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Wisconsin govenor busted!



Good answer.

haha, that's what I thought. :p

These neo-cons and Republicans should only be in charge of a sandbox so they can be prevented from causing any real harm to the nation.

Don't worry - FOX is perfectly capable of teaching you how to be happy in your sandbox.


Active Member
I just really appreciate the irony of people who hail protestors in the Middle East and want to punish Americans who do the same.

The people in the Middle East have reason to protest against dictators. Here in the USA, the protesters are the dictators. You do refuse to get the whole picture but you keep giving us the opportunity to point out your Marxist philosophy. Keep talking, the people continue to figure your philosophy out. Thank God for Fox.


The people in the Middle East have reason to protest against dictators. Here in the USA, the protesters are the dictators. You do refuse to get the whole picture but you keep giving us the opportunity to point out your Marxist philosophy. Keep talking, the people continue to figure your philosophy out. Thank God for Fox.

That is just messed up.

Do you know what a dictator is?

Do you think that the protesters for civil rights were dictators?

What you've said here is completely indefensible. FOX is bad, but it can't be that bad.


Prince of Dorkness!
That is just messed up.

Do you know what a dictator is?

Do you think that the protesters for civil rights were dictators?

What you've said here is completely indefensible. FOX is bad, but it can't be that bad.
Like I said before, he's just a bit confused..........


godless wonder
That is not true. Unions are not the majority in most states. You want people to accept it as fact that the unions and the liberals are the majority opinion but they are not. Get a grasp on reality and argue from a position of truth.
I was referring to "middle class". Unions aren't a class.


godless wonder
What you call is tyranny of the majority is nonsense. Tyranny in a democracy must always be when the minority determines the fate of the majority.
Ahaha! Foot in mouth. The rich are determining the fate of the lower classes. It takes MONEY to run in politics. Conservatives are lobbied by the extreme rich. Lie or not?


godless wonder
We agree with your remark about the budget. It is a battle between minority opinion and majority opinion. We the people indicates majority should rule.
Then Gore would have won instead of Bush.:rolleyes:
When the minority wins the vote, they become the majority. The American idea is that the country settles its issues at the voting booth. But the union leadership says blood will run in the streets before this issue is settled. That is un-American and rebellion should be done with elections. Like it or not, other efforts to get your selfish way is un-American.
You're such a hypocrite. The richest in the US (which is less than 2%) are the most selfish, self centered people. They are willing to let the US people muddle in poverty while they lavish in first class because of ego, narcissism and money.


Active Member
It's telling to me that the Gov. is completely unwilling to compromise. The unions have offered him every financial consideration he asked for, as long as he removed the provision gutting their collective bargaining rights. He doesn't seem to be interested in the financial consideratiosn, just in making sure he busts the union.

Maybe they ought to offer to let him have the legal changes, but they keep all of the financial concessons instead, and see whether that is a palatable option for Gov. Walker.



Active Member
The State of Wisconsin long ago contracted with its employees to compensate them with, among other things, those pensions. Now, it wants to renege on the deal simply because it is no longer convenient to honor its contract. Well, I say, "Tough luck, mothers." Do the hard thing. Raise taxes or do something else. No one would be letting me off the hook just because I wanted off the hook. Why should a frickin state government be special? Last I looked, there was just one contract law governing both of us.

In 1995 Wisconsin made the laws that allowed the public workers to negotiate with the State. Now the people want to change the law to make it more usable for the State to be be fair and balanced with the whole population of the State. The people support Walker but the ones upset are Trunpka, DNC, Obama, and liberals. The last time I checked none of these guys were citizens of Wisconsin. If the union goes down in Wisconsin, the trend is on. These guys know their party is more loyal to the union and has been puchased by the union than they are loyal to the American people. Obama knows he can not win re-election without the union but he also know he can not win without the people. What he is tring to, which is also something you attempt, is to make America think that the union represents the middle class and the majority of the people. That is simply not true. Fox News points this out as the strategy of the Democratic Party. You can see that as the DNC has rushed into Wisconsin as they know the 2012 election is on.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
After reading through this thread, I've come to the conclusion that "Debunker" is a horribly inaccurate screenname for that user.


