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Would Jesus Put This On His Car?

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Did you raise your kids Christian?
Have you actually told them they can leave your religion and you'll still love them?
Even though this goes against Jesus when he pronounced that loving your family more than him was a sin worthy of hell?

God isn't commanding that we neglect our families. He is just saying that God is to be first in our lives over everything else. in a Parable,, a great feast was being held,,and the king sent his servant to invite people to this great feast.,, Those who were invited,, made excuses,, one said: i just bought some land and I need to go see it. another said, I just bought some oxen,, and I want to see if they will work right. Another said that, he just got married and he had to tend to his wife.

None of those people put God first,,, and the great feast that they were invited to,, is God's Kingdom,, and they all refused,, because they had "better" things to do.

So,, God teaches us to place Him first. "The Angel of the Lord encampeth around those that love Him and He will deliver them."



Some one posted this on Facebook from a Website called "Service For Christ". Your thoughts?
My thoughts...?

I think this is on a pick up truck owned by some white guy who watches Fox news all day.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
God isn't commanding that we neglect our families. He is just saying that God is to be first in our lives over everything else. in a Parable,, a great feast was being held,,and the king sent his servant to invite people to this great feast.,, Those who were invited,, made excuses,, one said: i just bought some land and I need to go see it. another said, I just bought some oxen,, and I want to see if they will work right. Another said that, he just got married and he had to tend to his wife.

None of those people put God first,,, and the great feast that they were invited to,, is God's Kingdom,, and they all refused,, because they had "better" things to do.

So,, God teaches us to place Him first. "The Angel of the Lord encampeth around those that love Him and He will deliver them."

That's nice to say but we know that it's not a common practice among the more fundamentalist denominations.
My parents follow the old ways, the ways of hatred that ended not even that long ago.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Did you raise your kids Christian?
Have you actually told them they can leave your religion and you'll still love them?

Yes, I raised my kids to be believers in God and His Bible.

If they left the church or quit going,, my love for them would not change a bit.

God loves us all,, even those who reject Him.

He is forgiving, loving, understanding, compassionate, kind, considerate. I find nothing un appealing about God,, nothing.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Yes, I raised my kids to be believers in God and His Bible.

If they left the church or quit going,, my love for them would not change a bit.

God loves us all,, even those who reject Him.

He is forgiving, loving, understanding, compassionate, kind, considerate. I find nothing un appealing about God,, nothing.

Other than that he would put people through eternal torture? Or even make eternal torture an option of punishment?

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
That's nice to say but we know that it's not a common practice among the more fundamentalist denominations.

The fundamental denominations are going to run the Observance of Sunday down your throat. That is the Mark of the Beast. Every Sunday keeping denomination is going to unite and become 1. The uniting point will be Sunday Worship!. That is the reality that is coming first to the USA, and then the whole world. So,, either you will be observing Sunday with the rest of the world,,, or,, you will be hiding in the woods or sitting in a dungeon with me. (if we are alive at that time)


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
The fundamental denominations are going to run the Observance of Sunday down your throat. That is the Mark of the Beast. Every Sunday keeping denomination is going to unite and become 1. The uniting point will be Sunday Worship!. That is the reality that is coming first to the USA, and then the whole world. So,, either you will be observing Sunday with the rest of the world,,, or,, you will be hiding in the woods or sitting in a dungeon with me. (if we are alive at that time)

I'll likely be out enjoying the killing fields.
Oh, APD is one of the other two, btw.

My parents used to say similar things quite a lot.
It seems all denominations that believe in this and in revelations think their denom will become the only one.
That means I must either equally credit all of them, or equally discredit all of them, to remain non-biased.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Other than that he would put people through eternal torture? Or even make eternal torture an option of punishment?

Eternal torture is a Lie from Satan. That false teaching originated from Satan and his first lie to Eve in the garden, "Ye shall not surely die." Genesis 3:4

So,, once men believed the false teaching that the soul is immortal,, it was easy to get mis-directed men to believe that God has an Eternal Torture Chamber where He houses our wayward family members and tortures them for all eternity.

It's a lie,, don't believe that stuff... more people have believed that lie and turned from God more than any other lie concocted by the devil.

