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Your view on abortion. Atheist welcome.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
darkendless said:
People need to give up on policing the world because they feel they have a moral obligation to protect unborn children.
How far does this policy go of 'giving up on policing the world because you feel you have a moral obligation'? At what point is it ok to police the world to protect a class of people, and at what point does it become unacceptable?

What kind of person would force a mother to bring a child into a world of poverty???
It would be hard to be in a situation like some of Africa where the child will be malnurished/starve to death, I understand that... but that is even more reason to ensure that we take care of such issues... globally, instead of resorting to the basest of actions...

Dallas said:
And since its 'their mistake" sure have no sympathy for the emotional effects of giving away a real baby for the parents
As opposed to killing a... fake(?)... baby? I apologize if this is too personal, but I've never understood this line of reasoning and you've had abortions as you have said, how is it easier, emotionally, to kill your child as opposed to giving him or her away to live elsewheres?

Dream Angel said:
I am a little confused on this paragraph - it is talking about causing a woman to miscarry, well surely this would be abuse in which case they deserve to be charged and go to prison anyway
It is, I believe, homocide in 25 states from the moment of conception, in 35 depending on the age of the child... And in any case where it occurs in the act of a federal crime...

Dallas said:
No its "sad" you think you know whats "better" for everyone else because whats "better for you"(in your imaginary world) is better for them even though you havent done any of it yet.
Sunstone said:
As it turns out, it's a very adolescent notion to think you know better than other people what's wise and good for them.
It isn't about "them" at all...


Guardian of Asgaard
How far does this policy go of 'giving up on policing the world because you feel you have a moral obligation'? At what point is it ok to police the world to protect a class of people, and at what point does it become unacceptable?

It would be hard to be in a situation like some of Africa where the child will be malnurished/starve to death, I understand that... but that is even more reason to ensure that we take care of such issues... globally, instead of resorting to the basest of actions...

I just think that pro-life people have no concept of the harsher reality some people in this situation face. They care about the baby, and not the suffering it could be faced with. Poverty is not restricted to Africa. Some parents are terrible and children would grow up to be poorly fed and disciplined.
I have to say motherhood education needs to be strengthened. In my area its not very strong and there were a lot of pregnant teenagers with no hope of supporting their children.


Mother Heathen
I just think that pro-life people have no concept of the harsher reality some people in this situation face. They care about the baby, and not the suffering it could be faced with. Poverty is not restricted to Africa. Some parents are terrible and children would grow up to be poorly fed and disciplined.
I have to say motherhood education needs to be strengthened. In my area its not very strong and there were a lot of pregnant teenagers with no hope of supporting their children.

That's not necessarily true, darkendless, though many people would come across that way. One can care very much about a individual's circumstances and show compassion, even if they don't agree with their choices.

I just think it's important to acknowledge that there are so many ways to avoid such needless suffering and that should be the primary focus. Sometimes, I feel that people approach pregnancy, in general, as an unfortunate condition can can easily be eliminated, if unwanted.

What if the approach was changed and more focus was placed on prevention? I agree with you. Education does need to be strengthened. There is power in knowledge.


Guardian of Asgaard
That's not necessarily true, darkendless, though many people would come across that way. One can care very much about a individual's circumstances and show compassion, even if they don't agree with their choices.

I just think it's important to acknowledge that there are so many ways to avoid such needless suffering and that should be the primary focus. Sometimes, I feel that people approach pregnancy, in general, as an unfortunate condition can can easily be eliminated, if unwanted.

What if the approach was changed and more focus was placed on prevention? I agree with you. Education does need to be strengthened. There is power in knowledge.

Im referring to the in-your-face lunatics who sit outside abortion clinics with their signs. They do not care about the mother's career, they only care about their own narrow minded moral obligations. This i strongly disagree with. Sometimes i wish some people decided to get an abortion rather than producing such dissociated offspring. Abortion can be considered to convenient, but this is determined i think, by the attitude the mother-to-be takes towards their abortion.Abortions themselves do not get any more awkward and inconvenient.


