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See the previous line
When Japanese soldiers performed Kamikaze, they killed themselves for what they believed was the greater good. In a way, they'd do anything to fulfill a greater cause.

I replaced "Kamik" with Comic, because comics make people smile.

Therefore, I'd do anything to make people smile :)

Also, Kamikaze is overused as a username :p


My user name is Runewolf because I have an affinity for the runes and also my power animal (which follows me like my shadow everywhere I go) is a wolf. I also have a brown bear as an animal guide as well. My wolf is 160 years old and is very large and silvery gray colored with vibrant yellow eyes.


Liebe ist für alle da
Azakel, it's just a name that come one day and I;ve been using it for about 3 years or so now every where. I know it sound like an Angels name, and I get the it's like the name Azazel all the time.


It's the adopted name of Edmond Dantès in a film version of The Count of Monte Cristo which supposedly means “driftwood.”


Well-Known Member
Well, Dezzie is my nickname... my last name is hard to say so people at work call me Dezzie or Dee for short. ;)


My nickname is EiNsTeiN...Thats because Einstein had been my nickname since 10th grade..
For short, my friends used to call me Einsh..
I have been writing it that way because I think it looks nicer than just a normal Einstein :D


Agnostic Pantheist
*Warning: SciFi flood incoming*

Caladan, the third planet of Delta Pavonis, is the ancestral fiefdom of House Atreides, and Paul Atreides' home for fifteen years. The Atreides family have controlled the fief of Caladan for twenty-six generations, living in the ancient Castle Caladan.
The surface of the planet is predominantly covered with water and the planetary climate is characterised by abundant precipitation and strong winds, yet tolerable enough to make special and expensive weather control measures unnecessary. Habitable land is often characterised by soft meadows, swamps and dense forests. The resource base of Caladan consists mainly of agriculture and biomass, with the locally bred and grown pundi rice being its main export, and fishing a traditional source of sustenance for its people. Other traditional products include wine and various livestock, most prominently cattle. Cuisine on Caladan is rather refined, with most dishes containing meat or sea-products.
Caladan joined the League of Nobles first after the beginning of the Butlerian Jihad, for protection against Omnius. This was the place where the first Atreides, Vorian Atreides, met the love of his life, Leronica Tergiet, who ran a tavern at a port. Vor spent much time on Caladan, and he realised that of all the planets that he had seen during his service to the Army of the Jihad, this was his favorite. Vorian told Leronica that he wanted to build a castle here and rule as a nobleman, something that Leronica laughed at. This comes with some irony, since Caladan would finally end up as the duchy of the Atreides.
House Atreides was given the siridar dukedom of Caladan in 8711 A.G., and became very popular among the population of the planet due to their honourable rule. The Atreides family would rule this planet for twenty-six generations. As written in the novel Dune: House Atreides, the Duke Paulus Atreides, also known as the 'Old Duke', was greatly loved by his people for his penchants to fight brutal Salusan bulls in great spectacles, and his tendencies for openness. For example, Duke Paulus took in a young Duncan Idaho, who had recently escaped from Giedi Prime, where he would become a main character in the Dune novels.
Caladan has a strong military defense force based on naval and aerial superiority, and the people of Caladan are fiercely loyal to House Atreides. The elite forces of the Atreides army are even said to rival the Emperor's Sardaukar in fighting prowess. Due to such military strength, Caladan is considered impregnable, which prompts the conspiracy of House Atreides' enemies to lure them to a more vulnerable position on Arrakis. The dukedom is given to Count Fenring and his wife in the Atreides' absence.
Upon the Atreides ascension to the Imperial Throne at the end of Dune, Lady Jessica requests, and is granted, the dukedom of Caladan. Except for the events of Children of Dune, she presumably lived on and ruled Caladan for the remainder of her life.
After the time of the novel God Emperor of Dune, it simply became known as Dan, a shortened form of the name.


non-existential luminary
What color is my name and how could i change it to white? though i guess i could just leave it black. that's how i see it. so what color is it. i'm a non-theist. shouldn't it be orange?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What color is my name and how could i change it to white? though i guess i could just leave it black. that's how i see it. so what color is it. i'm a non-theist. shouldn't it be orange?
It looks black to me.

There's no way to change it to white that I know of. Here's what the colours mean:

Black - default
Orange - member of the Non-Theists group
Purple - member of the Theists group
Green - Religious Forums supporter
Brown - Mod
Blue - Super Mod
Red - Admin

You can change your group affiliations under "Group Memberships" in your User CP. If you're in more than one group (e.g. you're in "Theists" and you're an RF Supporter), that's where you can also select which one is your primary affiliation... i.e. the one that will be reflected in your username colour.

Note: you can also join groups there that don't get reflected in your username title, but allow you access to the private forum for that group (e.g. the Christian Prayer Room, the Rainbow Alliance, the Eros Room).

Edit: if you want to join the Non-Theist group you're more than welcome to, but this isn't something that staff do automatically when they see a non-theist.
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Stel"li*fy\, v. t. [L. stella a star + -fy.] To turn into a star; to cause to appear like a star; to place among the stars, or in heaven.

I have a great affinity for the night sky. Also, as you can see, my avatar is "The Star" tarot card, which I have always had a connection with. I have a special plaque two of my Wiccan friends gave me of the same card that I treasure greatly. :D


Well-Known Member
My interpretation is to harness the energy of a star,which you can do knowingly,unknowingly or in full knowledge.......always in great love,once you can Draw heavily from the love of others.:).....then you constellify,in greater & mightier love.

important to illuminate the Void,the vast untapped reservior of the great unmanifest,where evrything comes from & shall return to,even ashes & dust.As far as we can realise this,uptake & impart.




Shrinidhi Kowndinya
well about my username.... NATIVE3 looks some kind of a Different isn't it....

first of all lets Split it NATIVE & 3.....

First of all "Native" as says in the name i am proud to be a NATIVE of India.... i always loved my native place my native county and my native religion..... so that brought my first nick named as Native....

then i extended it to add a number 3 which is my Favorite number as well as since i am hindu and Hinduism is the worlds 3rd largest religion it suited perfect.....

but i never matched the native with 3.... i was only know as Native but later sometime ago in a Tv show a person named "Rene Dupree" was interviewd but the anchor was so fast that he used to pronounce his name Rene Dupree as Nativethree.....

there i struck the cord and Created this N A T I V E 3.....