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Will there be freewill in the afterlife?


Rogue Theologian
For religions that put emphasis on this life being a test because we have freewill and can make bad/wrong decisions, will people have freewill in the afterlife? If freewill makes people so unpredictable that we need to be tested in the first place, what will keep them from making bad/wrong decisions in the afterlife? Will our freewill be removed? Will freewill be limited in some fashion so transgressions can't be made? If our freewill will be removed or limited later, what purpose is there in testing us at all?
one third of heaven rebelled

God's Favored....led the rebellion


Rogue Theologian
So in the next life I have free will. So if I want to, in the next life I can kick someone in the shin. Futhermore, kicking someone in the shin in the next life will technically be "good."

This afterlife is going to some strange place.
and very entertaining


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The bolded part confuses me. I thought sin is only possible because we have freewill, so how can sin be eliminated without eliminating freewill?
Adam and Eve certainly had free will before they sinned. They could choose to obey their Creator or to disobey him. Their bad choice was sinful and wrong, not their ability to make that choice. In contrast, Jesus Christ chose to obey God perfectly. (Philippians 2:8) I believe free will is a gift Jehovah gives to all his intelligent creatures, human and spirit.


Veteran Member
My concept of afterlife is: existence of Life minus material existence (aka illusion)

Afterlife would have to come after death. Meaning: being more alive at death than before death.
Jesus taught the dead are in a sleeping state - John 11:14. So does Ecclesiastes 9:5; Psalms 115:17; Psalms 146:4
When Jesus resurrected dead people he brought them back to living material/physical existence right here on Earth.
Those resurrections that Jesus performed were a small preview, or coming attraction, of what Jesus will do globally during his coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth.
There 'will be' a resurrection... ( Not there will be an afterlife ) - Acts of the Apostles 24:15
If there was an afterlife there would be No need for a resurrection because the living do Not need a resurrection.


Veteran Member
Do children who die very young go to heaven?
- viole

According to Scripture, only dedicated-and-baptized followers of Jesus go to heaven - Revelation 20:6; 2:10
The majority of mankind - John 3:13 - can have a physical resurrection back to life on Earth having a sound heart, mind and body.
Young dead children thus can have a happy-and-healthy physical resurrection back to life on Earth during Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth.


Veteran Member
No, most teach that we must do away with our free will in this life to get to the next, mainly being heaven, so no, there would be no free will, you would be a robot, a toy.

Even if most or the majority teach doing away with free will to get to the next life, that is Not what the Bible really teaches.
We will always have the free-will freedom to act responsibly toward God, whether in heaven, or living forever ( everlasting life ) on a future beautiful paradise Earth.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
According to Scripture, only dedicated-and-baptized followers of Jesus go to heaven - Revelation 20:6; 2:10
The majority of mankind - John 3:13 - can have a physical resurrection back to life on Earth having a sound heart, mind and body.
Young dead children thus can have a happy-and-healthy physical resurrection back to life on Earth during Jesus' coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth.

What did those young dead children do to deserve such a huge advantage towards eternal safety? If I died at 2, and resurrected during Christ reign, I would be an idiot if I did not follow Christ, since He would appear on CNN every day for thousand years, I would expect. :)


- viole


Veteran Member
Even if most or the majority teach doing away with free will to get to the next life, that is Not what the Bible really teaches.
We will always have the free-will freedom to act responsibly toward God, whether in heaven, or living forever ( everlasting life ) on a future beautiful paradise Earth.
Yes you say free will ,but there is no free will really, if we do what we want and your god doesn't like it, then what ?, where's the freedom ?.
Free will in the context of our being tested refers to the ability to choose to do an evil (or less good) act and requires evil to exist. You can't choose to touch a fire if there is no fire in your vicinity. Choosing to take the elevator rather than the escalator, doesn't have this requirement, so presumably that type of choice will still exist.

The purpose of being tested is so that later, during the time of reward (which occurs after the time that evil is vanquished), we can reap the reward for having chosen correctly.

