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You say that there is a god...


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You seem a bit obsessed with @It Aint Necessarily So . My last two posts to you didn't mention him, but you can't seem to let it go.

The extreme example is the best example.

I disagree with the points you have made about atheism, but seeing your vitriol makes me question the value of engaging with you (see your posting about "contain and destroy??"). You're into destroying people? That sounds threatening, and I'm not sure I want to engage with someone who is that imbalanced and angry.

Not people, behavior.

You take your own definitions as true; your imagination, not the facts, guide you. And I can't make heads nor tails of "the void" that concerns you so. It all looks like projection. I see no "god claim" here in this thread, and your exposition of it is confused and nonsensical. You DO stoop to the level of insults (eg atheists have no morality); and your insults are based on nothing but your own fevered imagination. Being in a debate forum isn't a license to hate and misrepresent, which is what you are doing.

Atheism is amoral. An atheist can employ various other methods to be moral. None of it is atheism.

The god-claim is essentially: I am correct because: "I know everything like a god" and "I am perfect like a god".

There is nothing wrong with hating evil actions and the reasons why people ignore them.

So in short, I don't think arguing with someone who is bent on destroying others rather than being concerned with reasoned debate is a good use of my time. Take care.

OK, best wishes. But I have engaged in reasoned debate. It doesn't feel good to atheists to be proven that their identity is false. But that is what they have asked to be done.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
So a god is an idea, a passion felt in common, as with a mob, or perhaps a political rally, or a major rock concert, sort of thing?

Though it must contain a negative element, a potential to attack and destroy what I might call positive human values?

Yes. Both are in the category. And strangely the same god can produce two completely opposite reactions in the individual. For example. If I look at the picture of the rioters on Jan 6th, it produces a reaction and influences me in a certain manner. But that same picture will produce a completely different reaction and influence in the opposite way for someone who supports what happened there.

Same gods. Two totally opposing reactions. IMO one is good the other evil.

I'd be interested to get the point clear with you, but I have to say you've taken me a long long way from most concepts of a god with which I'm familiar.

Yup. That's the the focus of the thread.

There might be some overlap with eg Euripides' play The Bacchae, in which [spoiler alert] Agaue and her women, in Bacchic ecstasy/frenzy, tear apart her son Pentheus, king of Thebes, who has offended the god Dionysos. However, in my experience, that's definitely fringe, not mainstream, when gods are discussed.

I'm not at all familiar with that. However, these ideas, the power of gods is well known. Propaganda and advertising use them every day of the week. All media use them. All the time. The reason that those who know about them and how they work have kept is quiet is because if people realize what they are and how they work then the illusion goes 'poof'. People with malicious intent will carefully guard these secrets. And that's why they are "occult".

How did I learn about them? I have want they want. So, they taught me. Tempting me with knowledge hoping to recruit. But they didn't know it was oppostion research.

And for balance, may I also ask you where the Abrahamic god, and Krishna, and Athena, and the Great Spirit (&c) fit on this map?

That's a good question. I don't know about Krishna. That's tricky. Also Athena. And even the great spirit ( Lakotah? ) again, I'm ignorant of those gods. But I can tell you about the abrahamic God.

The abrahamic god is an extreme version of a god. The absolute extreme. But like all the others, I describe it in terms of what it does, what it can do, not what it is. That's the difference between knowledge and understanding.

As the number of gods increases, their differences become insignificant. If there are infinte gods, which is what I am claiming, then their differences become absolutley insignificant. This produces the biggest god concept of them all, ever expanding in space and time. It's influence is absolutely enormous in ways which I cannot comprehend. All the other gods are absolutely nothing, and only 1 god exists. Technically, there is ONLY God, nothing else exists at all.

And that is why people say "God is truth."
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
So that's why.

Yeah. That's why. Most people who say it, feel it, so they don't attempt to explain it. They don't need to, and the feeling is so good, that they almost sabatoge that good feeling trying to intellectualize it.

You can see this with almost all ex-Chrstians. You can maybe confirm this. Also @ppp, they, confirmed this for us when they explained why they left their faith. It was triggered by attempts at intellectualizing Christianity. Christianity is a religion of the heart. It's emotive. It's not an intellectual pursuit. When it works, it's all about feelings. As soon as a person starts to attempt intellectual attachment to its principles, the feeling, the good feeling diminsihes. And they lose faith. They can regain it. But they have to go through a process and a lot of hard work to get there again. It's one of those things where "it has to get worse, before it gets better." Or perhaps, "If you're on a train going through hell, don't get off the train."

