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You are a bad Christian


I believe it all works through Jesus. Trying to get it to work through yourself will only lead to failure.
the truth is religion is communally practiced by those that believe the same things in common but belief is not communal but personal to everyone individually as not any 2 people have exact belief as ur belief system u work on by many ways such as expirence n information u have that others dont so it the idea u have much knowledge then the more u have the more accountable u are for whst u have so religiously we unite on where our belief systems match in gathering publicly by it but u are with a unique belief system that makes god special to u as theres not enough space on this public scene for me to tell u all that i believe as u dont have time to listen n thats y i consider belief to be personally grounded n not religiously gathered by publically unless our belief systems share commonalities for us to both ascribe so its not about tbe fact u have evil in u but its about what u do with the evil u have that is the most important aspect of even haveing ability to make happen as all ability u have is from god who gave u power while not loseing any power himself so hes most powerful cuz hes most able as this moment is a living will n no mans will happens unless one will os effective above all other wills as ur plans fail u the day u cant make them happen as in the day u can no longer do as thy wilt is the day u can not do what u did before as u wont be abpe to do what u did before as u will not have. a ability to effect the things u did before when u had a body byt will be rendered truly powerless in light of whats true as u were not true n u would not accept the truth but hid from it as if u got away with it but u will soon find the truth that u not trusted in to be the truth that could listen to as it quickly identified u by what u do n what u do u can not find relief from as its truly the reason u gind ursrlf here right now


Are you saying that True Christianity is Immoral? Do you consider the Ten Commandments Moral?
i began with christinity then moved to judiasm n finally amongst muslims but i believe in the jews n what the torah says i trust in but i not follow prophet Muhammad but believe he is final prophet n that Allah is Yah as i can say if u follow thr god of abraham then we share the same truth just in diffrent ways as i am familiar with torah n quran as well as bible but even though I can use anyone scriptures for a hood work i tend to adhere to torah despite me not being jewish as gentiles were not promised by god anything of future matter in light of what the jews were promised as its said the gentiles are godless n lawless but im trying to figure out how i can know god n in knowing him i find myself among the promises that i a gentile am not a jew so i dont really have parts of what the forefathers of the jews were promised but if the time comes when i can find scriptures in nature to confirm then i wont need to believe anymore cuz i will know then which will allow me to be further supported as i will then be useing knowledge of god with certainty by truth n not need to hope to keep belief to retain what i trust in.....people that say ur wrong in what u believe are wrong to say that ur wrong cuz they dont know either thats why they must believe xuz they dont know cuz if they know then they not need to keep believeing when they have knowledge of it but truthfully knowledge starts with a belief then it becomes knowledge once it happens then knowledge matures into wisdom which ends profoundly amazing in a way that u must find out for urself but nobody can say ur belief is wrong cuz they dont know belief themselves to be certain they are right cu.z belief u can not prove to others however also nobody can disprove ur belief as belief itself has character qualities that i use to speak of when saying it as i am developing my words n learning best ways to use properly safely n in good measure that way i can learn n understand what others cant cuz i use my own definitions for words that i redefine to use better in ways u cant cuz i am useing definitions to words i have been defining myself outside conventional means as i truly am better equipped to explain ur belief in a way that ur leaders cant cuz like i said i develope these words n exercise these words in order to better maintain awareness that excells those that use words they dont know speaking on topics they dont know as its evident the folly of their error in simply what they say but even more in what they do that others cant reconize but one with the truth that trusts in the truth n is understood by what is before it that u keep true to the truth that u may call Yah n not trust in any man for any reasonbut keep true to what made u look so deep in matters that others simply didn't take time to fully understsnd n are this day lacking n without hope in future as u can identify them by folly that they ascribe that the world may know the truth in light that it doesnt hear care or think it of importance nor merit to search as their failure to fully understand is proof that they dont know the truth n since they dont know the truth outside the torah then its clearly obvious that the truth is found in the torah that relates it but to not only find it but trust it alone n in trusting nothing else may they recieve the reward of truth by the truth cuz of the truth but i not hide to u thr truth i have as i told Yah whom i call Allah sometimes is same exact one individual as there is only one god so if the ways u search for him are in no offense to others then just by u have one god as truth n trust in it alone n never to deny or aboid byt keep true to what u have is all the importance of seeing it unfold for urself as theres nothing like keeping on plan n nothing better then than that they keep the plan that brings them the things they never fathomed or even considered as god uses the one u keep quiet n when the one u surpressed for so long is released n reconized the reconition is truly beyond words greater than u suspect but in ur doubt or unawareness u will in time know what u dont know now n in enough time u will know all that u not know now


