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Wisconsin govenor busted!



Lol, well if it costs less in shipping something, that would be a good reason.:rolleyes: If you're talking about the car industry, sales in the North suck, while it's increased in the South. So to reduce cost in shipping is good profit. Also the South is competing by offering incentives for industry to come to their state. There still will be unions, but maybe not like that up North.

Keep in mind that the conversation has no basis in reason.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Why do you think industry is moving to the South with a new labor/management model that leaves the unions alone in the North?

Industry might be moving from the rest belt to the South. Most of it is going out of the country. Some is even going to Canada because they can save on medical costs. Still the South is not doing as well as places like California, New York and Washington. These are were all the Wealth, Smarts, and College graduates go to work. The South (in General)are producing less and less college grads over all, these are poor states who suck up tax dollars and produce very little. They are paid for by tax dollars from the East and West Coast. Its hard for me to see places like Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee as pulling their own weight in the future.

TaxProf Blog: Red States Feed at Federal Trough, Blue States Supply the Feed

As it turns out the Red States are Welfare states and the blue states pay the taxes.

If you believe manufacturing jobs are the wave of the future. I have some nice swamp land to sell you.


Yeah, he pulls the Straw Man stuff every once in awhile.

Every once in a while? That sounds like rarely.

In all events, the use of reason to persuade someone whose position is not the product of reason (even bad reasoning) is useless.

What we need are sweets and shiny things. Jokes, cute kitten youtube videos, Willie Nelson.


Tyranny in a democracy must always be when the minority determines the fate of the majority. You like to use the word idiot to refer to your opponents, but just how logical is it to say the majority is oppressing itself. We the people does not refer to the minority.

There is an exception of course, when that minority is about the top 2% tax bracket who use enormous funds to bribe politicians or personally select them by paying for campaigning. That isn't a tyranny. Republicans haven't been doing that for god knows how long.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Why just do away with unions...?
why not reintroduce slavery? That should give the South an even greater competative edge.

Silly Terry! If we reintroduced slavery, we'd actually need to feed the *******. And if we had to feed them, that would be as bad as paying them a living wage. Better to keep things as the are, and let the workers themselves decide between using their low wages to buy their food or buy their medicines each month. It never hurt anyone to be as poor as Jesus.


Prince of Dorkness!
Silly Terry! If we reintroduced slavery, we'd actually need to feed the *******. And if we had to feed them, that would be as bad as paying them a living wage. Better to keep things as the are, and let the workers themselves decide between using their low wages to buy their food or buy their medicines each month. It never hurt anyone to be as poor as Jesus.
You mean like this?


  • Real_Life_Oar.jpg
    20 KB · Views: 70


Resident Liberal Hippie
The people in the Middle East have reason to protest against dictators. Here in the USA, the protesters are the dictators.

So let me get this straight.

The Unions agree to nearly every concession demanded in order to get the State Employees contracts renewed.
In response, the Governor backs a bill eliminating the ability of Unions as employee representatives to participate in collective bargaining. (Known as Union Busting)
State employees, justifiably upset, respond by using their Constitutional right to assemble and demand redress for grievances by their State Government.

And you call the protesters dictators?

Why do I get the feeling that if you had lived in the Colonies in 1787, you would be accusing the protesters disrupting your peaceful colonial life of the same thing.


Prince of Dorkness!
Why do I get the feeling that if you had lived in the Colonies in 1787, you would be accusing the protesters disrupting your peaceful colonial life of the same thing.
As long as he doesn't hold his breath waiting for rewards from the King and his nobles............


So let me get this straight.

The Unions agree to nearly every concession demanded in order to get the State Employees contracts renewed.
In response, the Governor backs a bill eliminating the ability of Unions as employee representatives to participate in collective bargaining. (Known as Union Busting)
State employees, justifiably upset, respond by using their Constitutional right to assemble and demand redress for grievances by their State Government.

And you call the protesters dictators?

Why do I get the feeling that if you had lived in the Colonies in 1787, you would be accusing the protesters disrupting your peaceful colonial life of the same thing.

That's about the way I see it.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Sometimes unions need busting...since "busting" means taking away some power.
DPS science scores worst among 17 cities | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
When things are bad, money is short, taxpayers are broke & the budget is underwater, it's a good time to rein the unions in.
Year after year, my property taxes saw double digit increases causing my income to plummet, while union represented teachers
had pay & benefit increases. Tis time to reverse that.


Resident Liberal Hippie

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Sometimes unions need busting...since "busting" means taking away some power.

The unions gave the Government every thing they wanted because of the economic disaster that was not caused by them in the first place. (remember the housing bubble)

That is not enough now the Governor that wants to pass a bill that will make it impossible for many people to have a union. How libertarian of you! It seems its ok for the jack booted force of the Government to stomp on peoples rights as long as it is the rights of public employees. You do know that many libertarians have no problem with unions.

When the tyrants take power the first thing they do is goose step over to the union offices. and shut them! Hitler, Stalin, Franco, and Pinochet All of them do the same thing. Destroy unions! When the TSA started the GOP made sure it would have a week union. Why because as they said unions breeds Democrates. In California the GOP keeps trying to pass bills to limit unions. WHY? They say they cant get there bills past because of them. It is much more then money that is causing this. Thier own words betray them.

Do I believe that we should shut down evangelical christian organizations because I disagree with there politics? NO! Its wrong. They have great power, more then unions. Still they should be left alone in a free society. I guess, for some, living in a police state is a good thing as long as they attack the right people.

I can understand people who don't like unions. They don't want to be a member thats great. I understand anti labor groups who lobby against unions they are an important part of our system. But the Government making rules that some people can't have unions. This is just plain wrong. I wonder who is next.
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member

Some of the worst states for educating our children are "right to work states"
These states don't do much better at getting rid of bad teachers.

Let me tell you a little truth that most people don't know about. The all the state needs to do is disband the school district and the union contract between the school district and teachers union is void. They can rehire only the teachers they want. Then negotiate a new contract All of the teachers at this point are on probation and can be fired at any time. If they strike they have no union to protect them so they all can be fired because they are all from top to bottom
at -will employees.

Low performing schools should be disbanded there is nothing the Teachers Unions can do about it. There are ways to work with in the union system. Without taking away peoples rights. I agree this should happen at bad schools how about you ?
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Prince of Dorkness!
Some of the worst states for educating our children are "right to work states"
These states don't do much better at getting rid of bad teachers.

Let me tell you a little truth that most people don't know about. The all the state needs to do is disband the school district and the union contract between the school district and teachers union is void. They can rehire only the teachers they want. Then negotiate a new contract All of the teachers at this point are on probation and can be fired at any time. If the strike they have no union to protect them so they all can all be fired.

Low performing schools should be disbanded there is nothing the Teachers Unions can do about it. There are ways to work with in the union system. Without taking away peoples rights.
And, since I know a few teachers (including my mom for a 30 year career), doing so will generate a new problem. The newly reconstituted school district will be looking for good teachers, or at least better teachers than the ones they let go, right?

How many good teachers are going to be applying to a new school district operated by folks who use those kinds of human resource methodologies?

The answer is, not very many. They will get applications from teachers that are already out of work from similar actions, and from brand-new graduates whose teaching certificates are still wet. Some of those new ones may turn out to be good teachers; but if they do, they will soon be snapped up by districts with better pay and conditions that offer a more secure job situation.

Anyone who had a choice of working for a district in that situation, and one which had not resorted to such HR methodologies, will choose the stable and established district everytime, unless of course if the new district is offering premium wages. Since one of the main motivators for doing this in the first place is to cut costs, premium wages would seem to be contraindicated.