Because of this maintstream fundementalist Christianity discourges questioning, and it demonizes the questioner, and lifts up "faith" as the ideal. If the defintion of "god" is applied, these people just conjured a demon, and created a false god, an idol for themself simultaneously. Whether they like it or not, they just engaged in "sorcery". But they don't really understand what "sorcery" is or how it works.

All sorts of negative consequeces come from this. In a perfect world, Christians would understand their practice is emotive. They would not demonize questioning and simultaneously they would not be creating the idol/false-god "faith". And Atheists would understand that Christianity is an emotive practice. They would no longer criticise Christians for speaking in ways which **seem** to imply an intellectual/rational justification for their religion. If both occur simultaneously, poof, peace is acheived. It''s magic. ;)

If you notice these two "understandings" compliment each other. They're not just circular, they reinforce each in a sympatheic feed-back loop of "good will". The Christian understanding promotes and fosters the Atheist understanding. The Atheist understanding promotes and fosters the Christian understanding. Almost all peace negotions follow this same model. It's all about mutual understanding.

@F1fan , You asked for evidence of the middle path of Judaism. There you go ^^. It's right there in this post. And perhaps, you'll start to see that this is exactly what I've been working on. However, because of the nature of the gods involved that produce Atheism, my tactics are completely justified and rational.


What is truth?
You say that there is a god, but irrespective of whether or not there actually is, why should I be convinced that you know or are even capable of knowing such a thin

You say that there is a god, but irrespective of whether or not there actually is, why should I be convinced that you know or are even capable of knowing such a thing?
The only way to prove that something is real or isn't is whether or not we can confirm it with our senses. With that being said in the U.S.A. there are statues of satan in different places. You could argue that Satan is fictitious. Yet the governments are allowing statues of Satan to be built. I've heard a lot of people give testimony to how god saved them as a child or even as an adult. When I was a young child I was beat all the time and locked in closets where my parents would throw demonic dolls in with me. I would be kept there overnight and I've never been the same since. My first suicide attempt was when I was 5. I hung myself in my closet but the wood dowel rod broke and when my mother found me lying on the ground. I got beat for trying to end my own life. During these times I prayed to god for help. I never received help. I was a Jehovah's Witness for a while and when I explained to some elders what had happened. I was told that Jehovah God didn't help me because I wasn't a baptized Jehovah's Witness. So I don't really know. If god is real I don't really understand the point of any of this anymore.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
The only way to prove that something is real or isn't is whether or not we can confirm it with our senses. With that being said in the U.S.A. there are statues of satan in different places. You could argue that Satan is fictitious. Yet the governments are allowing statues of Satan to be built. I've heard a lot of people give testimony to how god saved them as a child or even as an adult. When I was a young child I was beat all the time and locked in closets where my parents would throw demonic dolls in with me. I would be kept there overnight and I've never been the same since. My first suicide attempt was when I was 5. I hung myself in my closet but the wood dowel rod broke and when my mother found me lying on the ground. I got beat for trying to end my own life. During these times I prayed to god for help. I never received help. I was a Jehovah's Witness for a while and when I explained to some elders what had happened. I was told that Jehovah God didn't help me because I wasn't a baptized Jehovah's Witness. So I don't really know. If god is real I don't really understand the point of any of this anymore.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I think your experiences have a lot of value when they are shared.


Veteran Member
Not only fervor. And they only have power to assign and allow if they are aware of it happening and how it is pushing their "buttons".
You seem to be the poster child of this phenomenon. Could you be feeling distress of this occurring that you want to extend it onto others, as if it is less troublesome that it aflicts everyone?
Your lack of awareness of your god(s) permits you to unknowingly influenced. Do you actually think the rioters on Jan 6th are aware of what is influencing them?
I don't think you're in a position to tell others what they feel and experience. Notice you offer no specific examples of what my gods are.

