Hinduism gets into a lot of the Reality of the Ancient Religious World. Before Jesus.
If we just look at the kind of Structure, Varun is Neptune, is Poseidon, is Loki, is Moses. Look at all the Planet based Gods of Hinduism. So then that’s the Chakras, the Planets, the Chakras, the Gemstones, the Gods, the Months, the 7 Days of the Week. 12 Hours of the Day. So then those are Gods, which is to Ignore the Titans. In Egypt and India, Giants and Titans are Gods, in Greek there was Titanomachy so we think “Chronos and the big bad Titans were defeated by Zeus”. So then there is Gigantomachy and Zeus kills the Giants.
Jesus said, “Ignore the Jots and Tittles” because the Greek mind did not really grasp the Giants and Titans. So Jesus brought back Light, the Titan Theia, Light is Wadjet, the Wadj, or the Djed, Wadj-et. Then Jesus locked a bunch in the Heart Chakra, reminded us to Love, reminded us of Death, Remembrance, he taught us how to Pray, etc, etc. Moses becomes Mercury in Jesus, but also the Sun, this all is in Christianity.
So if we look before Jesus, the Jews had Moses, David (King David is like King Arthur, and comes when Hercules, Melqart, etc, do) there was Alexander the Great who came after Homer wrote the Poems about the Gods, like Beowulf or the Bagavad-gita. And Alexander takes Egypt and Phrygia after David in Israel, after Philip II father of Alexander read the Poems and hired Aristotle to Tutor Alexander.
After his young Death, Ptolemy replaced Alexander and compared the Egyptian Gods to the Greek Gods, he was trying to line it all up. He took 72 Jewish Scholars and Housed them and fed them and had them write their Oral Tradition. We now have the Dead Sea Scrolls but at the time of Ptolemy the 72, the “Septuagint” as it was called, was declared to be the Word of God because the 72 all wrote the same thing. This included Macabees, which is a Bible Book including Alexander, and other Books. Another example would be that the way Kings and Chronicles are similar, Enoch and Genesis are similar. So this Ancient 72, the Septuagint, that Book was the Holy word passed down eventually hidden in Latin, in the hands of Kings to organize them like King James.
Then Aristotle wrote Classification, Physics, Metaphysics. The Classical Civilization and then Rome came, they agreed with the Greeks, “Hercules founded our Towns, and buried the Giants in Italy”. Then Jesus comes. And reminds everyone about the bigger picture. Angels, Malach. Sons of God, Nephilim, Samuel and his Mom. Sisera and the Stars. The Ancient Scriptures about a Flood, Azazel and a Breastplate, fallen Angels, Sodom and Gamorah. The Book of Jude is very short and goes through it all very quickly.