Would the world be better off without Christianity?
First lets look at a purely hypothetical world where christianity died with Jesus.These thought questions are purely speculation, of course. Here are some thought questions:
1) What would have happened if Nero did not have the Christians as a scapegoat for the great fire of Rome?
2) Would the Empire have fallen without Christianity's influences? (These include the reduction of violence, a change of direction from empire to the spiritual)
3) How would have technology of changed without (with no offense to our Roman Catholic friends) the catholic religion holding down scientific and artistic thought?
4) Would perhaps the industrial revolution have occurred during the Roman Empire? (Mechanos of Alexandria can within a step of creating a steam engine)
5) Would the Renaissance and its art and innovations have happened anyway?
6) Considering the Constitution is based in Christian beliefs, would America exist?
7) Without Christianity what atrocities would have been adverted? (crusades, The inquisition, witch hunts, the holocaust, etc)
8) Would Islam have still occurred without christianity to form one of the foundation stones? What would the implications be if Islam never existed? (for example, if the Roman Empire still fell and Islam did not exist, who would have kept Greek ideas and innovations alive?)
These are just a few ideas, each question would breed a host of other questions depending on how it is answered. What ifs, such as the "would the world be better off without Christianity?" allows a person to see just how important something like Christianity is in the fabric of history and individual lives.