I believe it all works through Jesus. Trying to get it to work through yourself will only lead to failure.
fairh is when u act on ur belief as its exhibited not aquired by amount but modelled in conduct when u act on what u believe but faith being special people not so good but leaning towards evil n not whats good as the evils made them find entertainment in whats not good right or true but they were inclined to evil n not concerned fpr whats good as it was kot as useful to them......we know people believe that they know n think its true n when confronted with the truth they not do anything but expect it ultimately as they not want to repent of their evils n got worst in the level of evils they used as they became more aware their intelligence increased provideing them new ways to do the evils they enjoyed so as they got smarter they also got more better at doing what they liked to do as they got really good at it to the point their evils were performed so we'll that it was hard to reconize them being used which made them even more able to effect others with their evils but if i may tell u the reward of good which is more good things but return of ur evils is greater evil so in justice u will get the return of all that u do good or evil in this life but next life u will deal with ur offenses to god if he find anyone sins of u but in this life u will deal with all the evil cuz in next life there is no evil to be effected by except ur own


I think he’s talkin bout the Christian belief that Homosexuality is a sin. He doesn’t realize that one can believe that and still have respect for Gay people. A lot of people mix that up imo
the 10 commands were given to jews to follow as gentiles have no laws n are without need to follow the jewish laws as its for the jews the law that they were given but gentiles have been given the noahide laws that the gentiles may have a law that is for them so all may be well among them.....the 10 commands are required of jews only but its true that gentiles may find themselves among the promises of the jews but its rare n i dont believe the gentiles been properly welcomed into jewish promises as jesus nor Muhammad meet that which is said of them as tbeir believers will make u believe in anything about them since u dont know but i believe that messiah bin david will come n full fill all that was spoken of him afore times in scriptures as thats how we will know its really him cuz in judiasm messiah is jewish n doesnt die but is with us until the end of times so dont listen to the Christians who design ways to cleverly make u believe what they do as u think anyone of them Christians can say what jesus actually said? as they are prompting eachother with lies that the leaders follow as they trusted who told them the lies despite evidence against it not being true as doubt secures no room for proof but truly its ur leaders fault that u dont know cuz they not give u words to equip u with awareness when confronted by one who doesnt believe as the pastors are responsible for those that trust in him so if one is misled by the authority they follow then the authority they use is not authorized for them to teach u if they dont know themselves as in 10 mins i can tell u what u need to understand about the religion u profess while a pastor will talk to u for days just to say how he feels about what he read however he not read to u what scriptures say but only on what he thinks will benefit his organization cuz reguardless of u there or not the agenda is still more important to them then the adherence of or not hut you fan tell that a religion needs believers by the religion prostylizing u in order to make u believe what they believe for purpose of a agenda that they will not inform u of but even watch u walk away without what u need to know the truth or trust in it cuz they themselves dont know so until they are informed n made aware they remain unaware n dont know cuz of lack of the information being available to them makes them not equipped to be trusted nor assured in whats true since they dont know.....not to mention they dont take time to learn how words work to tell u what u need to hear in the right way so that u can have whats needed to properly speak on matters concerning whats true so since they are not properly trained nor are they even able to contend against contending religions as all abrahamic religions share one god however everyone retains religious exclusiveness meaning its their religion thats right n all others are wrong however i believe in one god whom i identified as the god of abraham whom i call Yah n if ur religion allows u to say u believe in god of abraham then if u can be not found in offense to another concerning ur belief then ur religion is with the proper ability to gather publicly by but if ur religion not discriminate others peoples beliefs then u may gather publicly but like i said if ur religion opposes anothers religion or is not accepting what others believe then u should not be able to gather in public to support it since ur belief provides no room for what others believe so logically u must meet un secret n not in public as it promotes unsafe conditions to those that dont know the risks they face when they meet in public religiously as u not know just how unequipped u are till u find out by one whose more prepared n better organized n even with not only awareness u not have but greater ability to use his mind in ways u not consider as whats important to me u dont care about n whats important to u has no weight on me as i bring to next life what i value as u not bring any of value u have to the next life as u cared about whats seen while i cared about what has no form so u cant steal what i have or hode it from me since u dont even look at value what i value cuz to u its with no worth as u cant use it n u wont reconize it nor would u find pleasure in it as u trusted money n valued its materials benefits n neglected the things that are priceless to me but if i were to give u one thing i value that u dont then let it be truth n the merit of its strength by the power of its ease n the simplicity that it models in words that u might know but not have to think alot about but it will prove u right against wrong in the final feat as one truth can put to lie all lies that use as its one truth that will give u what u seek n its one lie that will discredit all ur truths but one truth will n can be used against any lie u may use cuz u want to find tne truth first before u can use it to recognize the lies


