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You say that there is a god...


Well-Known Member
For Years I have had a kind of Stalemate with Atheists, for them in their heads. Where they say, “Those are gods with a little g, not God”. They want a man in the Clouds, but can accept gods as they put it.
What is a word or phrase for a person who makes up crap about what other people think in order to degrade that group and make themselves feel superior? Whatever that word is, that is what you are doing.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
This discussion has become repetitive now. I've made an evidenced argument and you have dismissed it without trying to explain why it's wrong.

Not true. Now you've down-shifted into dishonesty. The fact that you are responding to my points below shows that I did try to explain.

You say that I don't have enough evidence. I disagree, and that's doesn't contradict my conclusion anyway. None of the below does. "Sample size of 1, weak argument" No, my evidence is robust and includes multiple data sources as described.

You haven't brought a single example other than your own, likely, drug induced experiences.

You tried to bring a vision perception test, and an audible perception test. But then back-peddled realizing that none of that is valid for religious experinces.

And, if you're somehow counting the atheists who agree with you, then I can bring 100s, 1000s of people who say their personal experiences match yours, and they can postiviely identify you as demon possessed. If they're wrong, so are you.

You keep disregarding it and reverting to this meme. "They were progress, not mistakes."

You never responded. I'm not keep reverting. And it's a valid point. You simply don't know what people believe. You had a "marijuana"-like buzz while you were in church, and you thought it was God. That doesn't make you an expert in anything except for your own marijuana-like buzz sensations. The fact you mistook that for a God experience should tell you how inadaquate you are to judge anything religious, especially if they're outside of your own brain. And definitely if you've never met them.

How stupid is that? You've never met someone. You've never talked to them. And you assume everyone is having marijuana religious experiences, cause that's all you can understand.

No, they were mistakes, and they demonstrated man's proclivity for assigning agency to the creations of his own mind. "those can be diagnosed by trained professionals" Irrelevant. I could go on, but it's all the same - rejection without falsification.

You don't know what people believe. You failed again and again and again trying to describe my experiences.

That's falsification. Your god-like powers of insight are about as accurate as a divining rod.

Also, you've become angry and are taking pot shots: "you seem to be woefully inadaquate for that sort of work." So, we're done. It's become too personal for you.

Ohhhh, your poor ego. Can't tolerate the fact that you would be a horrible horrible care giver. Patching up a little bruise... squeezing some gonads... sure... you can do that. Something more nuanced, something that requires humility, empathy, receptivity? Heck-no.

And that fact is, deep down, you know it.

Speaking of inadequate, which you misspelled, your arguments have no persuasive power. They're unevidenced opinions - things that you don't like, but none of those comments makes me wrong.

Oh no a misspelled word. Boo-hoo. That's such a huge insult. My ego can't take it Dr. Oh wow, I'm so embarrassed.

Why were you wrong on 100% of your predictions, insights about me?
Why have you been repeatedly wrong about me and others in multiple threads?
Why haven't you learned from these mistakes? Heck my dog learns quicker and better.

Why did you claim that my personal experiences did not support my claims about you, but magically your personal experiences support your claims about other people? Answer: because you have a double standard. Classic hypocrisy.

And you dismissed a very important point out of hand: "if no god exists, which is very possible, I am definitely correct." Your reply was, "And if not, you're definitely incorrect - weak argument" Weak argument? You offered no argument. And my point is correct and significant. Gods appear to be fictions of man's imagination like muses were.

Your cartoon version is a strawman. Muses? Listen to you. You're fishing with a big stick, smacking it in the water like a club, and proudly proclaiming: "There's no fish in here, I can't find anything, and I'm the greatest fisherman in the universe!"

Man has made progress discarding the one millennia ago, but not the other, which have huge institutions promulgating the insufficiently evidenced claim that gods exist, so we're not surprised when people confuse spiritual experiences for gods like I did when I was subject to that influence.

Influence? Like under the influence?

The claim that people are experiencing a god rests on the existence of gods not just being possible, but actual. No two describe the same god.

Lies.... sure they do. But even if they don't it's another invalid test.

