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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.


Mother Heathen
This is stating the obvious.Of course in a perfect world every woman and every MAN would abstain from sex untill they are prepared to have a baby.Or abstain from sex unless they were 99.9999% protected from an unwanted pregnancy.

Sure, I'm stating the obvious but clearly, people don't take preparation and prevention seriously enough. My opinion...have all the sex you want. Enjoy your sexuality but take all necessary precautions to prevent unwanted situations. When statistics tell us that many will go on to have a SECOND abortion, clearly people do whatever the hell they want without regard to the importance of prevention. If contraception and planning was rocket science, I'd have a different attitude, but it's not. And using multiple forms of contraception is far more cost effective than an abortion procedure.

And then we have reality.And reality is accidents happen.Are you prepared to tell a 35 year married man and woman with 3 kids already that they should have prevented the unwanted pregnancy

I sure am. My cycle is regular and I track, sometimes even chart my cycles. There is a six day window out of the month that I'm likely to get pregnant. Within that six day window, there is a 24-48 hour period where conception is most likely to occur. I take this into consideration AND if I'm not ready for a third child, DOUBLE on my contraception, during this time frame. It takes little planning. And little money. And I have average intelligence.

therefore if they truly dont feel they can handle another child for whatever the reasons(usually its not one reason)that they have to have the baby anyway and give it away?And what if it happens twice?How many babies is she(and he) supposed to bear and give away?

Why doesn't she get a grip on her reproductive health and use good judgement with her family planning?

And since its 'their mistake" sure have no sympathy for the emotional effects of giving away a real baby for the parents.But what of the affect it would have on the siblings?The extended family even.

Did you read my prior posts? I have NEVER mistreated anyone for choosing abortion but I don't have to consider elective, non-therapeutic abortion to be acceptable. I believe it's repulsive and it's AVOIDABLE. No, I don't harbor much sympathy for a woman who can't take simple precautions to avoid unwanted situations. She brings that bs upon herself.

I wouldn't mistreat her if she were my friend. But I don't have to applaud her for her behavior.

What if they dont agree even though they both realize its going to be a major hardship on the family and their relationship?

I can't relate to this at all. If I know that I have a remote chance of getting pregnant, and I'm not ready for a pregnancy, I utilize more than one contraceptive method. I've never had an unwanted pregnancy. I've never been faced with such a scenario.

I hear the people say.."just give it up for adoption".Not to mention people seem to think there are hundreds of thousands of people waiting in line every new year to adopt a baby.And thats assuming its a healthy baby.What of the babies born with medical issues?

What if? Is this not part of parenting? Are any of us guaranteed to be brought into this world without flaw or ailment?

If there are ALLLL these people willing(wanting) to adopt how do you explain the rise in the trend of people having less children ..having children later rather than sooner..as well as the rise in #'s of couples opting to not have children at all?

That's wonderful. Encouraging trends.

The point is.You can say prevention is better.I think everyone agrees with that.Now having said that what do you do when it happens anyway?Because I suspect even if we can manage to educate people better..there will still be accidents.

In the Commonwealth of VA, you have the legal right to terminate your pregnancy during the 1st and 2nd trimester if you choose to. So, there you go. You also have the right to place your child for adoption if you'd like.

Of course there will be accidents but when you see a trend of REPEATED accidents, there's proof that people continue to make poor decisions. And it will continue to happen. If there's an "OUT"...people will continue to justify their behavior.

Would I mistreat a person who had an "accident"? Absolutely not. But again...I don't have to applaud them. And I won't.
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Well-Known Member
People need to give up on policing the world because they feel they have a moral obligation to protect unborn children. These people often have no idea what the person having the abortion is facing. A girl i know and work with is not having an abortion because of her religious beliefs and has destroyed the best career oppurtunity she will get in her life. Once she has a child they're not interested because they cant afford to have her taking days off. Im not saying kill the baby because its inconvenient im saying there is too much focus on "OMG its murder" and not enough focus on the circumstances surrounding its entrance to the world. What kind of person would force a mother to bring a child into a world of poverty???

I know of someone in a similar situation, she is religious (muslim I think), only been married for 4months and has just found out she is pregnant. She is not having an abortion which means she will most likely have to give up her place at medical school and her career aspirations to be a doctor. Now although personally I would be screaming "you should have used protection if you werent ready for a child" etc as in your story. It is HER life, if she wants to bring that child into the world and give up her career that is her choice, noone elses, not yours, not mine. Different people have different priorities. For her, having that child is a greater priority than her career.


