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Your username


Active Member
Really? That's a shame...
Not judging your situation or saying you're wrong to do that, since I have no idea of the specifics, how they would react, etc.
I just means it's a shame you don't think you can be completely open about your beliefs.

As a parent, I sincerely hope my kids can tell me anything so major in their life, even if I would disagree with it. I am going to try and make sure we have a relationship where they know that.

My family is pretty much Islamophobic and so keeping it a secret is pretty much my only option given I've not got enough money to move out from my grandparents' house where I live. Already in the past they've insulted many aspects of Islam including the hijab (which given I'm female, is a bit of an issue) which means a lot to me, the Qur'an, halal slaughtering and food as well as other stuff.

Also, adopt me. Please?


Active Member
please stay strong sister hiddenhijabi.
Well, I do not favor secrets in family and I hope they can be open minded and accepting.
So you would share anything with them inshaAllah.

@op it is a wonderful thread..
Well, matemkar in Turkish means mournful


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
My family is pretty much Islamophobic and so keeping it a secret is pretty much my only option given I've not got enough money to move out from my grandparents' house where I live. Already in the past they've insulted many aspects of Islam including the hijab (which given I'm female, is a bit of an issue) which means a lot to me, the Qur'an, halal slaughtering and food as well as other stuff.

Also, adopt me. Please?

Welp, there's a first. An Islamic girl asking to be adopted by an atheist in the hope of receiving more understanding...lol

It's hard trying to educate your parents. I am lucky in that mine are good people, and provided well for me, but my father and I clashed pretty badly at times when I was in my late teens, early twenties. He's worked hard to provide an education for me, but one of the unfortunate consequences was that we ended up with pretty different world-views on some topics. It was hard to live together.

What I can say is that things improved a lot once I moved out a little later. We are now friends, I would say, as well as father and son. Certain things we'll never agree on, but we balanced those out by realising there was a lot we did agree on too.

How does that relate to you? Meh...I honestly don't know. I don't know enough about your specifics. But I guess my point is that this time in your life is transitory, and you will have the independence to make your own choices. Think them through, and make them for you own reasons. Try not to make them in reaction to other things.

(not saying you are...like I said, no judgement here. I know for me, I mostly avoided doing things just to spite my dad even though we didn't get along. Some people I knew definately did things to spite their parents, which in the end is just destructive all around)

Anyways...sorta floating off topic, aren't I? I've worked with kids a lot (ex-teacher) and I've always thought carefully about what I wanted to teach my kids, what I wanted them to learn for themselves, and how I might handle it when we disagree. If you ever want someone to vent to, feel free to PM me, but in the meantime, I just wish you all the best.


Active Member
Welp, there's a first. An Islamic girl asking to be adopted by an atheist in the hope of receiving more understanding...lol

It's hard trying to educate your parents. I am lucky in that mine are good people, and provided well for me, but my father and I clashed pretty badly at times when I was in my late teens, early twenties. He's worked hard to provide an education for me, but one of the unfortunate consequences was that we ended up with pretty different world-views on some topics. It was hard to live together.

What I can say is that things improved a lot once I moved out a little later. We are now friends, I would say, as well as father and son. Certain things we'll never agree on, but we balanced those out by realising there was a lot we did agree on too.

How does that relate to you? Meh...I honestly don't know. I don't know enough about your specifics. But I guess my point is that this time in your life is transitory, and you will have the independence to make your own choices. Think them through, and make them for you own reasons. Try not to make them in reaction to other things.

(not saying you are...like I said, no judgement here. I know for me, I mostly avoided doing things just to spite my dad even though we didn't get along. Some people I knew definately did things to spite their parents, which in the end is just destructive all around)

Anyways...sorta floating off topic, aren't I? I've worked with kids a lot (ex-teacher) and I've always thought carefully about what I wanted to teach my kids, what I wanted them to learn for themselves, and how I might handle it when we disagree. If you ever want someone to vent to, feel free to PM me, but in the meantime, I just wish you all the best.