You can't make any of that go away, and until you do, my position is plausible and I consider the matter resolved. You presented no case that I am wrong - just that you don't accept that I'm right without falsification - and you presented it twice.

It's a simple proven fact that you cannot know what's happening with everyone everywhere. And the delusions of grandeur could be coming from multiple sources, including drugs.


Veteran Member
Yes. You are ignoring that you are capable of misunderstanding feelings and experiences.
Not only those.

You're not critically thinking. You cannot or will not assimilate new information. That makes it zealotry or dogmaticism.
Not to mention nor get the facts.

I don't believe in disembodied minds. False again. How many times will it take for you to be wrong before you change your behavior?
From the looks of things, forever.

Ummm, that's exactly what you're doing when defending your own thoughts and beliefs about others.
If you repeat that a billion times, it's not going to sink in.

But the matter is resolved for me. I've stopped asking you for evidence and I've told you my conclusion.

You were asked for it and told that poster that you had already posted it. He kept asking you for your science, and I suggested that he stop asking and make an educated guess, and did that myself.
Wait. Are you referring to @lukethethird or someone else?
If @lukethethird, I suggest you get the facts, rather than rely on guesses. They very often are wrong, and seldom, right.

But I have produced evidence for my claim. It's the evidence that led me to my conclusion about what has happened here. I think that you were careless with language and implied that you had given Luke what he requested.
Ah, So it's Luke. Well you are repeatedly saying things you know absolutely nothing about, and to continue to make this false claim though you have not supported the false claim, and despite being repeatedly told you are wrong, says a lot about you.
Nothing to be proud about.

The reason is that he and I (and perhaps one other) got that same impression from your posting, which I discussed with him in terms of there being no need to ask for the same thing more than once or twice.
Read @dybmh's posts carefully, and think about what he is telling you about your thinking and attitude.
Clearly, I am not the only one seeing it, and don't fool yourself (may be a little late for that) into thinking, it's just us two.

Now, you've reversed yourself and say that you never claimed or implied that. I've told you before that I don't consider you a liar or a troll. You believe what you write even if others don't, and you are genuinely offended at my demeanor.
I hve not reversed anything.
The reason you cannot show me where I said what you are claiming I said, is because it's not there. It's nowhere to be found, except in your head, because you made it up.

I've not told you that I don't consider you a liar or a troll. I don't think you believe what you write, even if others do, and yes, I am genuinely... not offended... but amazed beyond belief that someone can stick out they know something to be true, when they do not have one iota of the facts about the matter.
If that is your demeanor, then yeah, it truly is disturbing, but I think it's more than demeanor

If I were so proud as to stick out that I know something when I cannot go and find it, and return with it, and lay it out as proof, I would consider myself either very dishonest, or so blinded by haughtiness to a level so extreme, I would probably hate myself.... if I found out, that is.
I'm being honest. I never want that kind of arrogance, let alone a little bit.


Veteran Member
One thing thing that always astounded me about some believers is how they don't consider their own behavior as evidence for their God existing and being an influence on their lives. When believers act disresepectfully, with malice, and show no remore for their hateful statements I can't believe that they have sort of God in their lives. Witht he lack of evidence for any of the many gods humans believe in I would think at least they would behave in a way that indicates they are living an enlightened life.


What is a word or phrase for a person who makes up crap about what other people think in order to degrade that group and make themselves feel superior? Whatever that word is, that is what you are doing.
I’m not joking. We had a YouTube thing called Atheist Analysis that was being considered for Roku, I was on “Free Think Indiana” which I was invited to and was related, and I did like regular talks with Atheists.

I am also known by like the Hoteps, Moors and Hebrews, look at SaNeterTV7 there is like a Debate Circuit. There were a group of Christians also, there was like Sye Ten Brugencate, and there is kind of like Matt Dillahunty in that crowd. I’m talking about real life experience.


Veteran Member
I’m not joking. We had a YouTube thing called Atheist Analysis that was being considered for Roku, I was on “Free Think Indiana” which I was invited to and was related, and I did like regular talks with Atheists.

