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Your Complaints About Christianity?


Active Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
With exception to the older classics, will there ever be any Christian music that isn't mediocre to bland, again?

I love music and I don't care where/who it comes from.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet
You have friends here :)

I would say that Christianity comes off to me as a human sacrifice religion, which I am dead against.

I don't like how it deals with sin (the human sacrifice and related theology).

I don't like how much of it comes from Greek thought.

I don't like that it's nothing like its parent religion, Judaism.

In essence, my complaint is 'It's not Judaism'.
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Premium Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.

No but I have complaints against some of its adherents.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Christianity would be ok if christians followed christian teaching. There are many who don't and they are the reason i left christianity


Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.
No, I have no reason or need to complain about Christianity.


Veteran Member
With exception to the older classics, will there ever be any Christian music that isn't mediocre to bland, again?

I love music and I don't care where/who it comes from.
The "older classics" include about a thousand years of incomparable art.

I agree that most modern popular religious music is terrible, but that is just a pimple on the backside of what has been produced, which includes some of the most profound musical works ever written.


Veteran Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.
I think Christianity's sexual morality is deeply flawed and damaging.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
You have friends here :)

I would say that Christianity comes off to me as a human sacrifice religion, which I am dead against.

I don't like how it deals with sin (the human sacrifice and related theology).

I don't like how much of it comes from Greek thought.

I don't like that it's nothing like its parent religion, Judaism.

@MatthewA pretty much this.

I don't like it's historical influence, I don't care for the cultlike feel when spreading Christ word: evangelism, witnessing, teaching, missionary work, or pioneering however phrased.

And so forth...with the bible I disagree with it all. I actually don't have serious complaints with scripture since it's not a book that shaped and influenced my life. So, I disagree but hold no ill issues with it.

It's the theology and influence. Religiously I don't believe in god, human sacrifice, and the concept of sin and salvation; so it makes christianity somewhat moot.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.
No complaints aside from the fairly notable and proactive pushniess that is associated with proselytizing alongside a misguided sense of elitism developed from a doctrine that embraces the concept of becoming a special group of chosen ones for those pledging their loyalty and obedience in return for a promise of rewards for doing so.


gopa of humanity's controversial Taraka Brahma
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.
I have no complaint about Christianity. But I regret that Christians seem to have lost the stronger connection to the original teachings of Jesus.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Christianity would be ok if christians followed christian teaching. There are many who don't and they are the reason i left christianity

View attachment 50810

Bingo. I see "churchianty being widespread - ignoring the fundamental Christian theology of the two greatest commandments and the Sermon on the Mount. They focus on rituals and use various passages of the Bible to buttress their beliefs rather than let the law of love change their beliefs and actions.

If those who seek to follow Christ would look at everything from the lens of "does this embody the primary law of love upon which everything is based", I'd cheer.

There are some, of course, who do that. They don't get media headlines which go to those who try to serve "mammon" first with right wing politics and Trump support.And there are many who say they are Christians but only take religion superficially by going to Church on Sunday and ignoring God the rest of the time.

This is the same basic complaint I have about adherents of religion in general for what it's worth.

Finally I have quibbles with Christian theology quite a bit of which I disagree with. I've noted on RF that I don't believe Jesus died on the Cross because death comes to everyone and is not to be feared. But instead his voluntary suffering to cleanse the world is the real sacrifice but theology and history are much less important to me than how people are acting today.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Christianity would be ok if christians followed christian teaching. There are many who don't and they are the reason i left christianity

View attachment 50810
Even Gandi though. It's no secret of his own racism.

I don't think anybody can follow their own philosophy and teachings.

I see it as wishes or aspirations. Something for people to think about.

The Hammer

Premium Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.

A lot of me leaving Christianity and distancing myself from it is due to hypocrisy. People that talk the talk, but don't walk the walk of what they say Jesus should be/act like.

It's used as a label to feel good about oneself, and not as the Spiritual tool for personal growth that it should be.

I also have a lot of bones about the stories in the OT, lots of things that don't line up with an Omnipotent Benevolent being.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

What are some of the things about Christianity that you personally do not approve of; or accept in the contents of the bible?

Am a person who has limited interaction with others aside from the internet; curious to anyone and everyone and their thoughts on these things here at ReligiousForums.com.

I have no complaints about Christianity per se.

I disagree with what some Christians have to say about the core beliefs and doctrines of Christianity. However that is not a complaint but a difference of opinion. We’re all entitled to our point of view.

I disagree with the attitudes and behaviours of some Christians but then we are all fallible humans. Christians appear no better or worse than some other adherents of religion. I suppose if you believe you are saved by faith alone, there isn’t too much motivation for some to live up to a higher standard of behaviour.

Is that a complaint? Just an observation IMHO.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Do you have any complaints about Christianity?

I have no complaints about Christianity itself, that is, what Jesus said and taught. I have problems with what has been done to it... namely Paulism. Christianity is not Christianity, it is Paulism. Paul usurped even Peter's authority that was given to him by Jesus himself. I have problems with many of its followers who miss its meaning, who take Jesus's words literally, who use it as a club, who take the Bible literally and use it as a club rather than as the allegorical and metaphorical lessons it is. Jesus taught in parables and metaphors because that's what his audience understood. They weren't well educated, if at all. A quote often attributed to Gandhi, though apocryphal but having a point nevertheless is "I like your Christ. I don't like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ". The actual exchange, which sums it up for me, is
when Stanley Jones, a missionary, met with Mahatma Gandhi he asked him:
Mr. Gandhi, though you quote the words of Christ often, why is that you appear to so adamantly reject becoming his follower?
Gandhi replied:
Oh, I don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ.

Did Mahatma Gandhi say “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians."?