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ZIONIST Grip on American Films

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Your'e original post is a pretty transparent attempt to convince others that the world should be out to "get" the Jews and the Americans. Some of what you say has some truth in it, but a lot of it is just rhetoric.

Without question, people of the Jewish faith have a tremendous amount of power in Hollywood. On the other hand, not everything that comes out of Hollywood portrays Arabs as cutthroats. Watch a movie called "Lawrence of Arabia". It is an accurate account of that period of history. Your attempt to drum up hatred from other ethnic groups is pretty pitiful. Hollywood has portrayed blacks as both heroes and scum. The same is true of their portrayal of gays, Asians, and American Indians.

You don't want to acknowledge this, but it is also true of their portrayal of caucasians. There are white people in movies that are "good guys", super heroes, villains, murderers, etc.

Oh - and while you're at it, why don't you change your signature line? If you are going to post inflammatory rhetoric against people of the Jewish faith, at least have the decency to put in a signature line that reflects your true mission.

I have nothing against the Jews Faith what am trying to tell you is the JEWS aren't Zionists there is a major difference do your searches ..

Once again i have nothing against any Faith or State !!

Am against the Modern Governments that are trying to Fill the world with divisions, Lies , hidden agendas , Depopulation and more , and Hide behind the Curtains while we see them As Israel and the U.S in fact its Who controls them !!!!
I see Amir has moved from Hollywood to stating domestic and foreign facts about Israel, all of which are of course out of context and without sources.
So Amir, you have posted a thread with a title and content about the 'Zionist' grip on American films. you have moved and explored the authenticity of Jews, the lack of religious adherence by Jews, hinted that Jews are behind September 11, pointed that 'Zionists' have an agenda against humanity- which of course you have backed up with the ultimate source The Protocols. all this while repeatedly ignoring the request of the members in this thread to discuss you initial statement, and for you to provide sources and material about it. so what is it going to be Aymen Amir? are we talking about Hollywood and American films? or about every detail in international politics and how the 'Zionists' are behind the negative impact in it?

WELL they are all CONNECTED !!!
My intention was to shed light on the Fact that Zionism is nothing but a Movement and the Hollywood is their tool so us the Music industry and so as the politicians , presidents all are mere PAWNS ..
I recommend looking at the big picture
I will Quote the sources and the rest on the New thread about the 9/11 Ok ..


Bodhisattva in Recovery
WELL they are all CONNECTED !!!
My intention was to shed light on the Fact that Zionism is nothing but a Movement and the Hollywood is their tool so us the Music industry and so as the politicians , presidents all are mere PAWNS ..
I recommend looking at the big picture
I will Quote the sources and the rest on the New thread about the 9/11 Ok ..
Conspiracy theories are such fun. Heck, because they are always speculative one can make whatever connections one needs. The point is that there are reasons why these type of arguments never gain credibility and that is because the creators of such myths lack the intellectual integrity that is required to make their case withstand the ravages of dissection.

In my opinion, the myths that you are spouting are the signs of a people who are unwilling to look to their own actions as being the cause of their present difficulties. It's always so much easier to play the victim card, to blame others, than it is to admit to gross mistakes and errors of judgment.

Is that a plank in your eye?

Again, bring on your sources, so that they may be put out of their misery, once and for all.


Well-Known Member
Ha, ha I knew this was going to involve the hoax book "The protocols of the elders of Zion" I recommend everyone read the beautiful graphic novel by Will Eisner "The plot" which describes what a forgery the whole thing is.

People like the OP will just say things like "well it describes what is happening now so it's true" because they've already made up their minds about their bigotry, you can dig up all the facts you want but it's all Zionist lies in their mind.

My hypothesis is that in the new century we are all so self aware we need to come up with "neo-bigotry" to justify our bigotry "well I have tons of black friends, but you know, stereotypes do have a factual basis"

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I have nothing against the Jews Faith ...

... Once again i have nothing against any Faith or State !!

Am against the Modern Governments that are trying to Fill the world with divisions, Lies , hidden agendas , Depopulation and more , and Hide behind the Curtains while we see them As Israel and the U.S in fact its Who controls them !!!!

What a load of crap. In the first two sentences, you proclaim your innocence and try to tell everyone that you're just trying to point out the situation.

By the last sentence, you can no longer hide your real feelings, and the true intent of your post (and this thread). You are as easy to see through as a newly cleaned window.

Spread your hatred and bigotry somewhere else.

And again - please change your signature line to something a little more truthful. Doesn't your religion teach you that lying is a sin?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
WELL they are all CONNECTED !!!
My intention was to shed light on the Fact that Zionism is nothing but a Movement and the Hollywood is their tool so us the Music industry and so as the politicians , presidents all are mere PAWNS ..
I recommend looking at the big picture
Looking at the "big picture", there's quite enough anti-Muslim sentiment in mainstream western (predominantly Christian) society without having to create some sort of Zionist conspiracy to explain anything.

BTW, everyone - I know it's not an American show, but have a look anyhow:

CBC Television - Little Mosque on the Prairie

The Muslims in a small Saskatchewan town decide that they need a mosque, so they rent out the parish hall from the local Anglican church and hire a young imam who's fresh from the big city. Heart-warming hilarity ensues.
What a load of crap. In the first two sentences, you proclaim your innocence and try to tell everyone that you're just trying to point out the situation.

By the last sentence, you can no longer hide your real feelings, and the true intent of your post (and this thread). You are as easy to see through as a newly cleaned window.

Spread your hatred and bigotry somewhere else.

And again - please change your signature line to something a little more truthful. Doesn't your religion teach you that lying is a sin?

am not trying to spread any hatred . once again i care less what you think of me ...You actually think cause am muslim that am against Athiests , agnostics and so on I actually dont care much what you believe in its a matter of acquiring knowledge , after all we are all Humans , Your saying that i spread hatred actually am not am saying the truth which You are unable to see ..