You cited Luther's translation, and you endorsed his interpretation, too. Then you claimed it was simply reading the bible, but I think this was not how the bible was read before Luther. It is divisive and purposely so intended by him for that purpose: a purpose which I will not further.

Usefulness for your purposes is unfortunately not something I can guarantee. I don't see a biblical problem with your non-belief, and that is firmly based in my familiarity with this canon. It is a familiarity that we do not share.

I recall that you kindly quoted my post inquiring about my opinion. I am honored that you are intelligently conversing with me; but statistical opinions about Christian scriptures are not compelling. Going to church is religious but does not prepare one for biblical debates. Not at all. Lots of Christians in the world might agree with you or might think your non-belief is a problem, but this is biblical debates not debate about the statistical opinions of people who go to church a lot, who read the same pamphlets. Its a different arena. If its pamphlets and prayer books you want then I do not have as strong a familiarity.

I make a distinction and have explained it. I am sorry it is not good for your purposes.
i will tell u what makes a Christian from whats not.....a christian is only religion that u must believe that jesus lived n died n was resurrected to remain in adherance cuz if u not believe in all 3 aspects of that then u not true to it n are so far off from what was comitted to u that u not remain part of the fundamental roots that u find urself expanding from.....how ever the root was secure but whats above the ground is lost by the fire that went through quickly consuming the entire garden but the roots kept firm n withstood the loss of what was on the surface as it stayed so firm that any that built on the roots lost their beauty as it seemed well until the fire consumed all that was not in ground yet the roots will stay firm n grow again in a times that will be however therefore the entire garden was consumed by fire the root kept firm n in enough time regrew to a tree that the other vines n weeds were preventing from growing but once all was cleared away the true tree to form n it grow so well flourishing abounding in awesome wonder as the former garden was not as true as the garden that willl grow. 100× fold in beauty as we can start fresh n have the glory of all that we know is good from what we learned from former times as we can make better choices from a more abundant array of options


Martin Luther's bizarre interpretations (to which you refer) can be written off. Whatever he says is going to be charged with anger and a flippant disregard for the intent of a scripture. His doctorate is legitimate, however he abuses it. This is the man who causes people to be tortured for disagreeing with himself, their testicles pulled off with red hot steel, and he prefers Jews to be dead. He's no standard for scripture interpretation. Some people just have no regard for others, and he's one of them.

Using "Saved by 'Faith' not b 'Works'" he managed to take advantage of a groundwell of disapproval with the church of his day, for his own gain. He translated the scripture a particular way for the lay people to make them believe he was a prophet, but he was no prophet. The excesses and failures of the church were real, but he simply used this for himself to make himself a church that followed himself. His misinterpretation of the verse was whatever he found convenient for his purposes. It was a way to carve out a church for his own name, and I am not saying that as some catholic guy. I'm just stating the obvious. I've never been catholic, and I have no family in that institution. He was a bad dude.

That being said I realize that to this point I have not interpreted this verse for you. I merely state that I disagree with Luther. I do not believe that "The bible says the opposite," not in Ephesians even. I can see how easy it is for Luther to translate it so that it leans this way, but he's not to be trusted.

