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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I used to have a lvl 70 undead holy spec'd priest on Perenolde named Heathen. Played from release until about 3 months after Burning Crusade. Was a good game but I just got sick of it, including the guild drama, epeen contests, class imbalances, lopsided population ratio, etc, etc. The addictiveness and time investment wasn't good for me, either. When I quit I gave my account to an Aussie friend I played with. Last I checked he was still going strong.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
The thing I hate is three characters I have started, including a Mage, I have had a hellova time finishing the WC quests, and still being low enough level to run SFK. Which sucks because I have to run it high level with my mage to get the belt and robe.
It also made me feel like an *** because my girlfriend started to play just after the leveling screw job, and I started to play again when I got her to play. So, I explained to her obsolete lvl ranges, and was wondering why a lvl 16 was in queue for SFK.

I don't do instances for gear until I get around lvl 67. All other gear gets replaced super quick and I just instance to catch up with levels if I'm falling a bit behind and I'm a little low for the next area. Gear is just a bonus :p

Got a brand new hat last night for my mage - the mana-etched crown from BM! I'm happy because now I don't need to go to BM again until I get geared enough for heroic BM. +560 spell dmg unbuffed now :D


Can't brain. Has dumb.
+669 spell dmg!

Got my ruby slippers from Dorothee in Karazhan. Did MGT for the first time yesterday and there are some GREAT things to spellsteal from the mobs - one of them, stacks 9 times, each time decreasing cast time by 10%, so stacking 9 gives you a 90% decreased cast time.... 0.2 sec frostbolt!!!! 5 of them per sec, if each crits, I'm doing 15k dps........


Well-Known Member
got a lvl 70 warrior female gnome (yes pink hair)
got a lvl 70 mage male human 10% less rep to gain
got a lvl 70 bloodelf warlock (wings own)


Well-Known Member
nah not realy though warhammer has good gameplay it has a long way to go before it matches wow and when that happens wotlk is gona come out and keep people hooked again to wow

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I think Mythic will learn from Blizzard's mistakes and make sure they get their population ratio and class balance right. Also, in Warhammer pvp will be the main focus rather than just an afterthought like it is in WoW.


Well-Known Member
no offence but class balance is not something you can get right there will always be qq only hope they wont listen to the crybabys and realize that not everybody wants to look the same (was on one of the older server you had lvl 70 with full pvp armor and lvl 70 with full badge armor or twinks)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I don't do instances for gear until I get around lvl 67. All other gear gets replaced super quick and I just instance to catch up with levels if I'm falling a bit behind and I'm a little low for the next area. Gear is just a bonus
I do alot of pvp though, so good gear definitely helps.


Well-Known Member
complaining think of 2 eyes with tears qq
usaly acociated with unjustafyd complaints about things noone cares about

(people complaining about the shape of the chimerae because it destroyed there immersion and if they arn't helped immidetly they will quit the game)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I wasn't "qq"ing, just mentioning one thing people tended to complain about in pvp. I was a holy priest, which naturally no one would expect to be very effective in pvp anyway (I would hang back and heal teammates while trying to avoid direct combat, and had fun doing it). One thing that did annoy me however was that on my old server the alliance outnumbered the horde 10 to 1, so world pvp was a lopsided joke. Especially during the pre-bg days when xroads was raided constantly.
Don't get me wrong, WoW was a good game, but after playing from release 'til about a month after BC I got burnt out on it.
I still get that MMO craving, and Warhammer is looking pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
ye if you compare wow now to the epic tarrenmil/southshore battles it used to have you can see how much pvp went down
ye had a holy priest ,(draineye lvl 39 ) healing in bg can be pretty fun but wen i started to twink it i went shadow, healing just isnt as rewarding as seeing hk and high numbers on the screen


Forum Relic
Premium Member
I think Mythic will learn from Blizzard's mistakes and make sure they get their population ratio and class balance right. Also, in Warhammer pvp will be the main focus rather than just an afterthought like it is in WoW.
Hopefully they won't nerf classes with PVP QQ's and stealth nerfs or "fix" thing that were originally intended but have been "bugged since launch." Blizzard excels at ticking off their customers.


Jar of Clay
Hopefully they won't nerf classes with PVP QQ's and stealth nerfs or "fix" thing that were originally intended but have been "bugged since launch." Blizzard excels at ticking off their customers.

Probably because they can afford to be at the moment. Hopefully that will change once Warhammer or some stronger competition comes into the picture.


Well-Known Member
CoH is my favorite online addiction! So much fun! Love flying around the city beatin up bad guys! POW! BIFF! BAM!


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Even though I'm anticipating Warhammer Online, I don't want to set my hopes too high. Remember Shadowbane?
I think Warhammer is going to give WoW a run for it's money and maybe even steal a good portion of it's fan base if they play their cards right. Blizzard's customer service and fan input is nill. They ignore huge issues (mana regen for certain classes, Shaman viability, hunter pet issues) and make completely useless changes via stealth(Tauren weapon "clipping," Grimtotem Spirit Guide). People are really getting fed up with Blizzard's B.S. and I think a lot of people are going to jump ship first chance they get.


Can't brain. Has dumb.
ye if you compare wow now to the epic tarrenmil/southshore battles it used to have you can see how much pvp went down
ye had a holy priest ,(draineye lvl 39 ) healing in bg can be pretty fun but wen i started to twink it i went shadow, healing just isnt as rewarding as seeing hk and high numbers on the screen
Speaking of - had an epic battle in SS the other day - 20hordies, 15 allys. It's amusing watching a lock trying to fear UD - my wotf was constantly on CD =P