After reading through this thread, I've come to the conclusion that "Debunker" is a horribly inaccurate screenname for that user.

Don Quixote much?

Just another guy fighting windmills.


Active Member
That is just messed up.

Do you know what a dictator is?

Do you think that the protesters for civil rights were dictators?

What you've said here is completely indefensible. FOX is bad, but it can't be that bad.

Dictators can be more than one person, such as it was in the old USSR. You keep twisting your words and making great slips in logic. The unions are not protesting for civil rights. They make it clear that they do not want to surrender their power back to the people. That is the purpose of their protest. Their best chance to succeed is for the liberal news media to convince the American people that the the union is patriotic. The union is not and the fair and balanced reporting of Fox News stands in the way of the liberal press from creating this false image once again. We do understand your hate of Fox but it would be better to swallow your pride and amend your political philosophy than to keep cursing the light.


Active Member
Then Gore would have won instead of Bush.:rolleyes:You're such a hypocrite. The richest in the US (which is less than 2%) are the most selfish, self centered people. They are willing to let the US people muddle in poverty while they lavish in first class because of ego, narcissism and money.

Now! Now! You must play by the rules of the forum. You guys don't like to do that, do you? You are allowed to say my ideas are hypocritical but you can not call me a hypocrite. Whose narcissism is showing when you can not accept that you have lost the debate when you guys resort to name calling and personal attacks. Don't worry, I never push the red button. I like your anger and frustration. It means I win. I hope it means you guys will join the Republican Party and begin to listen to Fox News to confirm your defeat in debate.


Dictators can be more than one person, such as it was in the old USSR. You keep twisting your words and making great slips in logic. The unions are not protesting for civil rights. They make it clear that they do not want to surrender their power back to the people. That is the purpose of their protest. Their best chance to succeed is for the liberal news media to convince the American people that the the union is patriotic. The union is not and the fair and balanced reporting of Fox News stands in the way of the liberal press from creating this false image once again. We do understand your hate of Fox but it would be better to swallow your pride and amend your political philosophy than to keep cursing the light.

I'm inclined to think that you might actually believe this stuff.


godless wonder
Now! Now! You must play by the rules of the forum. You guys don't like to do that, do you? You are allowed to say my ideas are hypocritical but you can not call me a hypocrite. Whose narcissism is showing when you can not accept that you have lost the debate when you guys resort to name calling and personal attacks. Don't worry, I never push the red button. I like your anger and frustration. It means I win. I hope it means you guys will join the Republican Party and begin to listen to Fox News to confirm your defeat in debate.
A hypocrite is a description of your person not a name.:rolleyes: And if you don't see it, then it describes you as such.
It's a forum and this is a playground compared to a forum like getbig.com so I can't get angry here. And you're "I WIN" mentality is just another indication that that's all you're here for............trolling. You feel the need to try to frustrate people to get your attention that you may not be getting at home. Sorry that your life isn't that fulfilling.:sad4:
And I used to be conservative and felt good about screwing people who made way less than I did, which was just under 6 figures in the late 90's. Then I lost my grandmother who couldn't afford health insurance that she needed to better. Not because she wasn't smart, or caring, or unselfish....but because she didn't make enough money even though she worked 2 jobs. Oh and she was part of a union. Hope that made you feel on top of the world.
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Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
That's one solution....or non-solution. But something has to give. It makes sense to re-examine union related costs.
I understand that for some, unions are sacred. Many of us don't buy that.

But they compromised on the costs and while keeping the union barging rights. The Governor just wants to get rid of the unions because they don't vote GOP. Not one cent will be saved by the state by not excepting the compromise.


godless wonder
Why do you think industry is moving to the South with a new labor/management model that leaves the unions alone in the North?
Lol, well if it costs less in shipping something, that would be a good reason.:rolleyes: If you're talking about the car industry, sales in the North suck, while it's increased in the South. So to reduce cost in shipping is good profit. Also the South is competing by offering incentives for industry to come to their state. There still will be unions, but maybe not like that up North.