Now I will explain the verse, and now I will answer. To begin with your focus upon believing "Key claims" seems irrelevant to being a Christian. They are not relevant in my opinion and based upon my understanding of the standard canon. The verse is about faithfulness. It is contrasting works and faithfulness, but Luther misconstrues this to manipulate it into something convenient for his purposes.

I understand that large numbers of people are under sway of Luther.

As for whether there are Christians that are not true Christians, there is only the test of spiritual characteristics. These are what matter, and so I partially agree with you that there is not a specific test. There is personal growth as people improve, but there are also people who never improve. And there are people like Martin Luther: murderous and self seeking individuals that boast about how spiritual they are when they actually are more like noxious pests. Now in Luther's case perhaps he had a good side, but he was somehow quite murderous and conniving as well. I cannot count him as a peaceful man nor as any sort of spiritual person.
does man need to be saved if he is not willing to accept it? is man seeking what he wants over whst he knows n is man able to use whats right to do good despite him seeking to use evil cuz it pleased him more to do whats evils n he rather not do good for reason it was probably against him n he not teady to come to accepting it so he followed lies n didnt know what was true cuz he was never told by another so he was unaware n couldnt stop what he doesnt know so he was unable to reconize the danger until it was upon him but this life u will address ur evils by others evils too but next life u will be given measure for ur sins if u committed any as no human man knows ur sins as hes not god to know what god holds against u as only god would be aware of ur sins until he informed u of them that u may lnow why u will recieve what u do for what u did


does man need to be saved if he is not willing to accept it? is man seeking what he wants over whst he knows n is man able to use whats right to do good despite him seeking to use evil cuz it pleased him more to do whats evils n he rather not do good for reason it was probably against him n he not teady to come to accepting it so he followed lies n didnt know what was true cuz he was never told by another so he was unaware n couldnt stop what he doesnt know so he was unable to reconize the danger until it was upon him but this life u will address ur evils by others evils too but next life u will be given measure for ur sins if u committed any as no human man knows ur sins as hes not god to know what god holds against u as only god would be aware of ur sins until he informed u of them that u may lnow why u will recieve what u do for what u did
salvation is from the god of abraham n in no other will u find refuge from what u do by forgiveness that no other will be of importance but his cuz if u are going to suffer in eternity in torment then may u find trust in the truth that will do for u what only he can do for u cuz if u think u not have to go to judgement then may u know that u will meet all that u hid from that it may be the exact reason u u were worried of it but to be saved then trust in the truth Yah-shua whom is Yah-saves n besides him u will find nothing to avail n all that u call on with witness agsainst u that day n all ur attempts to deny whats true will leave u truly find u in reason of good justice that finds u in haste that u may run not far nor find refuge nor comfort but emmense lossn the merit of the truth used against u to elevate the truth that it may make ur lies known


