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Would Jesus Put This On His Car?

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
If I am still me I will do neither.

You can say that right here to me... But we both know, your will can be broken,, and you will do as you are told.

For you to sit here and say otherwise,, is just ignorance on your behalf. You will be deceived as you are now,, so,, you will gladly observe the Mark of the Beast. The only people that wont,, are people like me.

The day is coming when Satan so convinces you,, that you will seek the life of God's people thinking you are doing a service to God. That's how duped you are going to become. All because you did not love the truth, but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

You see none of this,, because you are already self-deceived..


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
You can say that right here to me... But we both know, your will can be broken,, and you will do as you are told.

For you to sit here and say otherwise,, is just ignorance on your behalf. You will be deceived as you are now,, so,, you will gladly observe the Mark of the Beast. The only people that wont,, are people like me.

The day is coming when Satan so convinces you,, that you will seek the life of God's people thinking you are doing a service to God. That's how duped you are going to become. All because you did not love the truth, but took pleasure in unrighteousness.

You see none of this,, because you are already self-deceived..

You obviously don't know me.
I'm already broke, sir. And it's beyond repair.
What are they going to do? Torture me?
So what. Let them. I'm no stranger to a bit of pain.

I'll say it to your face if you want.
For me to submit to anyone ever they have to do one of two things.
1. earn my respect.
2. erase who I am.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I didn't realize you were so tough. My, my,, I bet when you walk down the street,, men make way,, because you are so fearful,,right?

You're a tough guy,, right? lol

You are weakling and we both know it. lol

Abused would be more accurate.
I don't go near any crown unless I have to and I don't have any sort of macho look to me.
I wouldn't even define myself as male if didn't have the package, since it's pointless to me anyways.

You don't know a damn thing, lol


Active Member
WARNING. Another religious gun-wacko with a loaded Glock stuffed under the driver's seat.
As protected in the Bill Of Rights ... Go ACLU! ;)
[This sort of thing never happened under Stalin.]

Personally, I always preferred the sticker "As long as there are tests, there WILL be prayer in school."


Active Member
Jesus wouldn't have had a car. He would have rode 2 donkeys into town. Don't ask me how. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

"They brought the donkey and the colt and placed their cloaks on them for Jesus to sit on." (Matthew 21:7)

But his disciples drove a Honda ... Acts 5:12 [the Apostles] were all with one Accord ... :)


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
I know you better than you think. Part of my living comes from studying people. You have given me multiple clues as to who you are. I've read plenty of your posts. Not just the ones between you and I.

You have a good day.

You know one of me, you mean.
Two of me will harm, one of me will cry, and one of me will reason.
Did you know that?

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Jesus stayed out of politics (which the gun issue has become) completely.

I'm not so sure about that David. For the Bible says God, "removes kings and set kings up" Daniel 2:21

So,, that sounds to me, like God is intricately involved in politics.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I'm not so sure about that David. For the Bible says God, "removes kings and set kings up" Daniel 2:21

So,, that sounds to me, like God is intricately involved in politics.

Thanks for your response Mr. Beebe. I was more referring to the time when questioned about taxes that Jesus said "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's."


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Your posts reflect your mental illness. Here you are claiming to have multiple personalities. Did all four of you agree to come on to Religious Forums this morning? lol

It doesn't work that way for me.
I'm the one who can reason, the dominate.

Shows what you know about me.
I have two other major disorders, can ya guess em?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I have a very difficult time picturing Jesus with such a license plate on his car advocating guns especially. I saw this posted by two of my wife's cousins on Facebook, and even though I didn't respond, my feeling is that they were portraying Jesus in their own image. To me, there's sufficient evidence in the gospels and with early church history to conclude that Jesus did not advocate the use of deadly violence.

Even though I didn't see anyone here mention that some of the apostles appear to have carried a "sword", that term needs to be explained. When I say "sword", what probably comes to mind is what many Europeans way back when use to carry, but that's not the kind of thing we carried thousands of years ago. Instead, picture a long knife maybe around a foot and a half or so long, and these were carried much like some people carry a Swiss Army Knife today. It was used for a variety of things, even protection, no doubt. However, what did Jesus say when Peter cut off the ear of a soldier when Jesus was arrested?

Anyhow, that license plate just had me thinking that all too often there are some people who project themselves onto Jesus and/or God, but I guess that's inevitable.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
I have two other major disorders, can ya guess em?

We all have problems and character flaws. You are not alone. Although events do shape our lives, they shouldn't dictate how we discern God. Many who have had abusive parents perceive God as just like their parents. I too came from abuse and brokenness. Jesus is able to heal.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
We all have problems and character flaws. You are not alone. Although events do shape our lives, they shouldn't dictate how we discern God. Many who have had abusive parents perceive God as just like their parents. I too came from abuse and brokenness. Jesus is able to heal.

Funny thing is, my parents seem to have extremely similar beliefs to you, concerning your God.
They treated me in accordance to such.

Actually, if they were really following what they believed they would have killed me.
They made an exception and just starved me instead, likely trying to bring me back to 'the ways of god'.
I serve no one, I made that point clear then as I do now.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Funny thing is, my parents seem to have extremely similar beliefs to you, concerning your God.

God is love. Jesus is a gentleman. He stands at the door of your heart and knocks lightly. Jesus doesn't force Himself on anybody. He loves us, with an everlasting love. Jesus is ready to take us in and heal us, changing our desires, and our characters to become like His perfect Character.

We will become like that which behold. Jesus loves everybody. He healed everybody that He came in contact with, and bid them to follow Him and learn of Him and from Him. He is the Great Teacher!

I have children,, they are free to leave anytime they want. But,, they must like it here,, cause they are both still living with me. I have a great relationship with my children. They know God. They attend Church,, not because of any command or order or obligation dictated by me. But because I made it my work, to make sure they knew of God and His great Love that He has for His creation. They go to church, because they see God for who He is,, a God of Love.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
God is love. Jesus is a gentleman. He stands at the door of your heart and knocks lightly. Jesus doesn't force Himself on anybody. He loves us, with an everlasting love. Jesus is ready to take us in and heal us, changing our desires, and our characters to become like His perfect Character.

We will become like that which behold. Jesus loves everybody. He healed everybody that He came in contact with, and bid them to follow Him and learn of Him and from Him. He is the Great Teacher!

I have children,, they are free to leave anytime they want. But,, they must like it here,, cause they are both still living with me. I have a great relationship with my children. They know God. They attend Church,, not because of any command or order or obligation dictated by me. But because I made it my work, to make sure they knew of God and His great Love that He has for His creation. They go to church, because they see God for who He is,, a God of Love.

Never mind, only a few of your beliefs are similar, it seems.

Did you raise your kids Christian?
Have you actually told them they can leave your religion and you'll still love them?
Even though this goes against Jesus when he pronounced that loving your family more than him was a sin worthy of hell?