Depends Upon My Mood..

I dont think you have mistreated anyone.Im just really speaking as to in general some of the attitudes that go around.I quoted you though mainly because I wanted to point out adults..including married adults make mistakes too with this.Not just teenagers.Its easier to slap on the wrist..and say how irresponsible people are for getting pregnant if you picture a young teenage girl.Its also easier for people to say "too bad you should have it and give it up for adoption" if you are thinking of an unwed teenager.Its as "simple as that" right?..Im saying picture a married couple..with children already.Maybe in a rocky marriage.Maybe in finacial crisis(maybe both).Maybe with children already that are having major problems.Its harder to say "just have it and give it up"..Or too bad you made your bed now lay in it.




Depends Upon My Mood..
Would I mistreat a person who had an "accident". Absolutely not. But again...I don't have to applaud them.

I doubt anyone expects "applause"..Do you think a women who gets pregnant in a bad situation are proud of themselves?How much shame is enough? Especially if it happens more than once.




Mother Heathen

I dont think you have mistreated anyone.Im just really speaking as to in general some of the attitudes that go around.I quoted you though mainly because I wanted to point out adults..including married adults make mistakes too with this.Not just teenagers.Its easier to slap on the wrist..and say how irresponsible people are for getting pregnant if you picture a young teenage girl.Its also easier for people to say "too bad you should have it and give it up for adoption" if you are thinking of an unwed teenager.Its as "simple as that" right?..Im saying picture a married couple..with children already.Maybe in a rocky marriage.Maybe in finacial crisis(maybe both).Maybe with children already that are having major problems.Its harder to say "just have it and give it up"..Or too bad you made your bed now lay in it.



But this happened to my husband's parents. And instead of ending his life, his mother made sacrifices and here he is today. The love of my life and the father of my children.

My cousin adopted a beautiful baby girl in December, after a 20 year struggle to concieve.

Blessings often come from our hardest struggles in life. I couldn't choose death.
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Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I think abortion should be used sparingly and as an option of last resort, but I do think women should have the legal freedom to choose to end their pregnancy.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I sure am. My cycle is regular and I track, sometimes even chart my cycles. There is a six day window out of the month that I'm likely to get pregnant. Within that six day window, there is a 24-48 hour period where conception is most likely to occur. I take this into consideration AND if I'm not ready for a third child, DOUBLE on my contraception, during this time frame. It take little planning. And little money. And I have average intelligence.

I dont have sex at all during this time.But women can in fact actually be ovulating while on their periods.

Anyway its no use arguing that you can use birth control measures to help make pregnancy very unlikely.

Bottom line is sometimes people get caught.And its no use in calling them stupid and irresponsible.Im sure they already know this.And not only that they are the ones that pay the consequences for it.

Including having 16 year olds running around calling them selfish murderers if they do have an abortion.And the "I would never kill my own baby " crowd chanting.




Guardian of Asgaard
I am really sick of this argument.
Ya'll just make yourselves sound selfish

You're the one who wants to take a choice away from women, not me. I want women to have the freedom to do what THEY wish and not what the state wants them to do.

I know some people have priorities but why do you want to legalise laws that will make one side happy and not the other? On one hand pro-life people get their way and women who want to keep their baby can, but people with no chance of being able to look after their child would be f***ed, hardly fair.

People who think they have a moral obligation to police things they are not responsible for really annoy me, we see too much of it as it is. We dont need more.


Guardian of Asgaard
I know of someone in a similar situation, she is religious (muslim I think), only been married for 4months and has just found out she is pregnant. She is not having an abortion which means she will most likely have to give up her place at medical school and her career aspirations to be a doctor. Now although personally I would be screaming "you should have used protection if you werent ready for a child" etc as in your story. It is HER life, if she wants to bring that child into the world and give up her career that is her choice, noone elses, not yours, not mine. Different people have different priorities. For her, having that child is a greater priority than her career.

Thats good, i'd prefer women to keep their children. My point is given some circumstances i think it unwise to legislate abortion to prevent women from having a decision whether to destroy promising careers or not. With the girl i know sadly she was on the pill and used protection and she's pregnant, yes really unlucky. But not her career will be destroyed anyway. Its quite a messed up situation.


Depends Upon My Mood..
But this happened to my husband's parents. And instead of ending his life, his mother made sacrifices and here he is today. The love of my life and the father of my children.

My cousin adopted a beautiful baby girl in December, after a 20 year struggle to concieve.

Blessings often come from our hardest struggles in life. I couldn't choose death.

