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You say that there is a god...


Well-Known Member
I told another member who was responding to the rude behavior of a theist that I believe they are able to rise above juvenile name-calling and false accusations as well as demonstrate a more mature character. And I'm saying the same to you. I've dealt with similar behavior (recently, in fact; see here), so I understand that it can be difficult to remain calm. I know that some members don't utilize the ignore option, but I've found it to be quite effective in lowering the drama on the forum. Of course, it's entirely your decision whether or not to respond, but I've discovered that it's less stressful for me if I don't.
I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. He has a predetermined atheist template and is bound and determined to shove me into it. I think that the analogy to how a lot of boys initially deal with girls is entirely apt. So many of the world's cultures are driven by what they think ought to be without taking the time to check out what is. I am not sure what you mean about not being calm. There are things that do rile me - sneaky genocide, rape culture, climate denial - but that guy is merely an amuse-bouche.
What happened? Did theism betray you? God turned its back on you? Is "religion" your Satan?
Who could possibly take those questions seriously?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
So you have decided that you can tell me that I have a god, and what it is?

Sorry, I have no gods.

You don't know what a god is.

Gods are not part of Theravada Buddhism. It is you deciding that gods not being part of it is a void, and that this void is a god. That is ll your doing and irrelevant. What is your intioning in misrepresenting Buddhism like this?

I'm using your own so-called logic and argumentation against you. You neither understand what a god is, nor the logic you employed in the earlier post. That explains your reply.

Because you don't know what a god is, you would never know if you were serving it. As they say ignorance is bliss.

No, it's you trying to impose the idea of god onto non-belief. I'm not sure what you get from this exercise.

It's obvious to anyone who knows what a god is, that non-belief is submitting to a void.

You seem upset that atheists don't assign any personal meaning to any idea of god.

You don't have any idea of a god. Literally. That means you will never know the god you serve.

Aren't you a buddhist? You haven't figured out how koans work? I have.

You weren't being comprehensible. That is your responsibility if you want to be understood.

If you want to understand you need to attach one word to the next. Coherence is on you.

I never said you did. And I have no conception of a god "void", that's in your mind. I understand that you are creating a false premise that "void is a god". This is an absurdity at face value, and you haven't explained how it is supposed to make sense. You are also creating meaning for me that I have never written about. What is there for me to understand about your falsehoods? You are also doing this with others in some sort of frustrated campaign against atheists.

Oh. So the post about being "enlightened" didn't include me? No you didn't mention me by name. Cowardly if you intended to include me and you didn't.

But, you did make a claim about what you think would be evidence of a god.

"One thing thing that always astounded me about some believers is how they don't consider their own behavior as evidence for their God existing and being an influence on their lives. When believers act disresepectfully, with malice, and show no remore for their hateful statements I can't believe that they have sort of God in their lives. Witht he lack of evidence for any of the many gods humans believe in I would think at least they would behave in a way that indicates they are living an enlightened life."

Notice: evidence for a God, capital G, according to you lines up with your definition of "living an enlightened life". You are inserting your version of god, without consent or evidential knowledge, onto others. And yet, you object to the same thing happening to you.

The truth is, your version of enlightenment is only useful for suffering, but it sacrifices all joy, pleasure, happiness, saticfaction, everything that is good in any way is sliced and diced and put onto the altar of the void. If you don't like the idea that you are serving the void, promoting the void, preaching its gospel, then, practice what you preach.

And if you were actually enlightened, you would know no one needs buddhism if they are over-joyed, happy, satisfied, patient and whole host of things which are positive and fulfilling. Literally Fullfilling. And. Surprisingly. None of it is needed if they are angry, or impassioned in any way. Suffering is easily conquered with God. You don't know it, because you don't what a god is.

You really have an inflated belief in yourself. You don't acknowledge being wrong. Character flaw.

I'm not wrong about this. You needed help. You were acting stupid. Stupid-simple is what you deserve.

And, your rule, from the void, is: the logical default is false. So. You would need to bring evidence that I was wrong. Then you would need to bring evidence that I don't acknowledge it. Good luck.

And, it may not feel good. But the truth is, there are superior people in the world who are more capable than others. That's a fact. You may not like realising that. But its true. If I were to deny my capabilities as some sort of false modesty, that's a lie.

You are a frustrated person. It seems some theists can't deal with the critical analysis of atheists and lash out with personal insults. That is a flaw in character, and you have some things to reflect on. Good luck. Atheists will continue to debate you and other believers over claims of gods existing, and it's your choice to participate, and do so with emotional detachment and integrity, if you are willing.

You don't know me. I have nothing to be frustrated about. There is virtually no critical analysis that comes from atheists. You claim that lashing out with an insult is a character flaw, and yet, here you are trying to insult me. Let me help you. If you want to insult me, it needs to be true. Claiming I'm frustrated and that I have a character flaw is meaningless to me coming from you. There is no truth to it. You might as well be calling me an aardvark.

Regarding detachment, if that's your values, then it explains why you have problems making connections and things appear incoherent to you. It also explains why you are not aware of the god you serve.

Regarding emotions, they are perhaps one of the most powerful tools a person has. No, will not "cut off my own nose" because it pleases you. I will not lower myself to your standards.

Regarding integrity. You have not demonstrated any yourself, so your judgements regarding it are ignored. Again, your own rules, from the void, state: the logical default is false on anything you say. First you would need to define integrity. Then you would need to show how I have done, or am doing, something which is opposed to that definition. Based on what you've been saying, integrity to you means: behave in a way which is subservient to my own ideals.