Premium Member
For myself the only choice is for life. If anyone asks my opinion I will offer it, however for voting or support of others I am pro-choice. Meaning if a friend of mine decides to have an abortion I would support them through it and beyond and I do not believe the government should have any say in who's allow to have an abortion or not but also should not give any tax money to support abortion.


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Except spoken languages and mathematics are completely different, in that making up new words and definitions is how languages evolve.

Otherwise we'd still be speaking Old English.

True to a degree. Killing is the act of causing death in any situation. Murder is the act of causing death intentionally and unnecessarily. You're welcome to use them as synonyms, but you're not going to have very productive discussions, just like I wouldn't have much luck communicating if I used the word "prostitute" to mean "mother".

Words have different meanings for a reason, and good communication involves using the accepted ones, not any one you want. Murder is always bad. Killing is neutral. That's the difference.


Active Member
Pro-life people will be the first to complain when we're outstripping the supply for food at an accelerated rate.
That's only an assumption, and I disagree anyways. Obviously we don't care about 'controlling the population' as ya'll say so why would we care about running out of food more than ya'll do..?


Guardian of Asgaard
That's only an assumption, and I disagree anyways. Obviously we don't care about 'controlling the population' as ya'll say so why would we care about running out of food more than ya'll do..?

One assumption that is true is that they will complain with the rest of us after in part bringing about our downfall. It amuses me how ignorant of the facts some people are when they have their own agenda in mind. Why can't people accept that we're already dangerously overpopulated? Is it just because right now we're semi-sustainable, but l;osing ground? Does the stupid world always have to wait until theres a crisis?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Does the stupid world always have to wait until theres a crisis?

Just look at the gas-price scare over the summer. Everyone was clamoring for alternative energies and more efficient vehicles. People started conserving gas and energy in their everyday lives.

When the prices dropped, it was like nothing ever happened. Oil=good. Forcing cars to be more fuel efficient = a crimp on the free market. We are back to gobbling up oil like it will never run out.


Just me
Premium Member
Why can't people accept that we're already dangerously overpopulated? Is it just because right now we're semi-sustainable, but l;osing ground? Does the stupid world always have to wait until theres a crisis?
Interestingly, that was the theme of 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' remake, in theatres now. The conclusion was yes, it does take a crisis to make people change and (equally important) yes, we do have to wait for it.
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See the previous line
While I do believe that at a certain point, the fetus becomes more than a collection of cells and becomes a human, I believe that it is up to the mother to decide. I wouldn't want my wife or girlfriend to do it, but it's up to her.

I can see both sides. It's human life and shouldn't be extinguished. But there are exceptions. If a girl gets pregnant and knows for a fact that she could not support the child and doesn't want to go through post-partum depression and the heartache of giving up the child for adoption, abortion seems a valid option.

Also, if a girl is a rape victim, nobody wants the seed of a rapist to be passed on (though I acknowledge that being the child of a rapist doesn't guarantee that you'll be a bad person). It would just serve as a constant physical reminder of a terribly traumatic experience.

So IMHO, it's fine and I don't look down on anyone that does it. It's totally their choice.


Active Member
One assumption that is true is that they will complain with the rest of us after in part bringing about our downfall. It amuses me how ignorant of the facts some people are when they have their own agenda in mind. Why can't people accept that we're already dangerously overpopulated? Is it just because right now we're semi-sustainable, but l;osing ground? Does the stupid world always have to wait until theres a crisis?
What makes you think that we are overpopulated? Do you not have all of the resources that you need to live plus some..? I don't think we are close to overpopulation at all. I think we could easily double our population and still be fine. If I had to guess, I'd say the earth's carrying capacity is somewhere between 15 and 20 billion.


Active Member
Interestingly, that was the theme of 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' remake, in theatres now. The conclusion was yes, it does take a crisis to make people change and (equally important) yes, we do have to wait for it.
Right. And the point is, we will change.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
The point was that if everyone isn't right then someone has to be wrong. And we can't all be right on this because most people's ideas contradict others.
No, the point was that this is an ambiguous matter with no right or wrong. There is only perspective