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Worlds richest woman makes case for 2 dollar a day pay.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
On another thread about lefties having "hate" for the successful, I thought that was an exaggeration. But reviewing this & other threads
lately, it seems that there really is a violent hatred for the wealthy. And if some gal isn't completely evil, they'll make up enuf factoids to
fill in the blanks.
There isn't any disgust over her because she is rich, it is for what she says. Even her own website claims she is the most valued and envied person in the world. Such a statement is so arrogant, and so oblivious to the fact that most people have no idea who she is, that I question if her motives in philanthropy are true, or if she does it just to try and get some positive coverage. I think it's a fair statement that she thinks the world revolves around her.
And her interest in buying up media sources and wanting control of what gets shown and said should raise red flags for any sane person.
And here there does not seem to be the mentality of people hating the rich just because they are rich. Nobody has mentioned disgust towards Bill Gates, but he is a rich man who has not only done good with his money, he has encouraged other rich people to do so as well. And then you have this cow that apparently makes one speech blunder after another, and no one is apparently supposed to connect what she has said together.
And again, rich =/= success. It's a fantasy to think that alot of people, even most people, measure success by their gains in wealth. There are even some people that do not want or care to have vast amounts of wealth. I'm going to school for the wrong thing myself if I want to get rich, but I will still be successful.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
There isn't any disgust over her because she is rich, it is for what she says. Even her own website claims she is the most valued and envied person in the world. Such a statement is so arrogant, and so oblivious to the fact that most people have no idea who she is, that I question if her motives in philanthropy are true, or if she does it just to try and get some positive coverage. I think it's a fair statement that she thinks the world revolves around her.
And her interest in buying up media sources and wanting control of what gets shown and said should raise red flags for any sane person.
And here there does not seem to be the mentality of people hating the rich just because they are rich. Nobody has mentioned disgust towards Bill Gates, but he is a rich man who has not only done good with his money, he has encouraged other rich people to do so as well. And then you have this cow that apparently makes one speech blunder after another, and no one is apparently supposed to connect what she has said together.
And again, rich =/= success. It's a fantasy to think that alot of people, even most people, measure success by their gains in wealth. There are even some people that do not want or care to have vast amounts of wealth. I'm going to school for the wrong thing myself if I want to get rich, but I will still be successful.
I don't disagree. But still, the venom directed at her goes far beyond commentary about what she said & what she does.
That's why I believe that there is endemic hatred for the wealthy. Seemingly well behaved ultra-rich types (eg, Gates)
are spared so long as they meet PC expectations. (As a Windows user, I hate him though.)


I don't disagree. But still, the venom directed at her goes far beyond commentary about what she said & what she does.
That's why I believe that there is endemic hatred for the wealthy. Seemingly well behaved ultra-rich types (eg, Gates)
are spared so long as they meet PC expectations. (As a Windows user, I hate him though.)

Believe what you wish to believe. My loathing has nothing to do with her bank balance and everything to do with her ideology. I posted quite a bit of information on the subject of mining in Africa, which is the fuel for my contempt. You haven't addressed that.

I don't "hate rich people", I feel contempt for anyone who doesn't mind children getting heavy metal poisoning for starvation wages, sometimes with gun-toting soldiers hovering over them, who doesn't mind scores of miners being slaughtered for trying to get a raise, who doesn't mind laborers wearing rags and living in slums beside the mines, and who thinks that instead of helping then become more like us, we should become more like them.

Even if she were penniless, if she still espoused these horrific opinions, I'd still feel nothing but contempt for her. In this case it's exacerbated by her hypocrisy, the likelihood that quite a bit of her own wealth is derives from the terrible conditions I described, and her efforts to take over the media in order to promote her toxic ideology.
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As do we all.

Any response to my post? I'm worried you're going to ignore everything I said because it doesn't fit your picture of me hating this greedy cow simply because she is rich. I'm sick of hearing that accusation, so it would be nice if you at least acknowledged that this is not the case.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Any response to my post? I'm worried you're going to ignore everything I said because it doesn't fit your picture of me hating this greedy cow simply because she is rich. I'm sick of hearing that accusation, so it would be nice if you at least acknowledged that this is not the case.
You list your reasons for disliking her, but I don't dispute the reasons.


Any response to my post? I'm worried you're going to ignore everything I said because it doesn't fit your picture of me hating this greedy cow simply because she is rich. I'm sick of hearing that accusation, so it would be nice if you at least acknowledged that this is not the case.

People who worship the rich often assume that anyone who questions the rich is an inveterate hater. It never occurs to them that far from hating, such people are merely questioning the system that creates this huge disparity to begin with.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
People who worship the rich often assume that anyone who questions the rich is an inveterate hater. It never occurs to them that far from hating, such people are merely questioning the system that creates this huge disparity to begin with.
This could be.
But it should not prevent us from seeing bigotry, demonization & hatred when they appear.
I've no problem with discussing the issues. But many posts in this thread stray far from those.


