When I joined my first forum, back in 2006, it was honestly not for the purpose of posting. I had been following a particular thread that I had stumbled upon accidentally, and had gotten curious about the people in it. The only way to look at a profile, of course, was to join... so I did. And chose a deliberately innocuous name. I had never seen a forum before, and had to learn how they work,etc. Ultimately, I ended up posting for about two years there, before deciding that the nastiness involved with an unmoderated forum far outweighed any good to be found. When I joined other boards, I decided to take my username with me, as other I knew had also joined, even though I was not thrilled with the name - too vague, it really says nothing about me. And even though none of my old posting friends know me here, I am now so used to it that it has become part of me. But who knows? Some may follow me here, which would not be a bad thing.