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Would Jesus Put This On His Car?


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Then you are nothing more than a product of your upbringing.
Why hold all religion responsible for what your parents did to you?
Why even hold the religion they claimed to adhere to responsible?

I don't hold every religion responsible, just Christianity.
It's the only one I don't bother with a ration with point on.

Not every Christian believes in that.
Mr. Beebe is an Annihilationist.

I'm aware.


1. Then don't reply to my posts.
2. All will hear the message,, then the end will come.
3. You are hearing it whether you want to or not.

4. You won't be able to tell God you didn't know.
No excuses for you.

You are confusing your beliefs about the validity of the Bible, - with actual provable facts.

The God of the Bible is all over the place, murders the innocent, and apparently gives patriarchal laws, men can rape, own women, hold slaves, murder those whom are different, etc.

This tells me the Bible is NOT from a God, - but is instead written by a group of patriarchal men - whom wanted to do these things.

Since you can not prove your God and Bible are true, just as all other religions can't, this makes your statements in 3 and 4 meaningless and false.



I didn't realize you were so tough. My, my,, I bet when you walk down the street,, men make way,, because you are so fearful,,right?

You're a tough guy,, right? lol

You are weakling and we both know it. lol

Don't know why you are insulting people again, - instead of debating what was said?

Nor why you added my "chûg = a flat scribed circle = pancake shape." to that post?

You have been shown that - chûg = means a flat scribed circle. Strong's H2329

Isa 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle (chug) of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

And they had a word for things spherical - sphere, duwr, as in Isa 22:18. Strong's H1752 & 1754.

Isa 22:18 He will surely violently turn and toss thee like a ball into a large country: there shalt thou die, and there the chariots of thy glory shall be the shame of thy lord's house.



School is for the education of the youth, not for religious ceremonies or indoctrination. However, the image below does send a little joyful titter through my bones.


I agree totally. :) Did you see the cartoon I put on page one, number 18?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Anyhow, that license plate just had me thinking that all too often there are some people who project themselves onto Jesus and/or God, but I guess that's inevitable.
All too often? IMO, this is par for the course.

A person's god is a personification of their ideas of perfection. Of course it's a projection of their own values. We just tend to notice more when someone else's god/values don't match our own ("God can't agree with *you* because he agrees with *me*!").


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

Some one posted this on Facebook from a Website called "Service For Christ". Your thoughts?
Guns in the hands of peaceful atheists.....that's what I like.
But guns in the hands of peaceful believers is OK too.

There is no "religion of peace", only people who are peaceful.

The above might be lame, but I've no time left to make it better.
I"m off to battle evil!

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
God is love. Jesus is a gentleman. He stands at the door of your heart and knocks lightly. Jesus doesn't force Himself on anybody. He loves us, with an everlasting love. Jesus is ready to take us in and heal us, changing our desires, and our characters to become like His perfect Character.

We will become like that which behold. Jesus loves everybody. He healed everybody that He came in contact with, and bid them to follow Him and learn of Him and from Him. He is the Great Teacher!

I have children,, they are free to leave anytime they want. But,, they must like it here,, cause they are both still living with me. I have a great relationship with my children. They know God. They attend Church,, not because of any command or order or obligation dictated by me. But because I made it my work, to make sure they knew of God and His great Love that He has for His creation. They go to church, because they see God for who He is,, a God of Love.
Is this a joke? You're speaking of love here while you're a cruel, nasty bully in most of your other posts? @Deathbydefault said that he is a victim of abuse and has psychiatric problems (probably due to that severe abuse). You sound like a sociopath, to be honest. You present an image of God that is brutal and tyrannical and now you're babbling about how loving your God is? Only the most wrecked of minds tie abuse and love together. It's quite disgusting, this display. It reminds me of that movie, Frailty.