Believe what you wish to believe. My loathing has nothing to do with her bank balance and everything to do with her ideology. I posted quite a bit of information on the subject of mining in Africa, which is the fuel for my contempt. You haven't addressed that.

I don't "hate rich people", I feel contempt for anyone who doesn't mind children getting heavy metal poisoning for starvation wages, sometimes with gun-toting soldiers hovering over them, who doesn't mind scores of miners being slaughtered for trying to get a raise, who doesn't mind laborers wearing rags and living in slums beside the mines, and who thinks that instead of helping then become more like us, we should become more like them.

Even if she were penniless, if she still espoused these horrific opinions, I'd still feel nothing but contempt for her. In this case it's exacerbated by her hypocrisy, the likelihood that quite a bit of her own wealth is derives from the terrible conditions I described, and her efforts to take over the media in order to promote her toxic ideology.

This is the post I've been waiting for. Well said. I don't despise her because she's rich. I despise her because she's scum.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This could be.
But it should not prevent us from seeing bigotry, demonization & hatred when they appear.
I've no problem with discussing the issues. But many posts in this thread stray far from those.

I agree. I have been the object of bigotry, demonization & hatred and hardly a thing was said to let me know anyone saw it and disagreed with it. And I reacted. I reacted badly but would not have done so if I had felt like SOMEONE understood. So I am taking the middle road regarding the lady. I hate propaganda and I try not to side with it ever.


People who worship the rich often assume that anyone who questions the rich is an inveterate hater. It never occurs to them that far from hating, such people are merely questioning the system that creates this huge disparity to begin with.

Seems like this might be true. Sometimes I see accusations of "envy and hate" when all that's really going on is that somebody isn't putting "the rich" on a pedestal, they're insisting they're just like everybody else. Some are useless, and some are lovely, and they should get no special consideration because of their bank balance.

I agree. I have been the object of bigotry, demonization & hatred and hardly a thing was said to let me know anyone saw it and disagreed with it. And I reacted. I reacted badly but would not have done so if I had felt like SOMEONE understood. So I am taking the middle road regarding the lady. I hate propaganda and I try not to side with it ever.

Hang on, if you hate propaganda and the woman is a relentless propagandist, but you're defending her, how are you not siding with propaganda?


And this is fine.
But even scum needn't be abused as she has been here.

And twelve year old boys needn't be hospitalized for heavy metal poisoning trying to feed their starving parents on two dollars a day. I still think I have the moral high ground here, even if I've been a big meanie to the greedy cow. I'm sure she'll get over it, unlike all those African kids rubbing mercury between their bare hands to help people like her stuff their pockets.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I agree. I have been the object of bigotry, demonization & hatred and hardly a thing was said to let me know anyone saw it and disagreed with it. And I reacted. I reacted badly but would not have done so if I had felt like SOMEONE understood. So I am taking the middle road regarding the lady. I hate propaganda and I try not to side with it ever.
People do tend to attack those of different opinions, don't they?
We'd do well to try sticking to the issues.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
And twelve year old boys needn't be hospitalized for heavy metal poisoning trying to feed their starving parents on two dollars a day. I still think I have the moral high ground here, even if I've been a big meanie to the greedy cow. I'm sure she'll get over it, unlike all those African kids rubbing mercury between their bare hands to help people like her stuff their pockets.
You sure use "cow" a lot.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I wanted to give you a frubal Alceste for your sarcasm
Why thank you, Wirey, for helping me feel understood.
(I think it is sarcasm but I might be mistaken). I love it! The machine won't let me.

Hang on, if you hate propaganda and the woman is a relentless propagandist, but you're defending her, how are you not siding with propaganda?

I don't know. I am not defending her that way. I am saying she is not for subjugating Aussie workers. And there is not enough evidence for me to blame her about not caring for the blight of African workers. To speak of it like she has might be her lame way of saying to the world "wake up". There should be more people who realize what is happening in any country can affect the whole world.


I wanted to give you a frubal Alceste for your sarcasm (I think it is sarcasm but I might be mistaken). I love it! The machine won't let me.

I don't know. I am not defending her that way. I am saying she is not for subjugating Aussie workers. And there is not enough evidence for me to blame her about not caring for the blight of African workers. To speak of it like she has might be her lame way of saying to the world "wake up". There should be more people who realize what is happening in any country can affect the whole world.

Actually, I wasn't being sarcastic. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall, then Wirey showed up and I felt better. :) It's nice to feel understood.

The great thing about this woman is that you really don't need to read between the lines. She says what she means and means what she says. If she says African workers "want to work and they're willing to work for two dollars a day", that's exactly what she thinks. I think no amount of bodies of dead miners, shot trying to get a raise, will convince her otherwise. She's so set in her ideology she had it carved in terrible poetry on a hunk of iron on her front lawn.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is going beyond knowledge for her to say they "want to work". She should have said 'they want to eat'. But she is stating a fact when saying "they are willing to work for two dollars a day". Is it true? Are they working for two dollars a day? If they are then, they are willing to do so.