Well-Known Member
i began with christinity then moved to judiasm n finally amongst muslims but i believe in the jews n what the torah says i trust in but i not follow prophet Muhammad but believe he is final prophet n that Allah is Yah as i can say if u follow thr god of abraham then we share the same truth just in diffrent ways as i am familiar with torah n quran as well as bible but even though I can use anyone scriptures for a hood work i tend to adhere to torah despite me not being jewish as gentiles were not promised by god anything of future matter in light of what the jews were promised as its said the gentiles are godless n lawless but im trying to figure out how i can know god n in knowing him i find myself among the promises that i a gentile am not a jew so i dont really have parts of what the forefathers of the jews were promised but if the time comes when i can find scriptures in nature to confirm then i wont need to believe anymore cuz i will know then which will allow me to be further supported as i will then be useing knowledge of god with certainty by truth n not need to hope to keep belief to retain what i trust in.....people that say ur wrong in what u believe are wrong to say that ur wrong cuz they dont know either thats why they must believe xuz they dont know cuz if they know then they not need to keep believeing when they have knowledge of it but truthfully knowledge starts with a belief then it becomes knowledge once it happens then knowledge matures into wisdom which ends profoundly amazing in a way that u must find out for urself but nobody can say ur belief is wrong cuz they dont know belief themselves to be certain they are right cu.z belief u can not prove to others however also nobody can disprove ur belief as belief itself has character qualities that i use to speak of when saying it as i am developing my words n learning best ways to use properly safely n in good measure that way i can learn n understand what others cant cuz i use my own definitions for words that i redefine to use better in ways u cant cuz i am useing definitions to words i have been defining myself outside conventional means as i truly am better equipped to explain ur belief in a way that ur leaders cant cuz like i said i develope these words n exercise these words in order to better maintain awareness that excells those that use words they dont know speaking on topics they dont know as its evident the folly of their error in simply what they say but even more in what they do that others cant reconize but one with the truth that trusts in the truth n is understood by what is before it that u keep true to the truth that u may call Yah n not trust in any man for any reasonbut keep true to what made u look so deep in matters that others simply didn't take time to fully understsnd n are this day lacking n without hope in future as u can identify them by folly that they ascribe that the world may know the truth in light that it doesnt hear care or think it of importance nor merit to search as their failure to fully understand is proof that they dont know the truth n since they dont know the truth outside the torah then its clearly obvious that the truth is found in the torah that relates it but to not only find it but trust it alone n in trusting nothing else may they recieve the reward of truth by the truth cuz of the truth but i not hide to u thr truth i have as i told Yah whom i call Allah sometimes is same exact one individual as there is only one god so if the ways u search for him are in no offense to others then just by u have one god as truth n trust in it alone n never to deny or aboid byt keep true to what u have is all the importance of seeing it unfold for urself as theres nothing like keeping on plan n nothing better then than that they keep the plan that brings them the things they never fathomed or even considered as god uses the one u keep quiet n when the one u surpressed for so long is released n reconized the reconition is truly beyond words greater than u suspect but in ur doubt or unawareness u will in time know what u dont know now n in enough time u will know all that u not know now
Romans 2:29

29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

The Abrahamic Religions was Created By Elohim/God for Elohim's/God's World Dominion. The Abrahamic Religions Domination of World is Ordained by Elohim/God.

If you are Gentile you Cannot be an Ethnic Jew because this is Genetic. A Gentile according to the Flesh Can Become A Spiritual Jew. An Inward Jew is a Spiritual Jew. Remember that Israel Consists of 12 Tribes and one of these Tribes is Judah/Jew.

Also to let you know, when you write on computer there should be lots of White Space to make it easier to read. In the IT Profession it's a Rule to have plenty of White Space in consideration to fellow Professionals and Customers. I tell you this in case you want more people to read what your posts.
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Jesus in me
John 15 works real good with your statement. But the faith that I have was birthed by Him and needs to be motivated by His love that works through His body, you and I.
I believe love is a fruit of the Spirit. Once a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior it is there.


Jesus in me
the truth is religion is communally practiced by those that believe the same things in common but belief is not communal but personal to everyone individually as not any 2 people have exact belief as ur belief system u work on by many ways such as expirence n information u have that others dont so it the idea u have much knowledge then the more u have the more accountable u are for whst u have so religiously we unite on where our belief systems match in gathering publicly by it but u are with a unique belief system that makes god special to u as theres not enough space on this public scene for me to tell u all that i believe as u dont have time to listen n thats y i consider belief to be personally grounded n not religiously gathered by publically unless our belief systems share commonalities for us to both ascribe so its not about tbe fact u have evil in u but its about what u do with the evil u have that is the most important aspect of even haveing ability to make happen as all ability u have is from god who gave u power while not loseing any power himself so hes most powerful cuz hes most able as this moment is a living will n no mans will happens unless one will os effective above all other wills as ur plans fail u the day u cant make them happen as in the day u can no longer do as thy wilt is the day u can not do what u did before as u wont be abpe to do what u did before as u will not have. a ability to effect the things u did before when u had a body byt will be rendered truly powerless in light of whats true as u were not true n u would not accept the truth but hid from it as if u got away with it but u will soon find the truth that u not trusted in to be the truth that could listen to as it quickly identified u by what u do n what u do u can not find relief from as its truly the reason u gind ursrlf here right now
I believe Christians are know by their love for one another. So even though our views often differ, love keeps us together.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I believe love is a fruit of the Spirit. Once a person receives Jesus as Lord and Savior it is there.
I agree also with this point. It is a fruit of the Spirit and a natural by byproduct because God is love!