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Your username


I am Dorian's Portrait
Taken from the Oscar Wilde quote "A poet can survive about everything but a misprint." I love Wilde, and am a writer myself. Hence my username.


Pronounced Shee-ra-noo-ee
Premium Member
"Shiranui" comes from Okami Shiranui, from the video game Okami (I used to be SOOOO obsessed with that game, and to this day I still uphold that it changed my life for the better) ; "Shira" is also a nickname my closest friends have for me, primarily because it's been my internet name for so long. And the 117 randomly stuck in my head; I think it was one of the numbers on an F-14 from the movie Top Gun (first movie I ever watched at around 3 years old).
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Outstanding Member
Mine is really simple.
'Koldo' is 'kold + o'.
'O' is the masculine article in portuguese, and many male names end in -o.
While 'kold' is just another way to write 'cold'.
So it is a way to personify the 'cold' as a male. ( Or maybe it means i am the cold man. )
'Cold' here is the low temperature, not the viral infection. :)
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Well-Known Member
I'm into Star Trek and I fancy myself as a bit of a wanderer, I get around different forums and investigate different religion, so I guess I go off on little treks here and there.

I did worry it would read a 'Tricks' as in 'turning tricks' but I try not to think about that. haha


Sunni muslim
Pastèque = "watermelon" in french
We also say sometimes for fun "Pastek" instead of "Bshatek" (congratulation/good for you, in arabic).

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Mine comes from what, for many years, was my favorite verse in the Bible: Hosea 6:6. "For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings." (NIV) Even Jesus himself quoted that verse: "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." (Matthew 9:12-13, NIV).

It was a rallying cry in my final days of Christianity. Still kinda is, because there's some real truth to it. We need compassion, not sacrifices.

EDIT: Jesus also used the saying on another occasion: "If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent." (Matthew 12:7, NIV)
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Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
Agnostic - Because when it comes to my actual stance on subjects like God, the afterlife, rebirth/reincarnation, etc.; this is the position I take.

Seeker- Because I'm still trying to find my way in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry my username isn't more interesting. :p


Outstanding Member
Agnostic - Because when it comes to my actual stance on subjects like God, the afterlife, rebirth/reincarnation, etc.; this is the position I take.

Seeker- Because I'm still trying to find my way in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry my username isn't more interesting. :p

Stop lying...

I know you have this username because you are seeking agnostics. :p


Spiritually confused Jew
Premium Member
I was formerly AgnosticSeeker until about a week ago. My new username is simply an amalgamation of Vincent Van Gogh's "Starry Night" and the plant Nightshade.

Not too deep, but I think it's an aesthetically better sounding name.
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Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member

I named my dog 'Reggie' after Reggie Lewis, because I'm a massive Boston Celtics fan. Everyone assumes it was after Reggie Miller.

It's fair to say it made a lot more sense on the basketball boards I also frequent at times. I just kept the same username when I came here since I have a memory like a...

What was I saying?


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Mine's HiddenHijabi because I practice Islam in secret, hidden from my family.

Really? That's a shame...
Not judging your situation or saying you're wrong to do that, since I have no idea of the specifics, how they would react, etc.
I just means it's a shame you don't think you can be completely open about your beliefs.

As a parent, I sincerely hope my kids can tell me anything so major in their life, even if I would disagree with it. I am going to try and make sure we have a relationship where they know that.