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Wisconsin govenor busted!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member

Watch FOXnews and never think about anything.

Shepard Smith actually came out yesterday on Fox explaining that the Wisconsin mess was really not about a budget crisis, but about busting the unions. I wonder if Roger Ailes took a crap in his pants when he saw that.


Shepard Smith actually came out yesterday on Fox explaining that the Wisconsin mess was really not about a budget crisis, but about busting the unions. I wonder if Roger Ailes took a crap in his pants when he saw that.

That's not a spin. That's a UFO.


Active Member
Something has to give, I agree. But whoever will suffer from the tyranny of the majority must at least have a voice and be treated according to the law.

It's downright stupid that people can't understand that it costs more every year to do the business of the state, mainly because contractors in every sector demand more because the cost of their labor and materials go up. Taxes then have to go up a small percentage, too, and if idiot Republicans keep that from happening for several years in a row, we end up in a god-awful mess with a refusal to cut taxes and a wild-eyed target on everything they don't like. Republicans absolutely hate education, so that's first... and the only thing that they hate worse than *anything* that has to do with education is any kind of entitlement program - from welfare to unemployment to healthcare.

There's nothing wrong with investigating how to save money, we just have to look in the right places and make sure that it's not our ideology that got us in the mess in the first place.
I delete the bottom of your blsting because it is off topic and simply another unthoughtful bashing of a conservative government that has rejected liberal excesses such as found in grumbling states as California.

What you call is tyranny of the majority is nonsense. Tyranny in a democracy must always be when the minority determines the fate of the majority. You like to use the word idiot to refer to your opponents, but just how logical is it to say the majority is oppressing itself. We the people does not refer to the minority. That is a dumb and un-American point of view. But that is what liberals think and Rush and Fox are correct is right for pointing this out.

It is so obvious that the cost of construction would go down drastically if the nation had a Right to Work philosophy. Workers would not be harmed but union bosses would lose there hold on their dictatorship over the economy. You love ti use the word stupid to refer to others, as you do here, but how smart is it to side with the mob instead of with the voted opinion of the majority? You represent a dying philosophy in this country because the liberal philosophy of government is a world wide failure.


You represent a dying philosophy in this country because the liberal philosophy of government is a world wide failure.

Yes, a philosophy that will soon deteriorate under the awesome weight of Bush's ideology. Er, idealism.

[you can guess why I deleted the rest of your comment]


Hey Debunker -

Do they speak of Bush at all on FOX? I wonder if they even dare to utter his name.


Active Member
Actually, the penisions in Wisconsin are a matter of State law and not subject to collective bargaining, so the pensions are not a part of this particular debate.

Public Unions In Wisconsin, Elsewhere Are Scapegoats: Expert : It's All Politics : NPR
We agree with your remark about the budget. It is a battle between minority opinion and majority opinion. We the people indicates majority should rule. When the minority wins the vote, they become the majority. The American idea is that the country settles its issues at the voting booth. But the union leadership says blood will run in the streets before this issue is settled. That is un-American and rebellion should be done with elections. Like it or not, other efforts to get your selfish way is un-American.


If so, that would be Fox today. But I think it's only a matter of time before the network that likes to rewrite history actually deifies Saint George.

I dunno. He was so unpopular in 2008 that no candidate wanted to have George anywhere near them - even at the earliest part of their campaigns. If George has an apotheosis, it will be a mixture of forgetfulness and stupidity. He can't even visit other countries for crying out loud.


We agree with your remark about the budget. It is a battle between minority opinion and majority opinion. We the people indicates majority should rule. When the minority wins the vote, they become the majority. The American idea is that the country settles its issues at the voting booth. But the union leadership says blood will run in the streets before this issue is settled. That is un-American and rebellion should be done with elections. Like it or not, other efforts to get your selfish way is un-American.

Like brainwashing people with FOX?

We don't have a direct democracy, by the way. We never have. We have a little American tradition called the rule of law. That's why we (hopefully) won't have a tyranny of the majority - it's un-American to simply ignore the rights of others even when we are voting.


Active Member
That's interesting. Well, in the prank call, the Governor pretty much admitted he thought of himself as a union buster, and that his real goal in all of this was to bust the state employee's unions.
A prank call! Is that the best you can do in defense of in-American activity? Of course, the people of Wisconsin is attempting to break the strangling grip of the union on the people. The governor is acting with the mandate of the people but he knows that once he uses the terminology of breaking the union that the liberal press would spin him into oblivion. He knows well the game you guys play. You work diligently to place the conflict into your philosophical arena so you can claim to be the abused at the hands of the majority but it just ain't true. Thank God for Fox!


A prank call! Is that the best you can do in defense of in-American activity? Of course, the people of Wisconsin is attempting to break the strangling grip of the union on the people. The governor is acting with the mandate of the people but he knows that once he uses the terminology of breaking the union that the liberal press would spin him into oblivion. He knows well the game you guys play. You work diligently to place the conflict into your philosophical arena so you can claim to be the abused at the hands of the majority but it just ain't true. Thank God for Fox!

Um, those were the gov's words.

Granted, it's inadmissible in a court of law because he didn't know he was being recorded. But we get his candid opinions and it's perfectly legitimate for informing the public of his wickedness.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
The governor...knows that once he uses the terminology of breaking the union that the liberal press would spin him into oblivion.

Are you seriously saying that being a pathetic coward to say honest and plain what you are up to is the mark of a real American? What frickin' country are you really from, Debunker? The Fox Nation?
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