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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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unquestionably the most powerful molder of opinion in the world today is the AMERICAN Global media , and especially the Hollywood and the music industry .
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ), as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .

American motion picture and television which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians , including native Americans , African Americans Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans since the 1950's have singled out Arabs and Muslims more often than any other ethnic religious group, as objects of hatred
contempt, and derision(because Arabs are the world's most numerous semetic group , this hostitlty against them is literally anti-smetic)
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Well-Known Member
Not that I like how Israel was formed, or its politics today, but this is paranoid ********.


unquestionably the most powerful molder of opinion in the world today is the AMERICAN Global media , and especially the Hollywood and the music industry .
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ), as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .

American motion picture and television which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians , including native Americans , African Americans Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans since the 1950's have singled out Arabs and Muslims more often than any other ethnic religious group, as objects of hatred
contempt, and derision(because Arabs are the world's most numerous semetic group , this hostitlty against them is literally anti-smetic)

:rolleyes: "this hostility against THEM?" Puleeeease.


Well-Known Member
I might add that it was the UN who established Israel and that Palestine at the time was under Brittish mandate.
Can you provide any evidence for your claims?

it does not need providing any evidence it is crystal clear if you watch any movie or listen to the news you will notice the negative propaganda been portrayed against Arabs and Muslims in GENERAL .
In that essence many have been fooled due to what they perceive from the mass media

for further details do your search on who REALLY control's the media


it does not need providing any evidence it is crystal clear if you watch any movie or listen to the news you will notice the negative propaganda been portrayed against Arabs and Muslims in GENERAL .
In that essence many have been fooled due to what they perceive from the mass media

for further details do your search on who REALLY control's the media

Thats a no then?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
it does not need providing any evidence....

Look, I would not put much of anything beyond Hollywood. They have dealt in stereotypes since at least the film "Birth of a Nation". But even so, before you fairly accuse them of giving the shaft to Muslims and Arabs, you need to present some evidence that they are in fact doing what you say they are doing. Otherwise, why should anyone bother to believe you?


Well-Known Member
it does not need providing any evidence it is crystal clear if you watch any movie or listen to the news you will notice the negative propaganda been portrayed against Arabs and Muslims in GENERAL .
In that essence many have been fooled due to what they perceive from the mass media

for further details do your search on who REALLY control's the media
You mean like in the 7:th season of 24 where in the end Bauer is dying and asks an Imam for help to get peace?

Not everyone is out to get you, you know :no:.


Agnostic Pantheist
unquestionably the most powerful molder of opinion in the world today is the AMERICAN Global media , and especially the Hollywood and the music industry .
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ),
Can you give us a verbal illustration of this great deal of American Help (minus the caps). I'd like for you to list the American help beyond supporting Israel in the partition plan, and working to honor the Balfour declaration. further more if we remember that the US was also involved in securing Arab nations independence we get an interesting bigger picture.
as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .

American motion picture and television which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians , including native Americans , African Americans Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans since the 1950's have singled out Arabs and Muslims more often than any other ethnic religious group, as objects of hatred
contempt, and derision(because Arabs are the world's most numerous semetic group , this hostitlty against them is literally anti-smetic)
Arguably, during the 80s there was a trend, of cheap American action movies showing Arabs in a backward way. but the trends of portraying Arabs as the filthy rich oil Barons and terrorists have also evolved, and also made way for much more sophisticated an in depth characters and stories, such as the series 'Sleeper cell', and previous series and movies, from Sci Fi, to historical movies, to action and adventure movies in all of which Arabs and Muslims have also been presented as courageous, honorable, compassionate and intelligent.
For example, while often Arabs bring the historical episode of the crusades to make a contemporary case, in the movie Kingdom of Heaven, the Arabs and their Kurdish leader Saladin are presented in a positive light, and as honorable men, while the Christian crusaders in great deal are presented as hot headed zealots.
there is no doubt that after September 11, Arabs and Muslims got a negative impact, however I would be interested in your opinion of the way Arab and Muslim medias present Jews, for example. what are your opinion of the Arab TV series that present Jews as evil prophet killers, drinkers of children blood, as literally bearing horns and tails, as the sole evil master mind behind all the woes of the Arab and Muslim world, and indeed behind plans for world domination all together. how do you feel of the Arab cartoons portraying Jews as vampires, spiders, and devils?
it is difficult to exaggerate the role played by television in shaping the mind set and out look of the american people . Dr. George Gerbner university of Pennsylvania put it this way" television more than any single institution models american behavioral norms and values and the more t.v the more we tend to believe in the world according to t.v even though much of what we see is fabricated distorted and misleading
YouTube - The Arrivals pt.16 (The Media & Islam)

news stories , television shows and movies rarely show Arabs , Iranians or other Muslims in a positive light casting individuals associated with specific negative stereotypes require less character development because the audience spontaneously associate's the actor with their alleged traits.
courageous, honorable, compassionate and intelligent.!!!!!!!!?????
WHO ARE YOU KIDDING ..If this is WHAT you see and comprehend then you are truly IGNORANT of the TRUTH behind this stereotyping..