All mothers and fathers make sacrifices everytime they have a child.

And yes I know people do have babies and give them up for adoption.My aunt did when she was 15.His name is Jeffrey and one of the sweetest people I have ever known.

I know what having a baby is in really really precarious situations.I had a baby at 14 years old for Christ sake.I was in the 8th grade.I wasnt even through growing yet.

I was a grandmother at 40.I have a 9 month old grandbaby by the son I had at 14.

And what does this prove?

I have also had abortions Dawny.So what am I ???A friggen moronic murderer? Or a brave and courageous person that didnt take the easy way out?

Oh I know..Im both.Im a schitzo!


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Depends Upon My Mood..
Thats good, i'd prefer women to keep their children. My point is given some circumstances i think it unwise to legislate abortion to prevent women from having a decision whether to destroy promising careers or not. With the girl i know sadly she was on the pill and used protection and she's pregnant, yes really unlucky. But not her career will be destroyed anyway. Its quite a messed up situation.

My grandbaby is a "pill baby".

His mother didnt want to have an abortion.And I love Elliott more than I love anything else in this world.I cant imagine not having him.But if she had chosen to abort I would not have judged her.




Guardian of Asgaard
My grandbaby is a "pill baby".

His mother didnt want to have an abortion.And I love Elliott more than I love anything else in this world.I cant imagine not having him.But if she had chosen to abort I would not have judged her.



I think in any circumstances whether we agree or not with the decision it is wrong to judge mothers to be for having abortions. We are not the ones facing pregnancy and the possibility of ending a career. This might sound bad to some people but sometimes women work too damn hard to achieve a position to let a child bring them down.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I think in any circumstances whether we agree or not with the decision it is wrong to judge mothers to be for having abortions. We are not the ones facing pregnancy and the possibility of ending a career. This might sound bad to some people but sometimes women work too damn hard to achieve a position to let a child bring them down.

Well..it doesnt have to "bring her down"..Its just a huge uphill battle when the timing is off.And all the people runnning around screaming you stupid idiot! Havent you heard of birth control you MURDERER! Arent going to be the ones to help your friend go on ahead and build her carreer.Offering to babysit for free for long hours.Or donate money to her to help her financially .They will be picketing at the abortion clinics to stop the carnage to protect the unborn life.




1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well..it doesnt have to "bring her down"..Its just a huge uphill battle when the timing is off.And all the people runnning around screaming you stupid idiot! Havent you heard of birth control you MURDERER! Arent going to be the ones to help your friend go on ahead and build her carreer.Offering to babysit for free for long hours.Or donate money to her to help her financially .They will be picketing at the abortion clinics to stop the carnage to protect the unborn life.
I'm sure there are some that will babysit for you there as long as you don't mind your kid holding a picket sign. ;)


Depends Upon My Mood..
I'm sure there are some that will babysit for you there as long as you don't mind your kid holding a picket sign. ;)

Well they already have enough of those babies.Half of them have "teenage" daughters that got pregnant and had the baby.The other half of them snuck into the abortion clinic and had an abortion while the mom wasnt looking.




Active Member

I dont think you have mistreated anyone.Im just really speaking as to in general some of the attitudes that go around.I quoted you though mainly because I wanted to point out adults..including married adults make mistakes too with this.Not just teenagers.Its easier to slap on the wrist..and say how irresponsible people are for getting pregnant if you picture a young teenage girl.Its also easier for people to say "too bad you should have it and give it up for adoption" if you are thinking of an unwed teenager.Its as "simple as that" right?..Im saying picture a married couple..with children already.Maybe in a rocky marriage.Maybe in finacial crisis(maybe both).Maybe with children already that are having major problems.Its harder to say "just have it and give it up"..Or too bad you made your bed now lay in it.


What point are you trying to make? An older couple can give a baby up for adoption just as easily as a teenager can.


Active Member
You're the one who wants to take a choice away from women, not me. I want women to have the freedom to do what THEY wish and not what the state wants them to do.

I know some people have priorities but why do you want to legalise laws that will make one side happy and not the other? On one hand pro-life people get their way and women who want to keep their baby can, but people with no chance of being able to look after their child would be f***ed, hardly fair.

People who think they have a moral obligation to police things they are not responsible for really annoy me, we see too much of it as it is. We dont need more.
I'm sorry that you feel that way


Depends Upon My Mood..
:) Sad that the immature teenager knows better than the adult.

No its "sad" you think you know whats "better" for everyone else because whats "better for you"(in your imaginary world) is better for them even though you havent done any of it yet.