I am also known by like the Hoteps, Moors and Hebrews, look at SaNeterTV7 there is like a Debate Circuit. There were a group of Christians also, there was like Sye Ten Brugencate, and there is kind of like Matt Dillahunty in that crowd. I’m talking about real life experience.
I/m surprised believers are willing to attempt debaing with atheists. They don't do well, but they seem to think some different outcome will happen if they keep trying. The lack of evidence doesn't get fixed with persistence.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Don't try to weaponize me for your specious babble. Thanks!

If the shoe fits.

And you're if looking for the echo-chamber, the athiest-dir, where conversations go to die, it's just down the hall.


I/m surprised believers are willing to attempt debaing with atheists. They don't do well, but they seem to think some different outcome will happen if they keep trying. The lack of evidence doesn't get fixed with persistence.
With me the Atheists just kind of say they agree my Gods exist, then they look for a Sky Daddy. I’ve got more to show everyone now though, that was like 2013-2015.


Well-Known Member
I’m not joking.
I didn't think you were joking. I assumed that you were being serious. Which is why I said:
What is a word or phrase for a person who makes up crap about what other people think in order to degrade that group and make themselves feel superior? Whatever that word is, that is what you are doing.
We had a YouTube thing called Atheist Analysis that was being considered for Roku, I was on “Free Think Indiana” which I was invited to and was related, and I did like regular talks with Atheists.
Such rigor.
I’m talking about real life experience.
So I hear from every theist who tries to tell that they know the minds of athests. I am pretty sure I know my mind better tha you do.

Are you about to back pedal to "not all blacks jews women atheists"?


Veteran Member
One thing thing that always astounded me about some believers is how they don't consider their own behavior as evidence for their God existing and being an influence on their lives. When believers act disresepectfully, with malice, and show no remore for their hateful statements I can't believe that they have sort of God in their lives. Witht he lack of evidence for any of the many gods humans believe in I would think at least they would behave in a way that indicates they are living an enlightened life.
It's understandable that people who always create bubbles to live in, and live a lie, fooling themselves every waking day with a pat on their back, and a stroke of their ego, would feel this way.
That is why when this happened, no one could lift a finger to do anything about it.

They knew they were hypocrites, and they got called out.
Never mind they tried to make Jesus the bad guy.
The people understood what was happening.
They knew the truth.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
One thing thing that always astounded me about some believers is how they don't consider their own behavior as evidence for their God existing and being an influence on their lives. When believers act disresepectfully, with malice, and show no remore for their hateful statements I can't believe that they have sort of God in their lives. Witht he lack of evidence for any of the many gods humans believe in I would think at least they would behave in a way that indicates they are living an enlightened life.

Per your instuctions: by default, this isn't true. You would need to show some evidence you can you can recognize "enlightened". And of course whatever evidence you bring is not true by default.

In regard to Judaism. We aren't recruiting. If you want to join us, the answer is "no". You can identify as worm-food if you want. And if someone acts like a fool...

Proverbs 26:5

Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.


Well-Known Member
If the shoe fits.

And you're if looking for the echo-chamber, the athiest-dir, where conversations go to die, it's just down the hall.
Yeah, yeah. Another appropriator who gets annoyed when called out on it. There are lots of thoughtful empathetic theists out there who give serious, considered and deliberate thought to their beliefs. Based on your posts, I don't see how you can be one of them.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Yeah, yeah. Another appropriator who gets annoyed when called out on it. There are lots of thoughtful empathetic theists out there who give serious, considered and deliberate thought to their beliefs. Based on your posts, I don't see how you can be one of them.

I gave you a chance to have thoughtful serious discussions. Then you kind of flipped out about some word "religion" I think it was. Anyway. I could care less about your opinion.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Perhaps one day you will become capable of making your own point.

I did. Multiple times. Your posts are the icing on the cake. It's amazing that a person can claim to be a critical thinker while at the same time claim to know the internal thoughts, feelings, and experiences of everyone who doesn't agree with them.

Not only did we do a little test of @It Aint Necessarily So's prophectic power of deduction and insight, and it failed. But this same test has been performed not only by me in other threads in the past, but by other people in other threads in the past. And he just cannot, for some reason, figure out, he's not able to be like an all knowing god.

There's even posts in here where he's defending the idea he's able to be like a god. Like "what's wrong with it? I'm a Dr."