As for the Jan 6th rioters, no, they are followers who have poor emotional intelligence and lack the skills to self-monitor. Many of them have admittd to being fooled by Trump. Gullible people are duped because they lack critical thinking skills and are excessively open to suggestion and influence. There is a book I read in college called Influence and it outlined many experiments the writers conducted and found how the subconscious can be influenced, and the people make decisions outside of awareness. This seems to be what you are suggesting, but to call the beliefs "gods" is not pracitcal or useful.
That is your self-reinforcing-delusion talking.
Irony at wotk.
Not true. I brought you a defintion which is not my own. Unless you think I published it on the web myself.
The dictionary defnition differs from what you offered. It is similar, but it wasn't the same. It's so dilluted it's meaningless. You should have just cited an acepted usage from the start of this long barrage of nonsense.
Whether you consider them gods is irrelevant.
Not to you. You are the one pushing this claim.
Anytime you consume their media you are influenced by them.
Sure, that is why selecting reputable media is crucial to understanding what is going on. I don't use poor quality media so they don't have influence on me directly. They do have inflfuence over poorly inflormed, gullible citizens And in a democracy the badly influenced by corrupt actors do tend to vote in ways that negatively affect more sensible voters. This lack of reliablity of our fellow voters might motivate some to move to Mexico.
The opposite is also true for anything you dislike. The stronger the affection, the stronger the influence. The stronger the aversion, the stronger the influence. Both are powerful gods in your life. The only ones that are not gods are the ones to which your are apathetic. Again, I would have thought that buddhism taught you this.
By your use of 'god' you mean 'any arbitrary thing'.
Hee. Because some people enjoy destroying. While they are destroying they are building themselves up.
And Trump supporters are ending up in prison.
It's called "kiss-up-kick-down". Again, what are you practicing? Where is your buddhism?
What, you don't know what's in my mind all of a sudden? What a pity.
Of course he is a god. Your assumptions are astounding. god =/= good. And yes, there are gods at work which produce "being gullible".
So you must be a god, too (by your own definition). Who else is convinced you are correct? It's zero so far.
LOL. You are again applying YOUR version of moderation. I said a true middle path. The middle path accepts all and employs all on a case by case basis. Anyone who reads my posts has evidence that I operate this way.
So you get to set standards but no one else? We all much agree to your standards and all else gets thrown out, because you are a ___?
As the number gods increases, the differences between them becomes less and less significant. When a person realizes the number of gods are infinite, then the differnces between them is NULL. This renders absolute strict monotheism.
Diaper rash is a god by your standard.
Nope. Heres her quote:

Notice the claim about "godists". Note the assumptions about "tibet". The bigotry is rampant in her posts. I think it's an inferiority-complex, based on comments about fearing/hating men ( also bigotry ), and repeated reminders of a small physical size when it is completely irrelevant.
As if this helps your wording and definitions?
Your desire to be bound to a classic defintion is noted. You are providing evidence that the atheist requires a primitve narrow shallow defintion to reinforce their delusion.
I'm willing to be comprehensible and comprehend others, so I used established and accepted definitions. You want to create a little world in your mind with your own rules and expect the rest of us to crawl in with you. It's not that interesting, plus the real world is vastly more interesting.
No... that's not a flaw at all. Labeling TSwift a god, is completely irrelevant to whether or not she is one.
Why wouldn't she be considered a god by her fans, that is what the accepted definition is (and even yours even through it is way too broad to mean much). Remember, being a god is a deliberate act that a person invests interest in to an extreme degree. Your type of god is squirrels chewing on your house, whether you like them doing it or not.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Yes, it's like being asked, 'Why are you angry with God?'

If a person clearly acts like they are angry at God, theists, religion, and then in context of the conversation, is trying to demonstrate they want to have open and honest dialogue with theists. To do this, they post an unqualified question: "What do you want to talk about?"

What's wrong with asking "Why are you angry with God?"


Well-Known Member
If a person clearly acts like they are angry at God, theists, religion, and then in context of the conversation, is trying to demonstrate they want to have open and honest dialogue with theists. To do this, they post an unqualified question: "What do you want to talk about?"

What's wrong with asking "Why are you angry with God?"
In that case you are correct.
(I have had that question asked of me without having expressed any negativity towards believers/religion.)

ETA Just to be clear I was responding the last part of post #521, i.e.
"What happened? Did theism betray you? God turned its back on you? Is "religion" your Satan?
Who could possibly take those questions seriously?"
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Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that happened to you. You should talk to a therapist. Peferably a therapist who is interested in you, and not your religious beliefs.


Veteran Member
Oh, like a celebrity. Why didn't you say so? Your definition was "something that had the power to influence..." which suggested it acted on humans. This definition is solely on the human who feels fervor and they alone have the power to assign and allow significance and meaning. This is optional and completely dependent on the human's decision making.