What do you mean by evil being vanquished? Will our minds be changed to no longer think evil thoughts, or will we be unable to do evil, or both?
Yes... We believe after we leave this physical frame the soul ascends to the spiritual worlds of God.

Here are some references re. the spiritual worlds:

"To man, the Essence of God is incomprehensible, so also are the worlds beyond this, and their condition. It is given to man to obtain knowledge, to attain to great spiritual perfection, to discover hidden truths and to manifest even the attributes of God; but still man cannot comprehend the Essence of God. Where the ever-widening circle of man's knowledge meets the spiritual world a Manifestation of God is sent to mirror forth His splendour."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Abdu'l-Baha in London, p. 66

"For the Kingdom of God is sanctified (or free) from time and place; it is another world and another universe. But the holy souls are promised the gift of intercession. And know thou for a certainty, that in the divine worlds, the spiritual beloved ones (believers) will recognize each other, and will seek union (with each other), but a spiritual union. Likewise, a love that one may have entertained for any one will not be forgotten in the world of the Kingdom. Likewise, thou wilt not forget (there) the life that thou hast had in the material world."

~ Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v1, p. 204

Thank you for the clarification.
There will be - and those in heaven will be those who will never freely choose to do evil.

You claim peoples minds will be altered so they will not do evil. How is that freewill? If altering people to be sinless is an acceptable practice, why wouldn't god just start with that?


Well-Known Member
You claim peoples minds will be altered so they will not do evil. How is that freewill? If altering people to be sinless is an acceptable practice, why wouldn't god just start with that?

People have to want to the change. It would be unjust for God to change people against their will.


Veteran Member
What do you mean by evil being vanquished? Will our minds be changed to no longer think evil thoughts, or will we be unable to do evil, or both?
There will be no desire to do evil, like you have no desire to stick your hand in the fire.


Veteran Member
You claim peoples minds will be altered so they will not do evil. How is that freewill? If altering people to be sinless is an acceptable practice, why wouldn't god just start with that?

We can all ' alter ' our minds, so to speak, by repenting ( turning around from a bad course of action to a good one ), and we can all try our best to put on a new righteous personality
- Ephesians 4:22-24; Ephesians 4:25-27; Ephesians 4:28-29 - so, we are doing the alterations ourselves, and that means using our free-will choices to lean toward righteousness.

God did start out with sinlessness. Remember: Adam was created without sin. Adam had perfect human health being sound in heart, mind and body.
Adam deliberately chose to break God Law. A Law which carried with it the death penalty.
Due to inherited imperfection from father Adam we, through No fault of our own, fall short - Romans 5:12
We can Not stop sinning otherwise we would Not die.
Since we can Not stop sinning we need someone to resurrect us. Jesus can and will - Revelation 1:18
We are looking forward to Jesus' soon coming 1,000-year governmental rulership over Earth when ' enemy death ' will be No more on Earth - 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8
No more death means our inherited imperfection leaning toward wrongdoing will No longer exist. We will be righteous in thoughts and deeds.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
For religions that put emphasis on this life being a test because we have freewill and can make bad/wrong decisions, will people have freewill in the afterlife? If freewill makes people so unpredictable that we need to be tested in the first place, what will keep them from making bad/wrong decisions in the afterlife? Will our freewill be removed? Will freewill be limited in some fashion so transgressions can't be made? If our freewill will be removed or limited later, what purpose is there in testing us at all?
Freewill is an illusion. All of our actions are informed by our genetic make-up, our environment, our upbringing, etc. We cannot possibly make a decision that is not influenced by all of that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Freewill is an illusion. All of our actions are informed by our genetic make-up, our environment, our upbringing, etc. We cannot possibly make a decision that is not influenced by all of that.
Absolute freewill is an illusion. A young person may choose between smoking or non-smoking and safe sex, no sex or dangerous sex. How is his choice predetermined?