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You are wrong. There is no god.


Rogue Theologian
Let it be remembered that all religions of the world was born in the childhood of our species. Children make religion, Grown-ups create science. A child’s imagination is more active than its power of reasoning. It is easier for it to fancy then to see. It thinks less then it guesses. The wild flight of fancy is checked only by experience. Religion is the science of the child. Science is the religion of the mature. The multitude is ever joined to its idols; let them alone, I speak to the discerning few. I speak to the mature minds who have left their idols, toys, fancies, and childhoods behind.

I believe in God because of science.


What science is that???
Evolution is a scientific fact accepted by every nation on Earth including
the Vatican. ID and Creationism are bad guesses using bad religion with no
support evidence...period.

Let’s stop battering this around and move on. There is nothing that can be
said to make the Bible correct, and nothing fundamentalist can say to
overturn evolution...nothing.


Well-Known Member
The bible fully supports the theory of evolution. Science and religion work best together, not in opposition.

Monk Of Reason

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The bible fully supports the theory of evolution. Science and religion work best together, not in opposition.

Religion historically works better if it works with science. However science works the same regardless if religion is in "agreement" with it or not.


There can never be a union between science and religion, they are diametrically opposed.

Science doesn’t concern itself with the non-existence of something. The periodic table of imaginary things would be too big for a classroom- infinitely big in fact, and rather pointless. It’s not trying to prove the non-existence of anything supernatural. All it knows is there is no scientific proof of anything supernatural so far. When someone presents a jar of God it will test it. If it finds some evidence of “godness” it will follow the evidence till it knows everything it can.


Many of the clergy, the more educated and enlightened ones, accept evolution as fact but as religion goes, they are in the minority.


Well-Known Member
There can never be a union between science and religion, they are diametrically opposed.

That's like saying "there can never be a union between science and economics, they are diametrically opposed". It isn't a matter of opposition, they are different subjects. Science establishes the HOW, Religion establishes the WHY. They go hand-in-hand. Science doesn't answer questions, like why are we here and what is the nature of life.

All it knows is there is no scientific proof of anything supernatural so far. When someone presents a jar of God it will test it. If it finds some evidence of “godness” it will follow the evidence till it knows everything it can.

G-d won't fit into a test tube. According to Judaism, G-d has no physical characteristics at all. So there is nothing for science to measure or observe. What G-d does provide is the impetus for asking questions such as: should we do this scientific procedure and what ethical considerations are relevant.


Rogue Theologian
There can never be a union between science and religion, they are diametrically opposed.

Science doesn’t concern itself with the non-existence of something. The periodic table of imaginary things would be too big for a classroom- infinitely big in fact, and rather pointless. It’s not trying to prove the non-existence of anything supernatural. All it knows is there is no scientific proof of anything supernatural so far. When someone presents a jar of God it will test it. If it finds some evidence of “godness” it will follow the evidence till it knows everything it can.

That's not true.
A recent tv science program held a one hour discussion of that very topic.
(the same series will also discuss God.....at length.)


Well-Known Member
That's like saying "there can never be a union between science and economics, they are diametrically opposed". It isn't a matter of opposition, they are different subjects. Science establishes the HOW, Religion establishes the WHY. They go hand-in-hand. Science doesn't answer questions, like why are we here and what is the nature of life.

G-d won't fit into a test tube. According to Judaism, G-d has no physical characteristics at all. So there is nothing for science to measure or observe. What G-d does provide is the impetus for asking questions such as: should we do this scientific procedure and what ethical considerations are relevant.

Rather, religion pretends to answer such questions. That's part of the scam.

I am not convinced that these "why" questions are legitimate except where they are actually "how" questions.

What is the nature of life is an example. Religion has nothing to add.


There can never be a union between science and religion, they are diametrically opposed.

Science doesn’t concern itself with the non-existence of something. The periodic table of imaginary things would be too big for a classroom- infinitely big in fact, and rather pointless. It’s not trying to prove the non-existence of anything supernatural. All it knows is there is no scientific proof of anything supernatural so far. When someone presents a jar of God it will test it. If it finds some evidence of “godness” it will follow the evidence till it knows everything it can.

If someone lives on the ground he can see all the tiny things and he cannot understand, what could be the meaning, when some herbs exist beside some worms or insects. But if someone flies high up in the sky (or in space) then he has a wide outlook and he wonders how this magic works so wonderful together. By that I mean if you have a wide view on the world you will see, how beautiful science and the words of the Prophets work together.


Rogue Theologian
Rather, religion pretends to answer such questions. That's part of the scam.

I am not convinced that these "why" questions are legitimate except where they are actually "how" questions.

What is the nature of life is an example. Religion has nothing to add.

For a moment I thought to say this was a fair statement.....but...
Genesis means.....'origin'....most people say so anyway.

That scripture doesn't have an equation for you doesn't discount the event.

We are here.
We had a beginning.
And the Genesis account reads like a science experiment to me.


What? Me worry?
It's often been my experience and observations that religion often apeals to people who feel a strong need for certainty. It's good to find something that works and satisifies one's emotional and psychological needs.

This. And most folks use their religion for validation instead of inspiration. In my experience dogmatic religious types would rather be right than enlightened. BTW by looking inside myself I found that indeed you are special :yes:.