This doesn't really mean god in the context of this debate, don't you know? It's an exageration of admiration. No one thinks it really means god. Your second dilemma is that the use of this meaning is still voluntary. Just because I'm a fan of Ronny Moorings and Mark Hollis doesn't mean I consider them gods. I think this tangent of the debate should be in the entertainment area of RF, if there is one.

Still, why would anyone be a huge fan of a destoryer, unless you are referring to Trump lovers who consider him a celebrity god, and his destructive acts against the USA and many citizens and individuals makes him fit your definition.

Trump would be a god. I guess being gullible is the god of Trump supporters. Do they claim this? I doubt it.

Here comes the shifting goalposts and sales pitch. LOL.

Moderate yourself? When are you going to start walking this path? Show us it works.

You create a lot of problems when you misrepresent others.

See what I mean? @Audie hasn't shown any bigotry. And your bias against atheists is something that has consumed you. You exhibit a great deal of anger, which doesn't indicate moderating yourself.

You made dubious claims with fringe definitions. It has nothing to do with the classic definition of gods as supernatural beings.

Your claim has one major flaw, and that is the conscious and deliberate recognition by me that anything is a god (in the obscure definition you finally posted). If we atheists were Taylor Swift fans you would no doubt find a collection of people who consider her a god. But alas, it isn't the case (at least for me, don't let me down atheists).
Some here are so needy thar they have to
concoct an 'attack" so they can be victims,
or evil, so they can be superior.
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דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
In that case you are correct.
(I have had that question asked of me without having expressed any negativity towards believers/religion.)

ETA Just to be clear I was responding the last part of post #521, i.e.
"What happened? Did theism betray you? God turned its back on you? Is "religion" your Satan?
Who could possibly take those questions seriously?"

Yes, that was me who said that precisely. I asked those questions, in those exact words. But @ppp and I had been in conflict, for no apparent reason over several threads which you're not aware of. And it all began with my statement, a simple one I think:

"the actions of the adherent does not necessarily reflect the intentions of the founder of the religion." It seems obvious to me. However there was massive backlash and accusations of dishonesty. And any sort of olive branch was set ablaze. Other people noticed this sort of behavior too...


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
You seem to be the poster child of this phenomenon. Could you be feeling distress of this occurring that you want to extend it onto others, as if it is less troublesome that it aflicts everyone?

Not at all.

I don't think you're in a position to tell others what they feel and experience. Notice you offer no specific examples of what my gods are.

I am only commenting on the influences which motivated their actions. You did the same thing. I have given specific examples of the void operating in you. However it seems to be fading a bit.

As for the Jan 6th rioters, no, they are followers who have poor emotional intelligence and lack the skills to self-monitor.

Wait a minute... there it is, the void is back. You said: "I don't think you're in a position to tell others what they feel and experience"/ But now you're saying: "they are followers who have poor emotional intelligence and lack the skills to self-monitor."

Dude, we're saying the same thing. But the void in you trashes what I'm saying, and cannot consider that I actually know what I'm talking about, even when we agree. There's your proof. Your god is void.

Many of them have admittd to being fooled by Trump. Gullible people are duped because they lack critical thinking skills and are excessively open to suggestion and influence.

Yes! But there's a catch. If a person makes "critical thinking" a god. AND They're "arrogant". Then it produces the same gullibility and suggestability and makes a person to open to influence as well. It's a special case. The criticism is not self-directed. Once this is known, any person can feed that arrogance, and point the arrogant towards an "enemy" whom is considered stupid. And then the arrogant-zombie attacks. Figuratively or literally.

There is a book I read in college called Influence and it outlined many experiments the writers conducted and found how the subconscious can be influenced, and the people make decisions outside of awareness. This seems to be what you are suggesting, but to call the beliefs "gods" is not pracitcal or useful.

Why not? Why isn't it practical? Why isn't it useful? The reason it IS useful is because the extreme case of void is not included in your studies. But it clearly at work in many many people's lives. It is the "spirit of denial". The "rejecter". "the opposer" classically "ha-satan". The devil's advocate. But, when it takes over, a person will never realize it's there. And thats how a person ends up in science denier mode.

Once a person knows how it works, there's ways to defeat it. Kind of like reverese psychology. Kind of like zen. Which is why I am amazed that we need to have any debate at all. But, you hate theism. And you cannot tolerate being considered one of us. That division, that power, that passion, that bubbles up in opposition to, us, the ones you hate is extremely potent. And it feels good. That's why people come to debate forums.