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
unquestionably the most powerful molder of opinion in the world today is the AMERICAN Global media , and especially the Hollywood and the music industry .
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ), as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .


American motion picture and television which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians , including native Americans , African Americans Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans since the 1950's have singled out Arabs and Muslims more often than any other ethnic religious group, as objects of hatred
contempt, and derision(because Arabs are the world's most numerous semetic group , this hostitlty against them is literally anti-smetic)

So can you show us your evidence or is this just a rant


Agnostic Pantheist
Come one. you need to provide a challenge for us before slaughtering your credibility completely. we've been rooting for at least a couple of more posts before the great break down.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ), as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .

Yes, it's horribly unfair that Hollywood doesn't make movies which reflect your anti-Jewish views. The lack of expression of your hatred in cinema must be a "zionist" conspiracy.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think the ship sailed on that when he decided to use Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Citing 911Truth.org was just the icing on the cake.
So much for serious discussion, eh? :rolleyes: It's sort of like an NRA proponent talking about how safe guns are and then proceeds to shoot their toes off.

Well done, Aymen.

Loved the added touch of the Illuminati angle. That always makes things so much more credible. :areyoucra

What is so weird is that this thread is about distorted stereotypes about Muslims/Arabs and yet Aymen simply furthers the impression that some Muslims really are highly delusional - and proud of it.

Things that make you scratch your head in disbelief, eh?
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Well-Known Member
unquestionably the most powerful molder of opinion in the world today is the AMERICAN Global media , and especially the Hollywood and the music industry .
Ever since ZIONIST JEWS forcibly established the state of Israel in the land of the Arab PALATINE in 1948(with a great deal of AMERICAN HELP ), as Arabs and Israelians have struggled for control of this land in the year since , Hollywood and the rest of the American mass media have carried out a campaign to disparage Arabs and TARNISH their image .

American motion picture and television which have promoted negative images of non-Caucasians , including native Americans , African Americans Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans since the 1950's have singled out Arabs and Muslims more often than any other ethnic religious group, as objects of hatred
contempt, and derision(because Arabs are the world's most numerous semetic group , this hostitlty against them is literally anti-smetic)

It's possible to create more interesting threads to express one's ignorance.

But quite frankly the profile of Religion: Islam, Location: Egypt and Topic: Filthy Zionists has already been done before.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Ymir was kind enough to point out to me that the movie Lawrence of Arabia had many distortions of the actual history of the period around the times of TE Lawrence. I apologize for my error, and any distraction that it might have caused.

Nonetheless, my underlying point was that Hollywood treats Arabs (for the most part) in a manner similar to the way it does other races.

Aymen - you seem to misread my post, as if I am accusing you of being "against Athiests , agnostics and so on" (sic). In reality, I am accusing you of trying to foment hatred and mistrust of Israel and America, based on ignorance, bigotry, and religious intolerance.

You write that you "don't care what you believe", but the entire reason that you started this thread is to try to sway the opinions of anyone that has the gross misfortune to stumble into it. Despite your claims to the contrary, you (obviously) care very much what others believe.

You would do much more to promote Islam by being truthful and caring for others, rather than openly spouting your hatred and trying to maintain your innocence.



oy! ... i think people here were asking for CREDIBLE sources. such as ...

The US Dept of Justice:

Incidents and Offenses - Hate Crime Statistics, 2008 <--- scroll down to the religious bias :)

The UN website:

Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations <---- where it is stated that the Arab world is united behind the Palestinians, at least until you wipe Israel from off the map. It states that they will go to any lengths necessary and will not stop until goal is accomplished.

Or even the words coming from your own top minds of the Arab world:

How We Can Coexist <---- where they are willing to at least use 9/11 to bully America into not helping Israel ... notice how they keep bringing that up.

OH WAIT! How about the UNRWA??? hmmm??

UNRWA-Donation facts and figures <---- where you can see who it is :):coughs:: America) that donates the most toward the Palestinian refugees. hey, where is YOUR nation on the lists? ;)

oops! didn't know about all this, huh?

our Major News Networks DON'T paint Israel in a pretty light and rather twist what is happening to feed to our masses. Our entertainment makes fun of ALL races and religions. Often Christians get the worst of it. Watch the movie Saved! <--- though being raised in a Christian school, I can testify that there IS much truth in that movie and it is funny (of course, I am not Christian)! WE ALL are targets here when it comes to entertainment. The Jewish are as well. Get over yourself.
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For the OP:

This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs - from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists" - along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypical images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today.

Part 1
YouTube - Hollywood story: Reel bad Arabs (part 1)

Part 2
YouTube - Hollywood story: Reel bad Arabs (part 2)



Bodhisattva in Recovery
For the OP:

This groundbreaking documentary dissects a slanderous aspect of cinematic history that has run virtually unchallenged from the earliest days of silent film to today's biggest Hollywood blockbusters. Featuring acclaimed author Dr. Jack Shaheen, the film explores a long line of degrading images of Arabs - from Bedouin bandits and submissive maidens to sinister sheikhs and gun-wielding "terrorists" - along the way offering devastating insights into the origin of these stereotypical images, their development at key points in US history, and why they matter so much today.

Part 1
YouTube - Hollywood story: Reel bad Arabs (part 1)

Part 2
YouTube - Hollywood story: Reel bad Arabs (part 2)

This underscores my last point. Had Aymen stuck to the facts he might have developed a very interesting thread, but then he descended into the realm of madness and missed his golden opportunity, furthering the negative stereotype of Muslims/Arabs. I doubt that was what he was aiming for.
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