A Few points you Should know:

-Muslims have NOTHING against the Jews what you see NOW aren't even Jews you need to educate yourself on this matter from authentic sources
Muslims have been living peacefully with the Jews since early days BUT who you see now have nothing to do with Jews in Simple words they are known as ZIONISTS ..
-Even the Jews stand against the Zionist Movement
- Muslims have Nothing With Christians or any other Faith ,its what has been portrayed for you in the mass media that has Fooled most of you..

One More thing 9/11
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MUSLIMS its a fact that you should all Search deeply about

- Each one of you in this Forum or at least reading this Should start opening their eyes to the Conspiracies and propaganda agenda's made against Humanity



Agnostic Pantheist
courageous, honorable, compassionate and intelligent.!!!!!!!!?????
WHO ARE YOU KIDDING ..If this is WHAT you see and comprehend then you are truly IGNORANT of the TRUTH behind this stereotyping..
Take a deep breath, and re-read what I have said. I have not denied that Arabs and Muslims received a negative impact, in fact I openly stated it black and white for you and anyone else interested in this thread to read. what I have also pointed out to was, that the cheesy portrait of Arabs in 80's and perhaps early 90's Hollywood films also made way to a more sophisticated and inspiring series, movies and characters of Arab or Muslim descent. I have provided only a couple of examples to this, but there are more.

A Few points you Should know:

-Muslims have NOTHING against the Jews what you see NOW aren't even Jews you need to educate yourself on this matter from authentic sources
Is that a fact? :sarcastic please provide us with these authentic sources, so we may all be better educated and informed.

Muslims have been living peacefully with the Jews since early days BUT who you see now have nothing to do with Jews in Simple words they are known as ZIONISTS ..
I see. Zionists are not Jews, but at the same time all Jews should be fairly labeled Zionists to further the propaganda?
-Even the Jews stand against the Zionist Movement
'even the Jews'... which Jews? all of them? half of them? some of them? a few of them?
there are also Arabs who protest many aspects of mainstream Islam, we can discuss them as well. there are many interesting issues and personas here: Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Wafa Sultan, Salman Rushdie, and many Muslim organizations in the west who speak out against Sharia. what is the point of this? is that every expanded community or society has a variety of opinions and opposing views. thanks be to Allah for that.
- Muslims have Nothing With Christians or any other Faith ,its what has been portrayed for you in the mass media that has Fooled most of you..
Some don't some do. I would recommend anyone not to remain ignorant of either type.

One More thing 9/11
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MUSLIMS its a fact that you should all Search deeply about
Im afraid Im going to have to ask you for some more authentic sources.

- Each one of you in this Forum or at least reading this Should start opening their eyes to the Conspiracies and propaganda agenda's made against Humanity

YouTube - American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists!
"agendas against humanity"? and you have the audacity to speak to us about "conspiracies and propaganda"?
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courageous, honorable, compassionate and intelligent.!!!!!!!!?????
WHO ARE YOU KIDDING ..If this is WHAT you see and comprehend then you are truly IGNORANT of the TRUTH behind this stereotyping..

A Few points you Should know:

-Muslims have NOTHING against the Jews what you see NOW aren't even Jews you need to educate yourself on this matter from authentic sources
Muslims have been living peacefully with the Jews since early days BUT who you see now have nothing to do with Jews in Simple words they are known as ZIONISTS ..
-Even the Jews stand against the Zionist Movement
- Muslims have Nothing With Christians or any other Faith ,its what has been portrayed for you in the mass media that has Fooled most of you..

One More thing 9/11
HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MUSLIMS its a fact that you should all Search deeply about

- Each one of you in this Forum or at least reading this Should start opening their eyes to the Conspiracies and propaganda agenda's made against Humanity

YouTube - American Mass Media is controlled by Zionists!

okay ... so your sources come from youtube? Have you ever lived in America? Because from my perspective as one who lives here, there is something that ALL races and religions could complain of ... OR they could think on the points being made and laugh when parody IS the point.

"...educate yourself on this matter from authentic sources" <---- the same could be said of you. :yes:


The Arab highjacking of planes in the 1980s and the terrorism from 1948 until today has captured the American imagination.

In other words, hostile actions from the Arab world against Israel and the United States are film worthy.


From a sociological perspective, I would say you have a case that Arabs and Muslims are typically portrayed in a negative light; however, your breath stinks of antisemitism. I realize all the evils the Zionists committed against the Palestinian people, but that does not give you the right to create racially-motivated conspiracy theories about Zionist-Jewish dominance. From my own personal experience, I'd say Jewish people in my country are more critical of the State of Israel than the average Caucasian.


Agnostic Pantheist
I'm seeing an interesting phenomenon here.
Aymen Amir is asking us to be conscious of the Zionist conspiracy to brainwash the world through Hollywood. BUT, at the same time, he wants us to accept his idea that:
1. Jews are not real Jews.
2. September 11 has 'nothing' to do with Muslims.
3. and of course that... 'Zionists' have an agenda against humanity. no less.

yet another fascinating case study that we can file with the rest of them.
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