But unity is more important. Unity but not non-duality. Did any of your classes or text books teach about? The differeces of unity as apposed to non-duality? Different sorts so of unity?

Irony at wotk.

What's my delusion? You're obviously possessed by a void. No matter good points I make hey get flushed. Even when we obviously agree you can't tolerate it. And that was the point I made earlier. Anytime one of you void worshippers asks for evidence of God you are asking for pain misery and suffering. Endless suffering. SMH. Anything good God would do to prove its existence to you, would immediately go into a void. You would conclude it was anything and everything but God. Your god is void.

Ohhhh BTW @It Aint Necessarily So .... here's another person with typos.... are you going to criticise them? Judge them?

Of course not. You were being a buffoon.

The dictionary defnition differs from what you offered. It is similar, but it wasn't the same. It's so dilluted it's meaningless. You should have just cited an acepted usage from the start of this long barrage of nonsense.

Long barrage? Power to create, destory an inspire. 6 words. Its not meaningless. It's meaningful. I mans there's no such thing as atheism. It's nothing. It doesn't exist. It's an illusion, a con.

Not to you. You are the one pushing this claim.

You're the one in denial. Or more technically, denial is in you and you serve it. Ignorantly.

Sure, that is why selecting reputable media is crucial to understanding what is going on. I don't use poor quality media so they don't have influence on me directly. They do have inflfuence over poorly inflormed, gullible citizens And in a democracy the badly influenced by corrupt actors do tend to vote in ways that negatively affect more sensible voters. This lack of reliablity of our fellow voters might motivate some to move to Mexico.

LOL. If you are unable to apply criticism to your own beliefs then you will not be able to discern "reputable". If you are arrgant, you will seek what pleases you and builds up the division that makes you feel superior. If you are unable to see both sides of an issue simultansouly, that will compromise your choices on what media to consume.

All of these are indicators that a person is serving a god, multiple gods simultaneously.

By your use of 'god' you mean 'any arbitrary thing'.

Yeah! That's right. And that makes it useful because the extreme cases are peculiar.

And Trump supporters are ending up in prison.

Oh come on. Your inner void is showing. Do you really think it's just Trumpers and only Trumpers. And their sense of duty is a boon, if it is channeled properly.

What, you don't know what's in my mind all of a sudden? What a pity.

I only read what you write. And I don't enter without an invite. Easy rules to live by. It even rhymes.

So you must be a god, too (by your own definition). Who else is convinced you are correct? It's zero so far.

That's not at all how I see myself. As I said, as the number of gods increase, the distinctions become insignificant. However, the converse is, when the number of gods decrease, the difference as infinte.

So, I consider myself a tiny little fraction of what could be considered God. The tinest little spark. But... that one spark is potent. So both things are happening simultaneously. I am remarkably capable, but also virtually nothing.

So you get to set standards but no one else? We all much agree to your standards and all else gets thrown out, because you are a ___?

No silly. I answered your question. Let me restate what I said originally. I said that the only way to not have a whole host of gods, is to walk a middle path of moderation. And it's true. Based on the definition. Everything is evaluated on a case by case basis, nothing is held up as a universal ideal, nor as a universal flaw.

It's super simple. But it's not buddhist annilation of the self which creates a void. It's not non-duality where essentially everything is equal. No. It's just doing the hard work of not making anything into a god. Atheists, sadly, are blind to the god they conjure and invoke.

Diaper rash is a god by your standard.

It can be, it depends on what it inspires a person to do. Have you ever battled with diaper rash? Perhaps on a moving airplane? What about if a person gets stuck in route, in an airport, on Christmas eve, while traveling, and diapers are limited. Woh. That's a powerful experience which inspired me in many ways.

You see, youre just being limited and short sighted abut what is and is not a god, for one purpose and one purpose only. You don't like us. Admit it. You hate theism. You blame it. It's your Satan.

As if this helps your wording and definitions?

The simple truth is @Audie's posts are oozing with the most disjusting veiled bigotry and inferiority issues I have ever seen. And odds are, it's going to leak out. And thats what happened here. And the god you serve is flushes that down into nothingness. Because your god is void. And you serve it with unquestioning devotion out of pure ignorance.

I'm willing to be comprehensible and comprehend others, so I used established and accepted definitions. You want to create a little world in your mind with your own rules and expect the rest of us to crawl in with you. It's not that interesting, plus the real world is vastly more interesting.

