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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Zionism the national movement for the return of what is known as Jewish people even tho they have nothing to do with JEWS or religion , its a secular Movement in other words thats has been established for specific major reason:
control of the world
through relieving the world from religions control of the masses , control of the world leaders , control of the financial Banks and so on...i don't wish to go into details , but you can search on the father of the modern political Zionism and i recommend you read a book called (PROTOCOLS OF ZION)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The Arab highjacking of planes in the 1980s and the terrorism from 1948 until today has captured the American imagination.
... just as the Cold War was ending. This took away the Russians as the stock villain for action movies, leaving a hole open that needed to be filled.

Aymen, if you want to blame anyone for the lack of positive portrayals of Muslims in American media, I'd blame Kadafi more than anyone else.
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I'm seeing an interesting phenomenon here.
Aymen Amir is asking us to be conscious of the Zionist conspiracy to brainwash the world through Hollywood. BUT, at the same time, he wants us to accept his idea that:
1. Jews are not real Jews.
2. September 11 has 'nothing' to do with Muslims.
3. and of course that... 'Zionists' have an agenda against humanity. no less.

yet another fascinating case study that we can file with the rest of them.

After this and a conversation with my Jewish BFF, I think I finally understand why so many Jewish people have immigrated to Israel.


The Protocols of Zion are antisemitic ********! You are really working hard to make sure you get yourself labeled a racist.


Agnostic Pantheist
I'd say Jewish people in my country are more critical of the State of Israel than the average Caucasian.
Many Jews have championed international criticism of Israeli politics. inside and outside Israel, and in the United States as well as other nations. in many ways, this is a healthy sign. a culture and a society can ensure further prosperity by maintaining debate and a platform for opposing views and penetrating criticism. I would not feel comfortable being part of a society which was monolithic and had single dimensional opinions right out of a production line.
Amir's indication of Jews who criticize what he refers to as 'Zionism' (I wonder which Zionism is he talking about? secular Zionism, Zionism of the left, of the right?, of the religious?) as something sensational in reality is quite a normal process, unless we are starting to talk about fringe groups of the ultra religious kind which have no credibility with Jews who are pro Israeli policies, and Jews who are vocal against Israeli policies.

EDIT: not surprisingly this is exactly what Amir is aiming at. Neturei Karta, an ultra religious group. of course no mention to credible critics such as Noam Chomsky, who dedicate their lives to the academia and to political analysis, instead of people who's protest of 'Zionism' is based on eccentric anti social religious sentiments.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In my experience, Jews tend to be champions of social justice. Certainly not all of them, but perhaps a greater proportion of them than in most other ethnic groups stand up for the oppressed of the world. At least, that's what I've seen in 53 years.
I'm seeing an interesting phenomenon here.
Aymen Amir is asking us to be conscious of the Zionist conspiracy to brainwash the world through Hollywood. BUT, at the same time, he wants us to accept his idea that:
1. Jews are not real Jews.
2. September 11 has 'nothing' to do with Muslims.
3. and of course that... 'Zionists' have an agenda against humanity. no less.

yet another fascinating case study that we can file with the rest of them.

1- You actually Do not know Who the jews are
here is a quick lesson
The Semantics Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The unity of these three faiths consists in the unity of God. You see, in the fundamentals of the teachings of Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (May the peace of God be upon them all) there is no any difference.

I mean like for example the first command, the very first command as given by God Almighty to the holy Prophet Moses was in the Hebrew language 'Shamma israelu addena ilakhin, addena ikh' which means "Hear O Israel, the Lord, our God the Lord is One.", the first command.
So Jews are the tribe which Moved With Moses and Believed in the one GOD (Allah , Jehovah ) so they are regarded as Muslims because Islam Actually means submission to the will of the Creator i think that clears it
The Known Jews now have been going through a lot of alterations and distortions which strayed them from the true teaching of Moses .One more thing the One's who made this distortions are the Same one's ZIONIST and the same one's who distorted the Bible its their way of Dividing Beliefs its part of their Mission(agenda) .. So now the modern Jews actually make like 10% plus the Zionists disguised as Jews are the rest 90%..

2- September 11th i will open a thread About it ..

3- I will discuss it on the September 11 Thread


Done here.
i recommend you read a book called (PROTOCOLS OF ZION)
I own a copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and I've read it.

It's an obvious forgery on the face of it, and wouldn't fool anybody who wasn't eager to be fooled. It's interesting mainly as an example of Russian (and more broadly, European) anti-Semitism.
Little Known Facts About Israel

1. Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel? A

Jew from any country in the world is guaranteed citizenship in Israel, while the

Palestinians who have been there for centuries are oppressed and persecuted.
2. Did you know that instead of sewing an insignia on clothing to distinguish

race (like the Germans did to the Jews before WW2), Palestinian license plates

in Israel are color coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?
3. Did you know that East Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan

Heights are all considered by the entire world community, including the United

States and the United Nations, to be occupied territory and NOT part of the

State of Israel?
4. Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews, and the

remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example

in Hebron, 85% of the water is set aside for about 400 Jewish settlers, while the

remaining 15% is distributed among Hebron's 120, 000 Palestinians?
5. Did you know that the United States awards Israel $5 billion in aid each

year from American tax dollars?