I repeat, no thank you. Your ideals are weak and ineffective for almost all circumstances. I fully understand them, if I am in great pain someday, I may employ them. Or perhaps I will employ one of several other techniques which have all the same benefit but are lacking the negative side-effects.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I understand what you are saying, but I disagree. He has a predetermined atheist template and is bound and determined to shove me into it

Not true. Just another unevidenced, unsupported belief. Ironic that you object to being stereotyped, while at the same time stereotyping. It's a self-reinforcing delusion. Like anyone who imagines they're being "hit-on" by people, in order to prop-up their own self image.


My own religion
Since all experiences i have are in my mind, what is the difference between internal and external experiences ? Once again, you make comments without clarifying what you mean.

You constantly seek confusion. Why not just offer what you think are definitions that I don’t use or recognize?

Notice your vague references of experiences yet offer no clarification, then accuse me of being confused. You make this accusation without evidence.

Now external is this:
-of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers : having reality independent of the mind
Do you agree that in effect that is external?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Who could possibly take those questions seriously?

That doesn't mean they were dishonest. I honestly think you would benefit from answering the questions. It is highly likely that someone in your situation would have lost friends as a result of their own, completely justified and reasonable lack-of-belief. This would lead to a feeling of being betrayed. And that would hurt. A person would naturally make rules to prevent that sort of thing from happening again.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
To pick the low hanging fruit:
  • Original sin

How is this persecution? Who is persecuting you? What harm is done to you because of this?

  • Cathar genocide

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • The eight Crusades

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • The assorted inquisitions

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • Blood libel and similar canards

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • Witch burning

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • Atlantic Slave Trade

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • Colonization and the accompanying genocides

In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.

  • Indigenous Residential school systems

I have no idea what this is, I'll need more details, please.

  • Mother and Baby Homes.

I have no idea what this is, I'll need more details, please.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You're not stupid. So, yes. It does.

Thank you, but, no. I don't know for sure what happened. I think something happened. I don't know what. Lost friends? Fighting with family? Or it could be so much worse. Maybe someone died. That can be a very difficult thing to process especially if a promise has been made about faith and healing and moving mountains. A whole host of horrible things could have happened.


Well-Known Member
How is this persecution? Who is persecuting you? What harm is done to you because of this?
Who said it was a persecution of me?
In the past... the comment was about present tense, current persecution.
Interesting. Are you willing to acknowledge that any of the things you dismissed as "in the past" are the product of Christianity, its doctrine, beliefs, moral codes and practices?


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Who said it was a persecution of me?

That's the definition of persecution.

Interesting. Are you willing to acknowledge that any of the things you dismissed as "in the past" are the product of Christianity, its doctrine, beliefs, moral codes and practices?

definitely! 100% yes!


Well-Known Member
Thank you, but, no. I don't know for sure what happened. I think something happened. I don't know what. Lost friends? Fighting with family? Or it could be so much worse. Maybe someone died. That can be a very difficult thing to process especially if a promise has been made about faith and healing and moving mountains. A whole host of horrible things could have happened.
Ah. For someone claims that they want me to think better of them, you are not very good at it. Ah well. Best of luck to you.


Veteran Member
You like that Tibet was stolen and conquered. Of course you do.

What did Tibet do wrong? Were they hurting anyone? Did they threaten anyone?

You are in favor of unprovoked invasion and war.

Your true colors are shining through.

I see no one thumbed up that post. At least there is some decency in this forum.
Isn't any of it comes from you.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Who said it was a persecution of me?

Interesting. Are you willing to acknowledge that any of the things you dismissed as "in the past" are the product of Christianity, its doctrine, beliefs, moral codes and practices?

But, it's important to consider what is actually Christian. I know that this is frustrating for people to hear the "True" Christian argument. But it is valid. And this is where you got frustrated with me before. The adherent might completely botch the intentions of the founder.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Isn't any of it comes from you.

Oh? Another unevidenced belief. You seem to be possessed by these things.

And you haven't denied that you support an unprovoked invasion of a unarmed peaceful nation because they are religious. That is possibly the highest form of evil that exists. Thank you for reaffirming my theism.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Ah. For someone claims that they want me to think better of them, you are not very good at it. Ah well. Best of luck to you.

Thank you. Better? All I am objecting to is that what I said was dishonest. It could be totally left-field stupid. But that doesn't mean it was not an honest question. And I still think it would be good for you to answer the questions. No, it's not propostioning you. YOU asked me an open question. I responded with what it wanted to discuss. It was all honest. It was in response to what you said. I definitely was not making a pass at you. Although I can understand why you might imagine it that way for multiple reasons. It's still false, though.


Veteran Member
I believe you have no basis for saying that.
Of course. That's what " believers" do.
Farmers farm. Believers believe things.

No thought, no doubt, no questions, no
data, no nothing but just belief.
As if belief = truth.

Notice how it did not even occur to
you to wonder why I said that, maybe ask
me to, explain?

Nope. Straight to " I believe".


Veteran Member
Oh? Another unevidenced belief. You seem to be possessed by these things.

And you haven't denied that you support an unprovoked invasion of a unarmed peaceful nation because they are religious. That is possibly the highest form of evil that exists. Thank you for reaffirming my theism.
You go a brief return from ig city where youd
been since the last skunk- spray from you.

Brief coz it's over.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You go a brief return from ig city where youd
been since the last skunk- spray from you.

Brief coz it's over.

Probably a smart move, since you been exposed as someone with the highest regard for evil. Advocating and promoting the invasion of Tibet as a good thing. Shame on you. And now you retreat like a coward.

I have no problem with being on your ignore-list. There's no value to your replies. And my comments exposing your hypocrisy and ignorance will likely go unchallenged. Why? because they are indefensible.