Everything I've said is objectively observable. You are choosing to follow the herd. Because it permits you to feel superior. God forbid some Christian answer a question honestly about their beliefs, because here comes F1 to tickle on their posts. Claiming it's "deadly unwise"... oh boy.

Why wouldn't she be considered a god by her fans

LOL, you said:

If we atheists were Taylor Swift fans you would no doubt find a collection of people who consider her a god.

And now you're saying...

Why wouldn't she be considered a god by her fans

See. hee. Of course she is. And thats why I'm right. And it' hilarious that you would even bring up a famous musician. How completely blind are you? Very. Obviously. All I had to do was type "Taylor Swift is a God." First hit. Poof.

And here you in completel denial. It doesn't matter if God reached down from heaven gave you a big fat kiss on the mouth, and and inflated your lungs for you. That entire experience would go straight to your god. Wow.

On the one hand, it's really satisfying for me, to be right. And also, it's kind of like watching a person with no left leg trying to walk across the street.

, that is what the accepted definition is (and even yours even through it is way too broad to mean much). Remember, being a god is a deliberate act that a person invests interest in to an extreme degree.

No.... that is your narrow shallow view which permits you to remain in ignorance. It's fine. Just be sure not to lift up your your god and and start preaching about it in a debate if you don't want to be challenged. It's no different than any other person on RF.

If you promote a god and serve it, it gets challenged.

Your type of god is squirrels chewing on your house, whether you like them doing it or not.

No.... not true. They CAN be gods, IF they inspire me. They're potency IS my choice. If I am aware of what a god is and how they work.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Some here are so needy thar they have to
concoct an 'attack" so the can be victims,
or evil so they can be superior.

Ironic. You do that in each and every post criticising harmless religious people. And it's obvious that it's to boost your ego. Kind of like buying a red sports car or having fancy expensive purses to flash around. ;)



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I'm sorry that happened to you. You should talk to a therapist. Peferably a therapist who is interested in you, and not your religious beliefs.

Are you aware that this is a religious forum? There will be religious people who come here. And when a religious person comes here, they might be looking for religious people to interact with?

Have you read the poster's intro thread? Do you know anything, anything at all about their situation?

Wake up dude! @Courageousignition wants to talk about their religious beliefs. They want to talk to people who are interested in their religious beliefs. Did you read their post in this thread at all with any, any kind of sensitivity for them. What they need, what they want to gain from interacting here?

Your post is disgusting. It is cowardly. You have cloaked a personal agenda inside of what could have been a perfectly helpful reply.

Just be an adult and start a thread about how much you hate religion already. Get it off your chest.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes. Both are in the category. And strangely the same god can produce two completely opposite reactions in the individual. For example. If I look at the picture of the rioters on Jan 6th, it produces a reaction and influences me in a certain manner. But that same picture will produce a completely different reaction and influence in the opposite way for someone who supports what happened there.

Same gods. Two totally opposing reactions. IMO one is good the other evil.

Yup. That's the the focus of the thread.

I'm not at all familiar with that. However, these ideas, the power of gods is well known. Propaganda and advertising use them every day of the week. All media use them. All the time. The reason that those who know about them and how they work have kept is quiet is because if people realize what they are and how they work then the illusion goes 'poof'. People with malicious intent will carefully guard these secrets. And that's why they are "occult".

How did I learn about them? I have want they want. So, they taught me. Tempting me with knowledge hoping to recruit. But they didn't know it was oppostion research.

That's a good question. I don't know about Krishna. That's tricky. Also Athena. And even the great spirit ( Lakotah? ) again, I'm ignorant of those gods. But I can tell you about the abrahamic God.

The abrahamic god is an extreme version of a god. The absolute extreme. But like all the others, I describe it in terms of what it does, what it can do, not what it is. That's the difference between knowledge and understanding.

As the number of gods increases, their differences become insignificant. If there are infinte gods, which is what I am claiming, then their differences become absolutley insignificant. This produces the biggest god concept of them all, ever expanding in space and time. It's influence is absolutely enormous in ways which I cannot comprehend. All the other gods are absolutely nothing, and only 1 god exists. Technically, there is ONLY God, nothing else exists at all.

And that is why people say "God is truth."


Well, thanks for that.

I have the impression your central thesis might be more clearly (hence more usefully) expressed in terms of crowd psychology, more specific causes / sources, and more clearly identified behavioural phenomena whose presence or absence will allow yes / no answers ─ rather than by adopting theological language, which in this context I find more obfuscating than revealing.

But those things, of course, are matters for you.