Agnostic Pantheist
1- You actually Do not know Who the jews are
here is a quick lesson
The Semantics Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The unity of these three faiths consists in the unity of God. You see, in the fundamentals of the teachings of Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (May the peace of God be upon them all) there is no any difference.

I mean like for example the first command, the very first command as given by God Almighty to the holy Prophet Moses was in the Hebrew language 'Shamma israelu addena ilakhin, addena ikh' which means "Hear O Israel, the Lord, our God the Lord is One.", the first command.
So Jews are the tribe which Moved With Moses and Believed in the one GOD (Allah , Jehovah ) so they are regarded as Muslims because Islam Actually means submission to the will of the Creator i think that clears it
The Known Jews now have been going through a lot of alterations and distortions which strayed them from the true teaching of Moses .One more thing the One's who made this distortions are the Same one's ZIONIST and the same one's who distorted the Bible its their way of Dividing Beliefs its part of their Mission(agenda) .. So now the modern Jews actually make like 10% plus the Zionists disguised as Jews are the rest 90%..
In other words. what you have provided for us is a rant against modernity and secularism flavored with an opening sermon and an appeal to any trace of religious sentiments we might have. while ignoring of course, that a great deal of Israeli and Jewish society is still upholding Jewish traditions.
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Demonic Kitten

Active Member
I can not watch youtube at work so I don't know if the videos posted are relevant to this rant...er...discussion/debate or not. (Personally I don't think I'm missing much) However, I would be interested to see if Aymen Amir can come up with any references to back up his rant...er...claim. Preferably something that doesn't come from youtube...([sarcasm]as reliable as that is [/sarcasm])

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Your'e original post is a pretty transparent attempt to convince others that the world should be out to "get" the Jews and the Americans. Some of what you say has some truth in it, but a lot of it is just rhetoric.

Without question, people of the Jewish faith have a tremendous amount of power in Hollywood. On the other hand, not everything that comes out of Hollywood portrays Arabs as cutthroats. Watch a movie called "Lawrence of Arabia". It is an accurate account of that period of history. Your attempt to drum up hatred from other ethnic groups is pretty pitiful. Hollywood has portrayed blacks as both heroes and scum. The same is true of their portrayal of gays, Asians, and American Indians.

You don't want to acknowledge this, but it is also true of their portrayal of caucasians. There are white people in movies that are "good guys", super heroes, villains, murderers, etc.

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you change your signature line? If you are going to post inflammatory rhetoric against people of the Jewish faith, at least have the decency to put in a signature line that reflects your true mission.
In other words. what you have provided for us is a rant against modernity and secularism flavored with an opening sermon and an appeal to any trace of religious sentiments we might have. while ignoring of course, that a great deal of Israeli and Jewish society is still upholding Jewish traditions.

Traditions is irrelevant what i was shedding light on is the Religious Aspect Traditions is nothing but society practices passing through generations..
Your'e original post is a pretty transparent attempt to convince others that the world should be out to "get" the Jews and the Americans. Some of what you say has some truth in it, but a lot of it is just rhetoric.

Without question, people of the Jewish faith have a tremendous amount of power in Hollywood. On the other hand, not everything that comes out of Hollywood portrays Arabs as cutthroats. Watch a movie called "Lawrence of Arabia". It is an accurate account of that period of history. Your attempt to drum up hatred from other ethnic groups is pretty pitiful. Hollywood has portrayed blacks as both heroes and scum. The same is true of their portrayal of gays, Asians, and American Indians.

You don't want to acknowledge this, but it is also true of their portrayal of caucasians. There are white people in movies that are "good guys", super heroes, villains, murderers, etc.

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you change your signature line? If you are going to post inflammatory rhetoric against people of the Jewish faith, at least have the decency to put in a signature line that reflects your true mission.

am stating facts i didn't add any thing from my own perspective
Little Known Facts About Israel
6. Did you know that US aid to Israel ($1.8 billion annually in military aid

alone) exceeds the aid the US grants to the entire African continent? This aid is

used both to buy American weaponry and to buy arms made in Israel.
7. Did you know that Israel is awaiting an additional $4 billion worth of

American military hardware, including new F-16s and Apache and Blackhawk

helicopters. As Israel's main ally and supporter internationally, the United

States is committed to maintaining the Jewish state's "qualitative edge" in

weapons over its neighbours.
8. Did you know that the U.S. administration has notified Congress on

numerous occasions that Israel has violated the rules on how US-supplied

weapons are used? (In 1978, 1979 and 1982 during fighting in Lebanon, and once

after Israel's bombing of an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981.)
9. Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses

to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections

from its sites?
10. Did you know that high-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defence

Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war have been

summarily executed by the Israeli forces?


Agnostic Pantheist
I see Amir has moved from Hollywood to stating domestic and foreign facts about Israel, all of which are of course out of context and without sources.
So Amir, you have posted a thread with a title and content about the 'Zionist' grip on American films. you have moved and explored the authenticity of Jews, the lack of religious adherence by Jews, hinted that Jews are behind September 11, pointed that 'Zionists' have an agenda against humanity- which of course you have backed up with the ultimate source The Protocols. all this while repeatedly ignoring the request of the members in this thread to discuss you initial statement, and for you to provide sources and material about it. so what is it going to be Aymen Amir? are we talking about Hollywood and American films? or about every detail in international politics and how the 'Zionists' are behind the negative impact in it?
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