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You say that there is a god...


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש

That only works for religions that recruit.

I recall a thread you started about some sort of car ride, and you were with a friend ( not a close friend ), and you picked a fight with them over their comments about a homeless person or something.

So, why was it OK for you to pick a fight with your aquaintence about the contradiction between calling themself a Christian and the comment they made, but, other people aren't allowed to vocalize their objections to the hypocrisy of the "so-called-critical-thinker-club"?


Read this
Hinduism gets into a lot of the Reality of the Ancient Religious World. Before Jesus.

If we just look at the kind of Structure, Varun is Neptune, is Poseidon, is Loki, is Moses. Look at all the Planet based Gods of Hinduism. So then that’s the Chakras, the Planets, the Chakras, the Gemstones, the Gods, the Months, the 7 Days of the Week. 12 Hours of the Day. So then those are Gods, which is to Ignore the Titans. In Egypt and India, Giants and Titans are Gods, in Greek there was Titanomachy so we think “Chronos and the big bad Titans were defeated by Zeus”. So then there is Gigantomachy and Zeus kills the Giants.

Jesus said, “Ignore the Jots and Tittles” because the Greek mind did not really grasp the Giants and Titans. So Jesus brought back Light, the Titan Theia, Light is Wadjet, the Wadj, or the Djed, Wadj-et. Then Jesus locked a bunch in the Heart Chakra, reminded us to Love, reminded us of Death, Remembrance, he taught us how to Pray, etc, etc. Moses becomes Mercury in Jesus, but also the Sun, this all is in Christianity.

So if we look before Jesus, the Jews had Moses, David (King David is like King Arthur, and comes when Hercules, Melqart, etc, do) there was Alexander the Great who came after Homer wrote the Poems about the Gods, like Beowulf or the Bagavad-gita. And Alexander takes Egypt and Phrygia after David in Israel, after Philip II father of Alexander read the Poems and hired Aristotle to Tutor Alexander.

After his young Death, Ptolemy replaced Alexander and compared the Egyptian Gods to the Greek Gods, he was trying to line it all up. He took 72 Jewish Scholars and Housed them and fed them and had them write their Oral Tradition. We now have the Dead Sea Scrolls but at the time of Ptolemy the 72, the “Septuagint” as it was called, was declared to be the Word of God because the 72 all wrote the same thing. This included Macabees, which is a Bible Book including Alexander, and other Books. Another example would be that the way Kings and Chronicles are similar, Enoch and Genesis are similar. So this Ancient 72, the Septuagint, that Book was the Holy word passed down eventually hidden in Latin, in the hands of Kings to organize them like King James.

Then Aristotle wrote Classification, Physics, Metaphysics. The Classical Civilization and then Rome came, they agreed with the Greeks, “Hercules founded our Towns, and buried the Giants in Italy”. Then Jesus comes. And reminds everyone about the bigger picture. Angels, Malach. Sons of God, Nephilim, Samuel and his Mom. Sisera and the Stars. The Ancient Scriptures about a Flood, Azazel and a Breastplate, fallen Angels, Sodom and Gamorah. The Book of Jude is very short and goes through it all very quickly.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You have presented nothing but nits since you started engaging with me. Everytime poke at me (just as as you did this eveing) you hurl nothing but nits. You want to be taking seriously, then act like it.

Do you recall the thread titled "Satanic Dishonesty?" I wasn't arguing with you one bit. We were discussing, then all of sudden, I said something wrong. Very wrong. I still don't understand exactly what happened. I don't want to insult you, but you sounded triggered.

It had something to do with religion. And I made a distinction between the founder's intentions, and the people, the adherents who might completely flip those intentions. You isolated 1 sentence, and made a very bizarre comment about it.

I was nice. I think I apologized. You took my sincere attempt to restablish communications, as, I think you called it, theistic dishonesty. It was bizarre.

Then, you started this thread. I answered honestly and politely. You didn't ask for proof of god/gods. You actually specified against that. You said that was premature. First, you said, {paraphrashing} "How can a person show me they can know if a god exists?" You hated my answer. Even though it answered your question correctly.

I explained myself. Then you shifted the goal post into, {Paraphrasing} "If you can't prove that you can know a god exists, you're wasting my time."

It's weird. I'm not sure if you know what you're saying and how you're saying it. Or what? But, I was nice to you. And I don't pick nits with you.

There was the thread about, um... a purely physical universe. And I was conversing with someone else. You chose to do the school teacher thing. "X does not follow from Y". Eventhough I had typed a whole sentence after that explaining what I meant.

The only time, maybe picking a nit, that I can remember, is when you and @Audie were ganging up two on one on a theist who made a rather benign comment about love. But neither of you were tolerant of that yucky-Christian-love stuff.

So,maybe give me an example? When have I been picking nits in your posts?

I've given you examples of our interactions where I've been fair and gracious to you. I didn't get beligerent with you in this thread even though you were hostile with me. I only quoted your post to demonstrate the utter stupidity of someone claiming to be inside someone's head whom they've never met before.

Then you replied to me, and I replied to you in kind.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You're still complaining. I am not going thru all of that. Cut to the chase.

No, I'm being nice. Do you know what that means?

What do you want?

I want you to change your attitude about me and my posts. I think your wrong, you're being unfair. And you're acting like an emperor who demands the words be presented in just the right way.

I also want you to be honest.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm being nice. Do you know what that means?

I want you to change your attitude about me and my posts. I think your wrong, you're being unfair. And youre acting like an emperor who demands the words be presented in just the right way.

I also want you to be honest.
I think that I am more like a guy who insists that you recognize that just because you know what you mean, that you may need to go thru a few iterations before what you say and what is heard align.

What topic do you want to talk about?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Sure. What demand did I make o you @dybmh ?

It was in the post you replied to.


The green box is what you are deminding of me.

The red box is a paraphrase of what you said in the past.

You are making a demand that I provide you with the word you are pretending to need.

But in the past, you refused to clarify what happened when I distinguished between the founder of a religion and the behavior of the adherents. For some reason this triggered you.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I think that I am more like a guy who insists that you recognize that just because you know what you mean, that you may need to go thru a few iterations before what you say and what is heard align.

Except, you were dishonest. You understood. You used your understanding to criticise. Then immediately pretended that you didn't understand, so you could criticise more.

What topic do you want to talk about?

Not much, right now. It's bed time. :)


Well-Known Member
The green box is what you are deminding of me.
I dnt think that's a demand.
The red box is a paraphrase of what you said in the past.
Now that is a demand..
Sounds like I was frustrated with you.

You are making a demand that I provide you with the word you are pretending to need.
It sounds like this has preyed on you. Ok. Fair enough. But I do not recall. And I am not going to try to go back and remember what I was thinking at the time.

DO you want to talk about the subject? Or what?


Well-Known Member
I would like an answer to the questions I asked earlier. What happened? Did theism betray you? God turned its back on you? Is "religion" your Satan?
I dnt take those questions as honest. More like the masturbatory fantasies that theists have about atheists.
I am not being obligatory. That is how I see thse questions.
If you are triggered by that, too bad.


Well-Known Member
I consider everyone a "friend" until they prove otherwise. Peace
I don't. But appreciate that some people do. In my view friendship is something more than a willingness to be friendly. It is an intentional and gradual alignment of purpose and trust.