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  • Online Competition Posting FINAL Score


    The MUTRAYG Board and the MUTRAYG Board Moderator are in agreement as to the final score of this most intense competition. The final scores are:

    4consideration - 10
    Badran - 7

    Persuant to the rules established for this event, 4consideration is now busy gloating -- while Badran is busy composing his public plea for the friendship of 4consideration.

    We expect said plea to be posted shortly. We extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you that joined us in this world-wide race.
    Notice to All Online Posting Competition Spectators

    The Make Up The Rules As You Go Board of Online Competition Posting (MUTRAYG Board) is aware that many of you spectators are on the edge of your seats with anticipation as this competition is nearing its completion.

    The competitors are now in the final lap of the race. The score currently stands at:

    4consideration - still ahead at 9 (but occassionally looking back to make sure Badran is still there)
    Badran - still coughing in the dust-cloud created by 4consideration's incredible speed at 7 (but making an impressive come-back and not to be taken lightly as a competitor)

    Now is not the time to leave those seats, folks. The bathroom, something to eat or drink -- even sleep -- can wait. You don't want to miss what promises to be a spectacular finish!
    Ah, I am glad to hear you are ok -- and now sorry that I deleted my witty post, in favor of that edit. I saw her post as soon as I posted my reply and thought something had just happened to you -- and here I was being all nah, nee, nah, nee, boo, boo at you. So I deleted it.

    I shall try again in a bit -- and hopefully make it more witty than the last attempt.
    Sorry to hear about your accident...s! Even if you heal physically I know these things can be traumatic. Hugs
    Please be advised that an official interim count has been completed. This board is completely impartial in its' decision-making and view of all players. As of the writing of this message the current count is:

    4consideration - a whopping and mind blowing 6
    Badran - a meager 2

    For the record, this board recognizes the start of this race to be the posting time of post # 17598 of the Random and Meaningless Announcement thread, which for this poster reflects a date of 6-15-2012, 11:52 am. Times and dates may show differently for some viewers depending upon how this software handles time zones, and possibly whether or not the reader is currently in some other location than where all the really cool people live (US Central Time.)

    Please note that the official count of the MUTRAYG Board becomes final upon verification by the MUTRAYG Board Moderator. Appeals will not be accepted, but the Board may hand out tissues to those in need of a good cry over their loss.
    I think it is 6-2. That is an unofficial count, and not to be considered the official position of the MUTRAYG Board of Online Competition Posting.

    The Board has established times for official post counting, which just so happens to coincide with whenever I darn well feel like it. That helps to insure post counting accuracy. It is a complex system that often involves early morning coffee.

    You shall be notified in due time of the current official post count, which will probably increase between now and then since I am like greased lightning! I hesitate to mention that as Moderator, your asking me for the post count ought to embarass you, but I thought it best to do so in order to spare your feelings.

    But, I see why you would look up to me and wish for me to tell you how it is. That actually shows wisdom on your part. You should, indeed, feel proud.
    And another thing...

    You are not my "enemy." I refuse to call you that. You can't make me!

    You are a "situational opponent." Once the situation has resolved itself, i.e. I have whooped your ***, the door will be open to friendship -- with no obstacles in the way -- except perhaps a wounded ego, which will heal quickly by basking in the glory of achieving the coveted status of my Friend.
    Oh, My! You are a slick one, aren't you? I ALMOST fell for it. But, I'm on to you! You can keep throwing that "conscience" bait in the water all you want -- but I ain't gonna bite.

    Apparently, you are aware that it would go against my own conscience to tell another person to disregard their conscience. Were I to fall for that temptation I would spend the rest of my time feeling guilty for having misguided someone into a direction that would violate their sense of personal integrity. I won't do it. I don't want that distraction.

    I may have been born yesterday -- but I stayed up ALL night.

    You and your conscience are welcome to hang out in the dust cloud created as I zoom past you!
    I just realized that I misread your last message and thought you said "will not be sincere" rather than "will not only be sincere." My response does not significantly change though -- when pigs fly, and I have to submit that plea -- it will be sincere.

    I just stopped by to mention one more thing. In case you are actually counting on using the "I went easy on you because you are a girl" excuse, please be aware that I am -- at this time -- formulating very creative responses to that. I suggest you do not enter such dangerous waters. :)

    Also, I hope that you appreciate that I am far too gracious a player than to point out that -- according to my calculations -- the score is presently 5-0.
    I do think it wise of you to begin working on your plea, but I ask that you do that on your own time and not in lieu of or during game time. I expect it to be creative. How are you at poetry? A sonnet might be nice. I won't be picky, though, as long as it sufficiently sings my praises it should be fine. Perhaps you are better at pleading than racing. We shall see.

    Feel free to unleash the competitive power that is "Badran." I can handle it, provided it contains the honorable good-will that I have observed in your style so far. I do have one point of contension -- in the unlikely event that I find it necessary to compose the plea, I shall do so with the utmost sincerity -- although you can expect it to be really long and it may go slightly overboard. I would also likely often refer back to my own awesomeness while writing about your's.
    Thanks for the frubal. I see you noticed my strategy. En garde! :)

    BTW I understand why you were so bothered by not getting the frubal from Iti's B-
    Day wish. But you don't need to be jealous that he's on my friend's list and you're not -- yet. Although it is quite brilliant that you established a "requirement" for the long, pleading request that you will soon be posting on my page when you lose. You can explain it away as a "requirement." That should make you feel better. ;) :)D)
    أحمد شفيق: تعرف حضرتك إن الأفارقة لغاية النهارده رجال في سن الخمسين و سن الخمسة و أربعين و الأربعين اسمهم جمال عبد الناصر

    :biglaugh: :facepalm: :biglaugh:
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