The Bible says God will destroy the wicked,,, not keep them alive in some flames. in fact,, the Bible calls God destruction of the wicked His "strange" act. Isaiah 28:21

Strange for a loving God to destroy the creation that He loves.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
Eternal torture is a Lie from Satan. That false teaching originated from Satan and his first lie to Eve in the garden, "Ye shall not surely die." Genesis 3:4

So,, once men believed the false teaching that the soul is immortal,, it was easy to get mis-directed men to believe that God has an Eternal Torture Chamber where He houses our wayward family members and tortures them for all eternity.

It's a lie,, don't believe that stuff... more people have believed that lie and turned from God more than any other lie concocted by the devil.

The Bible says God will destroy the wicked,,, not keep them alive in some flames. in fact,, the Bible calls God destruction of the wicked His "strange" act. Isaiah 28:21

Strange for a loving God to destroy the creation that He loves.

I don't believe the bible at all, actually.
Nor do i credit it as a historical resource for anything other than religious research or culture research.

If that's what you believe I can't say it's not fine with me.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
Nor do i credit it as a historical resource for anything other than religious research or culture research.

Atheists have been converted after studying the Book of Daniel and the predicted 4 world Kingdoms of Babylon,, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. So,, you are not regarding all the facts in the Bible.

Even oil companies have studied the Bible and found it to be a perfect map leading to great oil deposits.. all because of the story of Moses being placed in a little cradle made with "pitch and tar".. Exodus 2:3.

But,, what more can I say,,,,,if you want to do a haphazard study or no study at all,, that's your business.


Well-Known Member
1. Then don't reply to my posts.
2. All will hear the message,, then the end will come.
3. You are hearing it whether you want to or not.

4. You won't be able to tell God you didn't know. No excuses for you.

I am actually going to be pleasant to you, Mr. Beebe. While we do not agree on many points, and as well we should not, I can not stand that Atheist that keeps replying to you and others here. His signature alone sickens me. Seriously, what is the need to post such a large image telling everyone they are basically idiots, liars or fools for having a religion? While I know you dislike my signature, at least mine does not slam all religions as "fiction", it is just an honest expression of my faith.


Coincidentia oppositorum

Some one posted this on Facebook from a Website called "Service For Christ". Your thoughts?
Well, didn't Jesus say hate your enemies and pick up your sword and go crazy with it because the meek are losers? It's in Matthew somewhere I think.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is, my parents seem to have extremely similar beliefs to you, concerning your God.
They treated me in accordance to such.

Actually, if they were really following what they believed they would have killed me.
They made an exception and just starved me instead, likely trying to bring me back to 'the ways of god'.
I serve no one, I made that point clear then as I do now.

Then you are nothing more than a product of your upbringing.
Why hold all religion responsible for what your parents did to you?
Why even hold the religion they claimed to adhere to responsible?


Well-Known Member
The fundamental denominations are going to run the Observance of Sunday down your throat. That is the Mark of the Beast. Every Sunday keeping denomination is going to unite and become 1. The uniting point will be Sunday Worship!. That is the reality that is coming first to the USA, and then the whole world. So,, either you will be observing Sunday with the rest of the world,,, or,, you will be hiding in the woods or sitting in a dungeon with me. (if we are alive at that time)

That is the strangest theory regarding "The Mark of The Beast" I have read to date.

Mr. Beebe

Active Member
That is the strangest theory regarding "The Mark of The Beast" I have read to date.

The Mark of the Beast is the changing of God's law and enforcing that change. Not all are aware that God's law was tampered with. The Bible warns that it would occur (Daniel 7:25).

"he shall think to change time and law"

God says His days end and begin at the setting of the sun. So,, where do you suppose we got the teaching that 12:00 midnight is when the day changes?
This same power changed God's Sabbath from the 7th day to Sunday, the 1st day of the week.

The Devil doesn't want you to know these facts. That's why you consider the whole "theory" as "strange". But all will hear the truth of God's 7th day Sabbath,, and when all have heard,, Sunday Observance will become the Law of the Land. Only those who observe the law,, will be allowed to buy and sell. those who refuse to, shall be persecuted.