explosions) thrusters on the asteroid itself to make it a vehicle. So it can literally be steered away.
5. A long stretch, but theoretically possible, to fire antimatter in one form or another directly into the asteroid to annhilate it/blow it apart.
The better the advance warning the more likely we are going to come up with a viable strategy. Lastly, there is always plan X and Y. Plan X is essentially abandon the planet and colonise somewhere else and Plan Y is burrow deep underground or deep under the ocean and stay there until the devastation subisdes, bring on the Morlocks.
Thanks to science and telescopes, we can now scan the skies, using computers to monitor and track NEO that might wander into our path, this is enormously helpful, otherwise we are literally sitting Ducks, riding blind.
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