Not sure what you are trying to say here.
When a male decides to do science, knowing it is not natural...….as natural history supports his own human origin, self, natural and spiritual. Highest state of self natural.
He decides to think about creation and form unnatural Laws, his machine and reaction, versus all natural laws he perused and discussed.
Then claims and I own scientific evidence against my own male choices, that claim One body and One history O the stone.....and said self.
Equals answer natural history O stone, the presence of existed as its owned highest form....before volcanoes released gases in space.
Said the atmosphere is not God, the gases of.....also said variations to that history.
Gases in space, changed/converted. Via spatial pressure and also via the coldness of space. So says, gas was never cold. Space was.
In the womb, evolution of the cell O body of God is informed self statements.
How he explained his science theories against his own destructive self...the scientist.
Then says by the way the only travel through space O is the stone do not pretend that light travels...for light is only in the state gases burning as a mass held next to that stone body. How it was taught. God O was the Ark as stone that did the travel....not light.
Then told self......I realized that when I formed a fake Sun theme about being the Creator of stone....the false Prophet, the bodies that did actually come out of a collapsed Sun body.....the anti body....when Earth O a naturally self forming entity, its own Creator, as taught, evolved itself.
I learnt my own lesson. About False Prophets and did a conclusive study of Old Testimonials of science theories and New Testimonials of science theories and advised self as a completed thesis about applying Satanic causes...UFO radiation de evolution.
For natural God Earth history evolved its own stone gases to a cold clear gas state.
The Sun in that science aware knowledge attacked and de evolved the Earth gases on the side of Earth facing the Sun.
What I taught as relativity about God, the Earth and natural life on Earth.
Hence I had to correlate documented proof of my thesis and then preach its relativity, which I did. And applied it as a world male science agreement in our natural past to stop nuclear science practices, for it was the destruction of all life on Earth.
I named the topic sacred ICE....sacrifice and detailed the evidence for my own self, in science.