I must admit that my life has changed quite dramatically in the last 2 years, from leaving university to now where I'm in permanent work after doing endless rubbish temporary jobs. My relationships with people in my family have changed too, and seem to still be changing. I think that things will come to a point where they'll level off and I'll then be able to relate to them better.

Also, I will say thank you.

@Matemkar: Thank you for your kind words. It's just so frustrating.


Possessed Bookworm
Well, my name has the obvious meaning of "infinity", which I had been using for a while elsewhere. I picked it here as a somewhat self-ironic reference, since LHP contains the idea that one can become a god and/or separate ones soul from the rest of the universe, i.e. become infinite. I don't really believe in the idea, but the thought makes me smile whenever I think of it.


Jai Lakshmi Maa
I chose my name because when I meditate I often visualize sitting in front of a campfire. Across from me, MaaLakshmi sits and smiles back.



رسول الآلهة


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
It is not good to use one's true name online. Oftentimes ghouls cast out the pits of Hades come to wreak sorrow on those they can find. If they track your real name they will only wrought down fury upon your modest dwelling :devil:

You're not trying to convince us Sterling Archer isn't your real name again, are you? I've told you before, it doesn't matter if I know your real name. The hair and toenail clippings I have is quite sufficient for my magical...errrr...experiments...




Wonder Woman
You're not trying to convince us Sterling Archer isn't your real name again, are you? I've told you before, it doesn't matter if I know your real name. The hair and toenail clippings I have is quite sufficient for my magical...errrr...experiments...



Has your hair been feeling slightly shorter here and there? Do your nails seem to take longer to grow out or have you been noticing you don't seem to have to clip them as often as you use to? Are you quite sure that your "samples" of clippings from other people were really that color? Does that hair color look more like your own than you remember it first did?

George is such a good, busy little fairy.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Has your hair been feeling slightly shorter here and there?

Well...sure. But I'm not as young as I used to be, sadly. (also, obviously..lol)
Do your nails seem to take longer to grow out or have you been noticing you don't seem to have to clip them as often as you use to?

Clip them? Why would I do that?

Are you quite sure that your "samples" of clippings from other people were really that color? Does that hair color look more like your own than you remember it first did?

There's no reason to suppose SA doesn't have exactly the same length and colour hair as I do, with exactly the same shaped genetically mutated sentient dandruff.


George is such a good, busy little fairy.

If my People's Democratic Frubal Socialist Ninja gets hold of Georgie, it's gonna be a nun-chuck to the bonce, let me tell you. Now...how to get the little bugger to come out of hiding...

Here, Georgie, Georgie, Georgie...
We found you a nice little smilie girl, Georgie...errr...unless you're taking 'fairy' as a statement of sexual preference, as well as a vocation. IN which case, I can find you some smilie beefcake...


Terrible with Titles
My username, underthesun, is more symbolic to me than literal. It is a reference to Apollo, who, to me, is very symbolic of my personal connection to the divine. And it sounded nice. But I guess that's just me, having more subtle representations of the divine where I can.

...and being too lazy to take the time to think of a better username. c:​


Let us dance with the wind and sing with the birds
I suppose I chose mine because I need the reminder and it is a way in which I think I am learning to live, or at least, I hope I am. :)


Well-Known Member
I chose my name because I am an animal lover and of course there are always lots of animals in zoos. I also loves zoos.

I also chose it because it reflects the fact that I change my religion a lot. I am hoping to stick with Catholicism from this point on though.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I chose Egyptian Phoenix because its one of my favorite symbolisms from Egypt. Its how I see us and the universe. In the fires of Ra we are reborn. Like the Bennu bird that goes into the fires of Ra to arise in the Phoenix's glory, so is the universe born again and again


RF's pet cat
The first bit, illy is a real life nickname and kitty because I'm a cat and I love them little furballs. Simple, really.


Owned by 2 cats
Mine prettymuch reflects who I am. I love reading. I've always got my nose in a book. I know, not a particularly imaginative name. ;)