Or, on the other hand, one believes in a non-exclusivist religion, and does not believe that any religion, including one's own, has a sole monopoly on ultimate Truth.
In Judaism, we don't hold that everyone is supposed to be Jewish, nor do we hold that one must be Jewish to please God or behave righteously. We hold that Jews should be Jewish, because that is what we are; but we presume that the religions of non-Jews are their business, and if God has a problem with them, He can take it up with them Himself.
We don't try to aggressively proselytize-- we don't actively proselytize at all-- for a number of reasons, at least one of which is that it would be presumptuous and condescending to come along and tell someone else that what they believe is wrong for them, and that they are incapable of pleasing God or behaving righteously while living the way they are (or, presumably, that their "religious beliefs are probably wrong").